Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0219341 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Sastry, S. K. Sastry,Sudhir K. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Pathogen inactivation in fresh produce by incorporation of sanitizers into existing operations within the produce chain
1016640 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Azbell, L. Tyner,Mekko COLLEGE OF THE MUSCOGEE NATION OK Experiential Learning: Water and Soil Research
1016285 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Mathers, B. Mathers,Brian HO-CHUNK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION NE HoChunk Harvest Community Foods Implementation Project
0192998 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS McSorley, R. T. McSorley, R. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Effects of Management Practices on Pests, Pathogens, and Beneficial in Soil Ecosystems
1001350 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Storer, W. A. Storer,William A MC NEESE STATE UNIVERSITY LA Education, Economic and Production Enhancement of Beef Cattle Enterprises in Southwest Louisiana
0218974 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Gooby, R. J. Gooby,Richard Indian Nations Conservation Alliance MT Increasing Socially Disadvantaged Native American Farmer and Rancher Participation in USDA Programs and Tribal Conservation Districts
0222557 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Avery, J. L. Avery,Jimmy L. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Southern Regional Aquaculture Center
1020507 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Owensby, K. Owensby,Kelly TRANSPLANTING TRADITIONS COMMUNITY FARM, INC. NC Improving Food Safety Practices for Under-served Asian Refugee Farmers
0218581 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Murphy, J. Murphy,Joni HASKELL INDIAN NATIONS UNIVERSITY KS Culturally Important Plants:New Propagation Techniques for Declining Populations
1015044 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Thompson, D. R. Thompson,Dale Robert UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Student Cross-Training Opportunities for Combining Food and Cybersecurity into an Academic Food Systems Education Program
0190621 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Schaffner, D. W. Schaffner, D. W. RUTGERS UNIVERSITY NJ Reducing risk of Clostridium spp. food poisoning using predictive modeling
1000652 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Moore, S. R. Moore,Sharon R COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Eagle's Nest / Owl's Roost Environmental Discovery Day Camp
0231533 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Briske, D. D. Briske,David D. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Linking Management Decisions with Ecological and Economic Outcomes in Grazed Systems
0222284 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Scott, H. Scott,Harvey Morgan KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Practical interventions to effectively manage antibiotic resistance in beef and dairy cattle systems: a fully integrated approach
1019841 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Turner, S. C. Green,John MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Integrated Activities - Southern Rural Development Center
0190174 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Pearson, C. H. Pearson, C. H. COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Commercial and Strategic Rubber from Crop Plants and Bioreactors
0201063 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Scherm, H. Scherm,Harald W UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Advancing IPM and Reducing Pesticide Risks in Eastern Peaches
1004543 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Keiser, D. A. Keiser,David Andrew IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA The Value of Water Quantity versus Quality: Assessing the Tradeoffs between Agricultural Yields and Downstream Uses of Water Resources
0187906 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ray, D. T. Ray, D. T. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Development of Non-allergenic Latex Products from Guayule
0230894 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Reichel, C. H. Reichel,Claudette Hanks LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Improve Your Home and Prosper - Southern Region Resilient Housing Campaign
0221585 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Bandi, D. E. Bandi, David JACKSON STATE UNIVERSITY MS National Center for Biodefense Communications, Rural Systems, MS
1017746 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Miller, J. G. Miller,Jacob Grant BEAR LAKE ANIMAL HOSPITAL LLC ID Rural practice expansion and growth of veterinary services to the under-served agricultural entities of Idaho in the Bear Lake and Caribou Counties.
0223853 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Schwartz, H. F. Schwartz, H. F. COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Continued Development of the IPM PIPE 2010: Legume PIPE Field and Laboratory Sampling
1024051 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Contreras, D. Contreras,Dawn MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Addressing Rural Opioid Misuse in Michigan Through Evidence-Based Health Education, Telehealth, Distance Learning, and Coalitions
0199574 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Flora, C. B. Good, C. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA North Central Regional Center for Rural Development
1004205 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Iezzoni, A. Iezzoni,Amy MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI RosBREED: Combining disease resistance with horticultural quality in new rosaceous cultivars
0220240 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Sternquist, B. Sternquist, B. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Best Buying Practices
1017216 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hokoana, L. Hokoana,Lui UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII SYSTEMS HI Ka Wai Ola: The Living Waters of Maui
0223484 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Lamie, R. D. Lamie, R. D. CLEMSON UNIVERSITY COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SC Building Entrepreneurial, Business Management, and Land Stewardship Capacity for South Carolina New and Beginning Farmers
1023593 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Parr, J. B. Parr,Jessica Beckett CCOF FOUNDATION CA A Multi-state Initiative to Support Organic Food Processors with Food Safety Compliance