Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0210552 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Santerre, C. Josh Butts PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Fish Consumption that will Reduce Mercury Intake While Optimizing Long-Chain Omega-3 Fatty Acid Intake
1013682 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS McCuistion, K. C. Mast,Natasha L. TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY- KINGSVILLE TX Advancing LEADERS 2 the Doctorate (LEADERS: Learning, Enhancing, and Developing Experiential Research Skills)
0215473 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zeman, D. H. Zeman, D. H. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD NAHLN: SD (National Animal Health Lab Network: South Dakota)
0230452 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Whittaker, W. Whittaker,Wesley ALCORN STATE UNIVERSITY MS Increasing Experiential Learning Opportunities in Rural Development and Food Security Programs and Projects
0185527 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Johnson, G. D. Johnson, G. D. MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Pacific Northwest Regional Canola Research Program
1013100 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Terry, K. Terry,Kathlyn APPALACHIAN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT VA Building a Regional Coalition in the Heart of Appalachia to Enhance Beginning Farmer Education with Experience in the Field
0215071 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Lee, C. S. Lee, C. S. OCEANIC INSTITUTE MAKAPUU POINT HI Regional Aquaculture Center - Center for Tropical and Subtropical Aquaculture
0229992 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Mock, R. E. Mock,Richard E. Rollins Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory NC NAHLN: NC
1016869 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Rhoades, R. Rhoades,Ryan COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Expanding Benchmarking and Financial Analysis to Ranches in the West
0219708 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS McNaughton, T. McNaughton, T. APPALACHIAN NATIVE PLANTS, INC. TN Johnson County Community Food Assessment and Planning Project
1012548 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Montgomery, M. Montgomery,Marcy Heritage Ranch, Inc. HI Same Canoe Local Food Challenge
0214355 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hayes, D. J. Good, C. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Agricultural Trade Analysis
0229309 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Bryan, A. Rauscher,Anne Greater Lansing Food Bank MI Lansing Roots: Beginning Farmer Training Program
1016594 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Moreira, M. C. MOREIRA,MARIA C WORLD FARMERS, INC. MA Farm Transition and Business Planning for Beginning Immigrant and Refugee Farmers through Farmer to Farmer Mentorship
0219300 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Seem, R. C. Burr, T. J. N Y AGRICULTURAL EXPT STATION NY Planning to Expand the New Knowledge Fusion Model: Spurring Innovations for Specialty Crops
1015978 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Mason, A. Larsen,Kelly Chicago Horticultural Society IL Windy City Harvest: Connecting Urban Farmers and Healthcare Providers to Improve Community Health
1001245 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS CHEN, G. Chen,Guibing NORTH CAROLINA A&T STATE UNIV NC Development of Wheat Bread Enriched with Microfluidized Corn and Oat Brans
0192835 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Sheaffer, C. C. Sheaffer, C. C. UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Integrated Weed and Soil Management Options for Organic Cropping Systems in Minnesota
0218926 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hoover, K. Hoover, K. PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Phytosanitary Treatment to Methyl Bromide Fumigation for Wood in World Trade
1020479 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Brownell, K. Brownell,Kelly DUKE UNIVERSITY NC Project Title: Black North Carolina Youth Pipeline To Food & Agriculture-Driven Health Improvement
0222543 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Morano, L. D. Morano,Lisa Deane University of Houston-Downtown TX Rocks to Wine: Connecting Urban Education and Research with the Texas Wine Industry
1015011 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Crocker, E. V. Crocker,Ellen Veronica UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY Development of an Urban and Community Forestry Undergraduate Certificate
0218456 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Chambers, E. Chambers, E. KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Understanding International Consumer Needs and Testing Strategies for Food Product Development
1000535 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS PENDSE, H. PENDSE,HEMANT UNIVERSITY OF MAINE ME SELF: Sustainable Energy Leaders of the Future - Connecting Rural Women to STEM Careers
0190535 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Rangarajan, A. Decker, D. J. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Northeast Organic Network: Enhancing Farm Viability Through Organic Agriculture
0231383 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hardegree, S. P. Hardegree,Stuart Patrick N W WATERSHED RESEARCH CENTER ID Weather Data and Forecasting Applications for Management of Ecological Site Transitions
1019778 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Westerhold, A. Hatzenbuehler,Patrick UNIV OF IDAHO ID Diversifying Farm Financial Benchmarking with Pacific Northwest and Intermountain Regional Data
0222265 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Tanaka, K. Tanaka,Keiko UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY Globalizing Agricultural Education: Sustainable Agriculture, Food, and Rural Development
0190145 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Francis, D. M. Francis, D. M. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Improving the Efficiency of Processing Tomato Production: Managing Color Disorders
1004502 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wiman, N. G. Wiman,Nik G OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Planning Grant to develop research and Extension priorities for brown marmorated stink bug in western US specialty crops