Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0190411 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Workman, S. R. Workman, S. R. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY Cattle Production Practices in Grazed Watersheds of the Humid Region
0214194 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Workman, S. R. Workman, S. R. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY International Education and Training for Food, Fiber, and Energy Production
0220376 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Worku, M. Worku,Millie NORTH CAROLINA A&T STATE UNIV NC Agricultural Systems Engineering - Fellowship Program
1015207 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Worthen, D. Worthen,Dreamal FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL Apalachicola Fire Station Incubator/Accelerator Project
1016973 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Marlow, A. Worthing,Aundrea LAC COURTE OREILLES OJIBWA COMMUNITY COLLEGE WI Ojibwe Cultural Education: Harvesting, Processing, and Consuming Natural Resources Sustainably
1024306 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Marlow, A. Worthing,Aundrea LAC COURTE OREILLES OJIBWA COMMUNITY COLLEGE WI “Weshki niigaanizijig: New Leaders into the Future”
1020252 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Worthington, M. Worthington,Margaret UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Research and extension needs assessment for the U.S. blackberry industry
1010456 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wortman, S. Wortman,Sam UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Leveraging Management To Speed Degradation Of Bio-Based Mulches In Soil
1023776 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wortman, S. Wortman,Samuel UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE A Biobased Mulch Innovation for Organic Spinach and Carrots
0222785 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wright, A. N. Wright,Amy AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Creating Virtual Nursery Trips to Improve On-Campus and Distance Education in Nursery Production
1006139 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS James, A. M. Wright,Ashton Potter BLUE GRASS COMMUNITY FOUNDATION KY The Bluegrass Double Dollars Pilot Program
1004119 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wright, G. Wright,Glen FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL Expanding Animal Systems with Emphasis on Veterinary Medicine and Veterinary Technology
0229395 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wright, J. C. Wright,Jifunza Charlene Alda Black Oaks Center for Sustainable Renewable Living IL Rotating Apprenticeships Farmer Training in Chicago
0215160 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wright, K. Wright,Kevin WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION WA Operation: Military Kids - Ready, Set, Go! Project
1014167 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wright, M. G. Wright,Mark UNIV OF HAWAII HI IPM extension and implementation, Hawaii
1027153 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wright, M. Wright,Mark UNIV OF HAWAII HI Hawaii statewide implementation of pest management information through extension activities
1032893 NEW OTHER GRANTS Wright, M. Wright,Mark UNIV OF HAWAII HI Integrated Pest Management Extension Implementation For Hawaii
1032762 NEW OTHER GRANTS Wright, M. Wright,Matthew SANDHILLS VETERINARY CLINIC, P.C. NE NE242 Sandhills Veterinary Clinic, P.C: Veterinary Services Rural Practice Project
1028690 NEW OTHER GRANTS Wright, T. Wright,Timothy NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY NM Prepping for Disaster Ecology: HSI-based training for managing climate change impacts on migratory birds
0222542 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wrinkle, N. Wrinkle,Nancy Northeastern Illinois University IL CREAR: Collaboration and Retention in Environmental and Agricultural Research
1010638 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Critzer, F. J. Wszelaki,Annette UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE EXTENSION TN Bridging the Gap: Effective Risk Mitigation Through Adoption of Agricultural Water Treatment Systems
0218286 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wu, Q. Wu, Q. LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Thermoplastics Composites Reinforced with Natural Fibers and Inorganic Nano-Particles
1020384 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wu, B. WU,BULAN UNIVERSITY OF GUAM UOG STATION GU Improvement of Tropical Agriculture and Food Science Research at the University of Guam
1031279 NEW OTHER GRANTS WU, B. WU,BULAN UNIVERSITY OF GUAM UOG STATION GU RIIA: Developing Multidisciplinary Research Opportunities at the University of Guam
0228632 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wu, J. Wu,JunJie OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR OSU-UC Davis Partnership For Agricultural and Resource Policy Research
1027536 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wu, V. C. Wu,Vivian C.H. AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE CA Prevention of Pathogen Contamination in Agriculture Water in the Lettuce Production Continuum
0208834 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wu, V. Wu,Vivian Chi-Hua UNIVERSITY OF MAINE ME An Interdisciplinary Approach to Reducing Patulin in Food Through Novel Sensor Development, Fungal Identification and New Processing Methods
1018068 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wu, Y. Wu,Ying TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Microencapsulation for target delivery of antibiotic alternatives to enhance poultry performance
1031891 NEW OTHER GRANTS Wu, Y. Wu,Ying TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN An In-Depth Elucidation Of The Correlation Between Dietary Fiber And Gut Microbiota