Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1000886 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Busch, D. Busch,Dennis UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - PLATTEVILLE WI Production Agriculture Systems: Closing the gap in monitoring and on-farm learning opportunities
1000966 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Luther, J. Luther,Justin UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - RIVER FALLS WI Strategies to Improve Reproductive Performance in the US Beef Cattle Industry
1002301 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS PHANEUF, D. J. PHANEUF,DANIEL J UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI A graduate program in resource economics at the University of Wisconsin - Adaptation to climate change and policy
1002725 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Allen, E. Allen,Erika GROWING POWER, INC. WI Farmers for Chicago: Accelerating the Next Generation of Urban and Local Food Entrepreneurs
1003097 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Fellman, D. Caldwell,Christopher COLLEGE OF MENOMINEE NATION WI Walking the Path: Creating Applied Linkages
1003288 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kowalkowski, B. Kowalkowski,Brian COLLEGE OF MENOMINEE NATION WI CMN Extension Capacity Building Project
1003586 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Marlow, A. Marlow,Amber LAC COURTE OREILLES OJIBWA COMMUNITY COLLEGE WI Sharing and Utilizing Ojibwe Environmental Knowledge and Practices
1003679 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Cadotte, J. Cadotte,Jennifer LAC COURTE OREILLES OJIBWA COMMUNITY COLLEGE WI Bridging the Gap and Sharing Our Stories
1003711 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Moser, K. Radomski,Eric MILWAUKEE PUBLIC SCHOOLS WI Growing Vincent Ag Phase I
1003997 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Tracy, W. F. Tracy,William F UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Organic Agriculture Research Symposium
1004200 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS COLQUHOUN, J. B. Colquhoun,Jed B. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Innovative IPM outreach programming to enhance IPM adoption in Wisconsin agronomic and specialty crops
1004488 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Undersander, D. Undersander,Daniel UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI The Effect of Hay Rake Type on Ash Content of Alfalfa Hay
1004565 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Combs, D. K. Combs,David K UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Using a new in vitro method and fiber model (TTNDFD) to improve estimates of digestibility of alfalfa for dairy cattle
1005113 NEW OTHER GRANTS Allen, W. Allen,Will GROWING POWER, INC. WI Intensive Farmer Training with a Focus on Socially Disadvantaged Beginning Farmers
1005316 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Tomandl, J. Tomandl,Joseph GrassWorks, Inc. WI Dairy Grazing Apprenticeship: A National Program for Training New Dairy Farmers
1006069 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Reddy, R. Reddy,Rami UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - PLATTEVILLE WI Developing Tomorrow`s Agribusiness Leaders Through the Creation of the Pioneer Undergraduate Research & Commodities Education (PURCE) Lab
1006265 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS White, J. M. White,James M. UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - RIVER FALLS WI Capital Investment Decisions and Industry Structure in Wisconsin Dairy Farms
1006984 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Bauer, R. Bauer,Robert SOUTHWEST BADGER RESOURCE CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL, INCORPORATED WI A Pathway to Livestock Farming: Providing Access to Land and A Guiding Hand
1007021 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Padgham, J. Padgham,Jody MIDWEST ORGANIC AND SUSTAINABLE EDUCATION SERVICE WI New Organic Stewards: Expanding Community, Resources and Financial Knowledge
1007023 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Marlow, A. Marlow,Amber LAC COURTE OREILLES OJIBWA COMMUNITY COLLEGE WI Nutritional Analysis of Pasture Raised versus Grain Fed Hogs
1007158 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Dawson, J. C. Dawson,Julie C UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI The Student Organic Seed Symposium: Supporting and educating future leaders in organic seed and plant breeding
1007193 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Silva, E. M. Silva,Erin M UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Organic Grain Resources And Information Network (OGRAIN): Supporting beginning organic grain growers in the Upper Midwest
1007225 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Keim, A. Keim,Ann UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Addressing Cancer Health Disparities in Rural Wisconsin Through Education and Building Community Capacity for Action
1007378 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Leverenz, P. Leverenz,Paul EASTER SEALS WISCONSIN INC WI Securing Beginning Farmers Through Succession Planning Project
1007620 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Sanford, S. A. Sanford,Scott A UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Essential Oil Extraction process engineering for improved energy efficiency
1008748 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Busch, D. Busch,Dennis UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - PLATTEVILLE WI Incorporating Dairy Livestock into Agroecosystem Research: Grazing Responsibly for a Sustainable Tomorrow
1008768 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Newman, Y. Newman,Yoana UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - RIVER FALLS WI Forage and Soil Instrumentation for Educational Programs
1008842 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Coleman Wasik, J. Coleman Wasik,Jill UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - RIVER FALLS WI A multi-generational approach to increasing the resilience of agricultural, natural, and social landscapes
1009402 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Tussler, S. Tussler,Sherrie HUNGER TASK FORCE, INC. WI Hunger Task Force Fresh Picks Mobile Market