Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1017076 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Cartmill, A. Cartmill,Andrew UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - PLATTEVILLE WI UW-Platteville: Sustainable Intensification of Agro-ecosystems
1017102 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Schauer, J. SCHAUER,JAMES J UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI National Atmospheric Deposition Program
1017115 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bass, C. Bass,Casie UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - RIVER FALLS WI Maternal Recognition of Pregnancy (MRP) in Mares: Is the Uterine Epithelial Sodium Channel (ENaC) Receptor Involved?
1017183 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Frechette, B. Frechette,Brandon Leigh COLLEGE OF MENOMINEE NATION WI Youth Heritage Program
1017407 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Smith, D. L. Smith,Damon Lee UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI A multi-pronged approach to controlling Sclerotinia stem rot
1020255 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Endelman, J. B. Endelman,Jeffrey UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Creating a new paradigm for potato breeding based on true seed
1020528 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS SILVA, E. M. SILVA,ERIN UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Organic Alternatives to Conventional Celery Powder as a Meat Curing Agent
1020706 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Mrdutt, K. Schott,Lynae Ellen FOOD ARMOR FOUNDATION INC WI Food Armor® Veterinary Student Educational and Outreach Program: Building on-farm Antimicrobial Stewardship plans
1020845 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Tussler, S. Tussler,Sherrie HUNGER TASK FORCE, INC. WI Hunger Task Force Fresh & Local Markets
1020893 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Tiles, K. Tiles,Kristen UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Building Extension Capacity Around Legacy Planning for Woodland Owners
1021520 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Caldwell, C. Edler,Rebecca COLLEGE OF MENOMINEE NATION WI Indicators of Menominee forest responses to climate change
1022489 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Busch, D. Busch,Dennis UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - PLATTEVILLE WI Approaching zero: reducing water contamination and greenhouse gas emissions from Midwest farms
1022615 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kowalkowski, B. Kowalkowski,Brian COLLEGE OF MENOMINEE NATION WI Menominee Rematriation Research Project
1022624 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kutka, F. J. Kutka,Frank COLLEGE OF MENOMINEE NATION WI Laying the Foundation of a Sustainable Indigenous Food System
1022711 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kutka, F. Kutka,Frank COLLEGE OF MENOMINEE NATION WI Survey of Edible Plant Species on the Menominee Reservation
1023258 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kraus, G. Kraus,Gail MILWAUKEE PUBLIC SCHOOLS WI Food Science: Laboratories in Action
1023384 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Klingler, R. Klingler,Rebekah ALVERNO COLLEGE WI Alverno College: Establishing a Pipeline of Student Experience and Leadership Development in Sustainable Agriculture
1023494 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Dawson, J. C. Dawson,Julie UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Collaborative plant breeding network development for organic systems in the Upper Midwest
1023523 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Klos, L. Klos,Lori UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN SYSTEM WI Fueling a diverse workforce: a post-secondary inter-institutional approach to nutrition and dietetics education in Milwaukee County
1023646 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Mrdutt, K. Schott,Lynae Ellen FOOD ARMOR FOUNDATION INC WI Food Armor Veterinary Student Educational Program Expansion: Reaching more food animal students and early graduate veterinarians across the United States
1023710 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Pokorny, K. Quam,Bailey WISCONSIN VETERINARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION INC WI Building a Veterinary Medical Mastermind: Leaning on each other to improve professional development skills
1023727 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Mickelson, A. Mickelson,Abagail LEADING EDGE VETERINARY SERVICES LLC WI (WI203)Funding from the veterinary services grant program will be utilized at our rural, mixed-animal veterinary practice to enhance and expand our large animal veterinary services.
1023805 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Johnson, T. Larson,Sarah UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN SYSTEM WI Using Comprehensive Financial Technical Assistance to Increase Capital Infusion for Beginning Farmers
1024046 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Litzau, C. Litzau,Christopher GREAT LAKES COMMUNITY CONSERVATION CORPS, INC. WI Equipping Veterans for Pathways to Employment in the Farm-to-Table Agribusiness Continuum in Southeastern Wisconsin
1024063 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS BAUER-ARMSTRONG, C. L. BAUER-ARMSTRONG,CHERYL L UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Wisconsin Land-Grant System Partnership for Advancing Native Education Pathways
1024272 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Langworthy, L. Stern,Lori MIDWEST ORGANIC AND SUSTAINABLE EDUCATION SERVICE WI MOSES Farmer Advancement Program - COVID Supplemental Funding
1024281 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Gollnow, M. Kowalkowski,Brian COLLEGE OF MENOMINEE NATION WI College of Menominee Nation Micro-credentialing Extension Program
1024306 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Marlow, A. Worthing,Aundrea LAC COURTE OREILLES OJIBWA COMMUNITY COLLEGE WI “Weshki niigaanizijig: New Leaders into the Future”
1024352 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Yang, C. Yang,Ching-Hong UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN SYSTEM WI Virulence Inhibitors As Antibiotic Alternatives In Fire Blight Management