Project Listing

Sponsoring Agency:USDA - NIFA

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Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0213897 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Paterson, J. A. Harbac, M. MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Sustainable Beef Supply, Montana
0213889 EXTENDED SPECIAL GRANT Pollak, E. J. Hoffmann, M. P. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY National Beef Cattle Evaluation Consortium
0213887 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Hamm, M. W. Conner, D. S. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Sustainable Agriculture 2008: Developing Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems
0213886 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Hollingworth, R. M. Hollingworth, R. M. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Interregional Research Project No. 4: Minor Crop Pest Management Program for the North Central Region
0213885 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Isaacs, R. Isaacs, R. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Integrating fruitworm control strategies to prepare blueberry producers for FQPA restrictions
0213884 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Houtz, R. Ingram, D. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY New Crop Opportunities, KY, Phase IX
0213869 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Skinner, M. Skinner,Margaret UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Fungi, Predatory Mites and Habitat Plants for Thrips IPM in Greenhouse Ornamentals
0213862 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT smiley, S. Smiley, S. UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA AK Alternative Salmon Products Special Grants FY 2008
0213857 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Roe, R. M. Roe, R. M. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Novel Feeding Disruption Assay for Monitoring Insecticide Resistance in Adult Lepidoptera
0213856 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Craven, R. H. Craven, R. H. UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Uniform Farm Management Program
0213850 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Green, J. D. Green, J. D. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY Integrated Weed Management Strategies to Increase Pasture Productivity
0213846 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Hill, C. B. Hill, C. B. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL Inheritance of Virulence in the Soybean Aphid
0213845 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Lamb, G. C. Lamb, G. C. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Feed Efficiency in Cattle
0213836 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Munkvold, G. P. Good, C. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Impact, interactions, and management of the Fusarium root rot complex in soybeans
0213831 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Dabson, B. Dabson, B. UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Rural Policies Institute, NE, IA, MO
0213826 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Burand, J. P. Burand, J. P. UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Development and Implementation of Diagnostic Tools to Assess Bee Colony Health
0213819 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Watson, D. W. Watson, W. E. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Push-Pull Fly Management For Deep Bedded Swine Barns
0213818 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Sprague, C. L. Sprague, C. L. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Winter Annual Weed Seed Fate in No-Till Cropping Systems
0213817 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Huang, F. Huang, F. LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Enhancing Sustainable Use of Transgenic Bt-Corn Through Resistance Management for the Mid-Southern Region of the United States
0213816 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Kokini, J. L. Kokini, J. L. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL Illinois-Missouri Alliance for Biotechnology, IL & MO
0213815 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Hamilton, G. Hamilton, G. RUTGERS UNIVERSITY NJ Development of Novel Application Technology for the Control of the Asian Tiger Mosquito in Urban Environments
0213804 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Soderlund, D. M. Burr, T. J. N Y AGRICULTURAL EXPT STATION NY Northeast Region Center for the IR-4 Minor Crop Pest Management Program
0213801 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Rathge, R. Rathge, R. NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND Regional Center for Rural Development in North Dakota
0213800 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Silverman, J. Silverman, J. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Argentine ant IPM in the urban landscape with food source reductions and baits
0213763 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Stiegert, K. Stiegert, K. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Food System Research Group: "The Organization Regulation and Performance of the US Food System
0213734 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Wright, R. J. Wright, R. J. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Improved monitoring techniques and EILs for western bean cutworm on field corn
0212551 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Cantliffe, D. J. Cantliffe, D. J. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Evaluating Protected Agriculture to Reduce Virus Incidence in Caribbean-Pepper Production
0212207 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Phillips, T. Phillips,Thomas W KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Pest Management Strategies for Stored Products: Raw Grain and Value-Added Foods
0211931 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT VanKirk, J. R. VanKirk, J. R. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Continued Development and Maintenance of the Expert Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Decision Support System
0211857 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Fisher, G. C. Fisher, G. C. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Integrated Management of Mite Pests and Powdery Mildew Diseases on Perennial Hosts