Project Listing

Sponsoring Agency:USDA - NIFA

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Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1030619 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Bigelow, D. Bigelow,Daniel OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR How Do Urbanization and Other Large-Scale Drivers Affect Timberland and Farmland Markets? A Parcel-Level National Econometric Analysis
1030618 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Lowe-Power, T. Lowe-Power,Tiffany UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Fatal Attraction: Decoding the specificity of bacterial pathogen chemosensors
1030617 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Broadhead, G. Broadhead,Geoffrey USDA-ARS, GENETICS AND PRECISION AGRICULTURE UNIT MS Does infection by a fungal pathogen influence host-plant response and vector behavior to enhance transmission?
1030616 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Lemley, S. M. Lemley,Stephanie Maria MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Agricultural Science Professional Development (ACRE) 2.0
1030615 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Engelberg, L. Engelberg,Liza EDIBLE SCHOOLYARD NEW YORK NY Urban Gardener, Activist, Chef: Shaping the Next Generation of Food Justice Advocates in New York City
1030614 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Muriana, P. Muriana,Peter OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY OK Filling USDA-FSIS Food Safety `Knowledge Gaps`: The Safety of Ambient Temperature Air-Dried Beef (Droewors)
1030613 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Picardi, S. Picardi,Simona GORDON RESEARCH CONFERENCES, INC RI 2023 Movement Ecology of Animals Gordon Research Conference and Gordon Research Seminar
1030612 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Jahromi, H. Jahromi,Hossein AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Eco-Friendly Biolubricant Production from Waste Cooking Oil Using Integrated Catalytic Processes
1030611 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wang, J. Wang,Jin AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Circular Aquaculture Through A Next-Generation Waste-to-Feed Biotechnology
1030610 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Shigenaga, A. Shigenaga,Alexandra UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Elucidating the Role of Small Peptides in Facilitating Bacterial Infection of Rice
1030609 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Stephens, H. M. Stephens,Heather M. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Factors affecting the success of female and minority rural entrepreneurs and rural economic vitality
1030608 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Schultz, M. Schultz,Michele Gail The Society for In Vitro Biology NC Advanced technologies for plant breeding and microbe-assisted crop improvement: Utilizing genetic engineering, plant beneficial microbes, and new breeding techniques to support development of species
1030607 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT PITTA, D. W. PITTA,DIPTI W UNIV OF PENNSYLVANIA PA Deciphering the potential of Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, a putative psychobiotic, on animal well-being and behavior in dairy cattle
1030606 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Caravello, S. Caravello,Shannon RESEARCH FOUNDATION OF THE CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK NY Hydroponics at Kingsborough Community College of CUNY
1030605 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Oliver, H. Oliver,Haley PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN PARTNERSHIP: Investigating Sanitation Solutions To Cronobacter Sakazakii, Listeria Monocytogenes, And Salmonella Enterica Dry Biofilms
1030604 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Taylor, K. L. Taylor,Katherine Leah UNIV OF MARYLAND MD Reverse chemical ecology to attract green lacewings for improved biocontrol efficiency
1030603 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Schaedel, M. Schaedel,Marie CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Microbial dynamics governing carbon storage in the cover crop root zone
1030601 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT CURTIS, K. J. CURTIS,KATHERINE J UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Economic connectedness and rural economic growth: the interaction between metro cores and rural hinterlands through the supply chain
1030600 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Johnson, A. Johnson,Aaron J. KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Risk Management by Dairy Producers: Perception, Practice and Barriers to Adoption
1030599 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wu, S. Wu,Steven PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Behavioral Economics in Food and Environmental Policy: A Principal-Agent, Machine Learning, and Experimental Economics Approach
1030598 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT DePhelps, C. DePhelps,Colette UNIV OF IDAHO ID Increasing profitability of women-operated farms and ranches in the US & Idaho: Implications of Resource Access & Enterprise Diversification
1030597 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Sanfiorenzo, A. Sanfiorenzo,Andre University of Puerto Rico - Utuado PR Training Professional Tree Specialists at UPR at Utuado
1030595 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Laughlin, T. M. Laughlin,Tai McClellan Maaz UNIV OF HAWAII HI DSFAS: Soil health fingerprinting: Rapidly predicting soil health in a diversity of soils using machine learning
1030594 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Shekhar, S. Shekhar,Shashi UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MN AI-CLIMATE (AI Institute for Climate-Land Interactions, Mitigation, Adaptation, Tradeoffs and Economy)
1030593 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Lima, F. Lima,Fabio UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Unraveling the role of nerve growth factor-ß in the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis in cattle
1030591 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Hastings, L. Hastings,Lindsay UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Beyond the farm gate: Building a leadership development system to support rural community wellbeing and prosperity
1030590 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Lin, M. Lin,Mengshi UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO DSFAS: Exploring a Machine Learning-driven Approach for Multiplex Detection of Food Contaminants by SERS
1030589 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT White, C. Burke,Joseph TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Developing Sustainable and Resilient Sorghum-Cotton Rotational Cropping Systems in the Semi-Arid Texas Great Plains
1030587 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Hertzman, J. Hertzman,Jean NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY NM Professional Development for High School Instructors: Connecting Culinary Arts and Hospitality Management with Sustainable Agricultural Systems