Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1013692 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Peacock, M. D. Peacock,Melissa Dawn NORTHWEST INDIAN COLLEGE WA New Discovery Research: Passive Monitoring of Marine Biotoxins in the Salish Sea
1024490 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Peacock, M. D. Peacock,Melissa Dawn NORTHWEST INDIAN COLLEGE WA Testing Reality: The validation of passive sampling methods and real-world monitoring for Paralytic Shellfish Toxins
0196188 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Perez-Alegria, L. R. Perez-Alegria, L. R. UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO PR Improving Math and Science Performance in the College of Agriculture
0231117 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Perkins, D. F. Perkins,Daniel Francis PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA DoDEA Building the Capacity of School Staff to Support Students of Military Service Members
1011206 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Perkins, D. F. Perkins,Daniel Francis PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Clearinghouse for Military Family Readiness at Penn State
1014449 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Perkins, D. F. Perkins,Daniel Francis PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Air Force Medical Operation Agency (AFMOA) Mental Health Division Research Project
1014456 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Perkins, D. F. Perkins,Daniel Francis PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program Curriculum Development & Metrics
1027504 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Perkins, D. F. Perkins,Daniel Francis PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Clearinghouse for Military Family Readiness
1027894 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Perkins, D. F. Perkins,Daniel Francis PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Army Relocation Readiness Program Evaluation
1024273 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Perkins, J. Perkins,Jamie UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Delivering a Comprehensive Food Safety Database to Support Early Career Veterinarians in Rural, Large Animal Practice as an Amazon Alexa Skill
1015629 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Perry, R. Perry,Ruby TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY AL Enhancing Diversity Among Food Animal Veterinarians
1026977 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Peter, K. A. Peter,Kari Anne PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Resolving inoculum sources and evaluating alternatives to mitigate postharvest diseases, food losses, and mycotoxin contamination in apple
1015941 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Peters Moschetti, W. Peters Moschetti,Wendy LIVE WELL COLORADO CO Double Up Food Bucks Colorado: Sustainability, Expansion, and Innovation Project
1024400 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Peters Moschetti, W. Peters Moschetti,Wendy LIVE WELL COLORADO CO Double Up Food Bucks Colorado: Comprehensive Expansion Project
1024594 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Peters, D. Peters,Donald MASHPEE WAMPANOAG TRIBE MA KutahsamĂ´mun Musunune8ak: Feeding the People A Community Food Project
1003479 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Peterson, J. Peterson,Jim BLACKFEET COMMUNITY COLLEGE MT Experiential Learning at Blackfeet Community College
1028970 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Peterson, J. Peterson,Jim BLACKFEET COMMUNITY COLLEGE MT Experiential Learning at Blackfeet Community College
1026772 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Phillips, T. W. Phillips,Thomas W KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Multi-Tactic Strategies to Manage Arthropod Pests of Dry-Cured Pork
1029024 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Philpott, S. Philpott,Stacy UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT SANTA CRUZ CA Scaling-up and Integrating Undergraduate Organic Agriculture Education Across UC Flagship Campuses and UC Agriculture & Natural Resources
1027684 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS PICCIANO, L. PICCIANO,Lorette RURAL COALITION DC Sustaining Rural Communities through Beginning Farmer Mentorship, Training and Marketing
0220111 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Pickard,J Pickard,Jeremy Eastern Iowa Community College District IA Increasing the number of Agriculture-based Renewable Energy Technicians
0219938 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Pickford, R. Pickford, R. THE CORPORATION FOR FINDLAY MARKET OF CINCINNATI OH Cultivating Healthy Entrepreneurs and Farmers
1027442 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kersten, M. Pierce,Jane NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY NM Expanding IPM Extension and Education in New Mexico
1026945 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Christopher-Hennings, J. Pillatzki,Angela SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD NAHLN: Cooperative project with Animal Disease Research & Diagnostics Laboratory (ADRDL) as a Level 1 Laboratory for FY2021
1023811 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Van Dis, K. Pistacchi-Peck,Ann HIGH DESERT FOOD & FARM ALLIANCE OR Enhancing the Success and Viability of Beginning Farmers and Ranchers in Central Oregon
1026039 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Pitula, J. Pitula,Joseph S University of Maryland Eastern Shore MD Understanding per and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS): occurrence, fate and transport in plants and their impact on plant-insect interactions
1027155 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Plewa, D. Plewa,Diane UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL Illinois State-Based Integrated Pest Management Program
1029074 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Pliler, G. S. Pliler,Gregory S IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Rural Behavioral Health Resilience Zone Initiative: A Science-Driven Community Outreach Approach
1006251 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Poland, W. Poland,Woodrow (Chip) DICKINSON STATE UNIVERSITY ND Building The Educational Capacity Necessary To Support Small Scale, Sustainable, Specialty Crop Alternatives In The Northern Great Plains
1028875 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Poleatewich, A. Poleatewich,Anissa UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE NH Responding To Industry Challenges In Soilless Media: Assessment Of Disease Threats And Biofungicide Efficacy In Wood Substrates