Project Listing

Sponsoring Agency:USDA - NIFA

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Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0208791 NEW OTHER GRANTS Breshears, D. D. Breshears,David D. UNIV OF ARIZONA AZ Ecohydrological Training to Address Semiarid Forest Ecosystem Health and Restoration
0208790 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Byrne, P. F. Byrne, P. F. COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Crops for Health: Applying Plant Genomics for Human Health Benefits
0208785 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wang, D. Wang, D. THE RUBENSTEIN SCHOOL OF ENVIRON & NATURAL RESOURCES VT Multicultural Fellows: Developing the Next Generation of Conservation Leaders at the University of Vermont
0208784 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Earle, E. D. Earle, E. D. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Advancing Crop Improvement Through Integration of New Technologies
0208783 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Coussens, P. M. Coussens, P. M. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Functional Genomics in Animal and Veterinary Science
0208782 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Fletcher, J. A. Fletcher, J. A. OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY OK Capacity Building for National Agricultural Biosecurity: The Emerging Discipline of Agricultural Microbial Forensics
0208781 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS James, H. S. Harvey James UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Balancing Agricultural Economics for A Sustainable Agriculture National Needs Fellowship
0208763 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Bernardo, R. Bernardo, R. UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Educating Tomorrow's Plant Breeders: From Genomes to Cultivars
0208758 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Stark, J. D. Stark, J. D. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA The Grand Fir Twig Borer, Argyresthia sp., a New Pest of Christmas Trees in the Pacific Northwest
0208732 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wilcke, J. R. Wilcke, J. R. VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Approaches to Terminology Services Required for the National Animal Health Laboratory Network (NAHLN)
0208714 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Baron, J. J. Baron, J. J. RUTGERS UNIVERSITY NJ Update the Number and Location of Crop Field Trials in the USA
0208607 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Bohach, G. A. Bohach, G. A. UNIV OF IDAHO ID FY2006 Canola Research - Pacific Northwest Region
0208605 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Catlett, L. Fowler, J. NEW MEXICO STATE UNIV NM Joe Skeen Institute for Rangeland Restoration
0208533 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hughes, S. G. Hughes, S. G. CHEYNEY UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PA Research to Improve the Culture and Availability of Fishes with Economic Importance to Pennsylvania
0208498 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Bezerra, J. A. Joe A. Bezerra CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURAL TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE CA California State University Agricultural Research Initiative Federal Funding Initiative (FFI)
0208489 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Batterson, T. Batterson, T. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Support for National NADA Coordinator
0208468 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Torgerson,D,L Torgerson,Don Lee NEBRASKA INDIAN COMMUNITY COLLEGE NE NICC-Native Road Educational Model-Tribal Colleges Education Equity Grants Program 2006-2009
0208457 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Corbin, M. Corbin,Marilyn Ann PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Diabetes Detection and Prevention Project
0208441 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Clatterbuck, W. Clatterbuck, W. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN The National Learning Center for Private Forest and Range Landowners 2006
0208439 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Matsushima, S. T. Matsushima, S. T. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ALLIANCE OF HAWAII HI Regional Economic Transition Assistance II (RETAH II)
0208414 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Bauder, J. Holly Sessoms MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION SERVICE MT Reducing Irrigation Return Flow Contributions to Rural Drinking Water Supply and Drainage to the Yellowstone River
0208396 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Finley, J. C. Unger, R. L. PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Understanding the Concepts and Practices of Sustainable Forest Management
0208366 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Klemme, R. M. Klemme,Richard M. UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - EXTENSION WI Agricultural and Entrepreneurship Education, WI
0208327 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Spalding, R. F. Spalding, R. F. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Effectiveness of Irrigated Crop Management Practices in Reducing Groundwater Nitrate Concentrations
0208286 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Chen, H. Larson, C. UNIV OF ARIZONA AZ Foot-and-Mouth Disease BioPortal
0208277 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Turco, R. F. Turco, R. F. PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Watershed-Scale Evaluation of BMP Effectiveness and Acceptability: Eagle Creek Watershed, Indiana
0208264 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Thurmond, M. C. Thurmond, M. C. UNIV OF CALIFORNIA (VET-MED) CA Global Surveillance for Genomic Variation in Foot-and-Mouth Disease Viruses via Foot-and-Mouth Disease BioPortal
0208258 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Klemme, R. M. Klemme, R. M. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Urban Horticulture
0208251 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Anantheswaran, R. C. Unger, R. L. PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA The Role of Food, Physical Activity and Environment in Combatting Obesity: Small Changes: Big Differences
0208249 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Finley, J. C. Unger, R. L. PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Research, Extension, and Education Leadership for the Roundtable on Sustainable Forests