Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1027240 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Krull, J. Krull,Jayne AGRICULTURE, TRADE AND CONSUMER PROTECTION, WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF WI Expanding and Promoting Wisconsin`s Farmer Mental Health Resources
1027061 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Critz, M. Critz,Mark PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE PA Expanding and Increasing Mental Health Services to Pennsylvania's Agriculture Community
1031214 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Simonsen, J. Simonsen,Jon UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Expanding a diverse database to aid in making high risk decisions under volatile profit margins and adoptions of climate smart technologies
1027075 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Harris, B. S. Harris,Bom Spina OLD DOMINION VETERINARY SERVICES, LLC VA Expand and Enhance Critical Food Animal Veterinary Services to Shortage Region VA215
1029049 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hart, C. Hart,Charlene UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA NV Excellence in Research and Extension Awardees Travel Support
1027279 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Egan, S. P. Egan,Scott P. RICE UNIVERSITY TX Evolution as a Monitoring Tool: Field Surveys and Experimental Genomics Track the Dispersal of Genetically Engineered Crops in Streams
0211295 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Orozco, S. OROZCO,SAMUEL G. Tohono O`odham Community Action (TOCA) AZ Everything in the Desert Connects II Extension 2010-2011
0207986 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Buseck, P. Oorzco,Samuel G. Tohono O`odham Community Action (TOCA) AZ Everything in the Desert Connects II - Education 2009 - 2010
1021999 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ezekwe, M. O. Ezekwe,Michael Obi ALCORN STATE UNIVERSITY MS Evaluation of Under-Utilized Tree Crop, R heudelotii (Tropical oilseed ) as a Functional Feed for Production of Omega-3 Enriched Pork
1021756 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Marshall, R. Marshall,Renita SOUTHERN UNIV LA Evaluation of the effects of diverse forage systems on the reproductive efficiency of goats in southeastern Louisiana
1020478 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Dutta, B. Dutta,Bhabesh UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Evaluation of integrated bacterial disease management options for organic onion production in southeastern and northcentral United States
1026089 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Siddiqui, R. A. Siddiqui,Rafat A VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY VA Evaluation of ginger varieties for promoting its cultivation and consumption for preventing obesity
1025991 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Dumenyo, K. Dumenyo,Korsi TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Evaluation of biological Control agents for Phytophthora capsici disease management and Plant Growth Promotion in pepper and tomato
1004118 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bolques, A. Bolques,Alejandro FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL Evaluation and Demostration of Protective Structures for Year Round Production of Fresh-Market Vegetables in the Florida Panhandle
1031468 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Gazis-Seregina, R. Gazis-Seregina,Romina UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Evaluating the Potential Expansion and Diversification of the Dragon Fruit Industry in North America
1027241 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Gao, Y. Gao,Ying MIDDLE TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Evaluating disease prevention methods for organic American ginseng production in Appalachia, an integrated research, education, and extension approach
1017123 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kannan, G. Kannan,Govind FORT VALLEY STATE UNIVERSITY GA Establishment of the FVSU Center for Agricultural Innovation and Entrepreneurship
0220309 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Anoruo, F. Anoruo,Florence CLAFLIN UNIVERSITY SC Establishment of an Agricultural/Biofuel Feed Stock Research Field Station in Orangeburg County
1026033 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Castro, L. Castro,Luis CAL POLY CORPORATION CA Establishment of a Fermented Beverages Laboratory for Enhancing Education and Research in Fermentation Science
1024386 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ligrani, R. Lerner,Jennifer CORNELL COOPERATIVE EXTENSION OF PUTNAM COUNTY NY Establishing the Putnam County Food System Coalition to Conduct a Community Food Assessment
1026062 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Rahman, M. A. Agarwal,Meenakshi - FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL Establishing Gene Editing Technology to Develop Seedless Muscadine Table Grape
1018390 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hartman, K. Hartman,Kerry FORT BERTHOLD COMMUNITY COLLEGE ND Establishing Best Practices to Maximize Yield of the Culturally Relevant Amelanchier (Juneberry)
1029204 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Berti, M. Berti,Marisol NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND Establishing Alfalfa in Intercropping with Sunflower and Sorghum to Improve Alfalfa Yield and Profitability
1028672 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Liu, P. Liu,Pei UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Establishing a food safety model farm as a training center to advance food safety for Hmong farmers in Missouri
1027613 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Handley, D. Handley,David UNIVERSITY OF MAINE ME Equipping New Farmers with Practical Skills and Knowledge
1026002 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Schroeder, K. J. Van Allen,Jason TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY TX Equine-Assisted Positively Fit: A Family-based Obesity Intervention for Rural Youth
0220447 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Stone, A. Stone, A. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION SERVICE OR eOrganic: the National Online Information, Training, and Networking System for Organic Agriculture
0201353 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Sriharan, S. Sriharan, S. VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY VA Environmental Science: Curriculum Development, Teacher Preparation and Recruitment of Community College and High School Students
0201106 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Sandal, J. Sandal, J. FOND DU LAC TRIBAL AND COMMUNITY COLLEGE MN Environmental Science Delivery Project FY 2004