Project Listing

Sponsoring Agency:USDA - NIFA

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Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0233753 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Buentello, A. Buentello,Alejandro Navita Premium Feed Ingredients IA Superior Nutrient Availability, Reduced Metabolic Waste and Increased Energy Efficiency in Aquafeeds
0233704 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Bao, L. Bao,Lin Vestaron Corporation MI Technology to Enhance Insecticidal Peptides
0233699 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Radicone, M. Radicone,Michael i2 Air Fluid Innovation, Inc. NY Using Elemental Iodine Vapor Bubbles in a Liquid Medium to Inactivate Mastitis Pathogens on Cow Teat Surfaces.
0233698 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT McIntosh, D. R. McIntosh,Devon R SONSIGHT INC. MD Low-Cost High-Energy Extended Rotor Turbine
0233697 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Smith, L. Y. Smith,Laura Yvonne Blue Moon Bulbs LLP Westscape Nursery MT The Selective Control of Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.) with Low-Cost Application of a Naturally Occurring Phytotoxic Element
0233696 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Mashanovitch, M. Mashanovitch,Milan Freedom Photonics LLC CA Optical Communication Transceivers for Affordable Broadband Deployment in Rural Communities
0233695 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Gady, D. R. Gady,David R. Synthigen LLC WA Enhancing rural small business opportunities by developing a low cost heat source and developing the utilization of char as a soil amendment
0233694 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Jiao, H. Jiao,Hong HJ Science & Technology, Inc. CA Low-cost, handheld microfluidic device for detection and monitoring of brevetoxins in marine environment
0233693 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Burger, C. Burger,Carl Smith-Root, Inc. WA Electrosedation and rested harvest as strategies to improve the quality of farm-raised fish
0233668 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Sulakvelidze, A. Sulakvelidze,Alexander Intralytix, Inc. MD Bacteriophages for reducing Vibrio tubiashii associated mortality of shellfish
0233634 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Roper, W. E. Roper,William E Micronic Technologies, Inc. VA Innovative Removal of Nitrate and Nitrites from Contaminated Well Water
0233633 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Bell, T. S. Bell,Traci S. Ripple Rock Fish Farms LLC OH Researching economic feasibility of the mixed-cell raceway, providing a way for small farms to enter the aquaculture industry.
0233613 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Kimble, M. Kimble,Michael Reactive Innovations, LLC MA Wide Area Hydrogen Sulfide Monitoring System for Agricultural Enterprises
0233575 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Weissman, J. Weissman,Jeffrey Precision Combustion, Inc. CT Compact, Efficient and Economic Soil Steam Disinfestation
0233573 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Zlotopolski, V. M. Zlotopolski,Vladimir Saint Onge Orchids CA A New Irrigation Technique for Control of Pathogens on Internal Surface of Green Leaves Produce
0233475 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT CHANDER, Y. CHANDER,YOGESH Lucigen Corporation WI Rapid Field-appropriate Diagnostics for Detection of Viral Pathogens Associated with Porcine Respiratory Disease Complex
0233474 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Mulvihill, M. L. Mulvihill,Maureen L Actuated Medical, Inc. PA Active Needle Technology for Cattle to Reduce Insertion Force, Pain and Meat Loss from Injection Scarring while Facilitating Vascular Access
0233473 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Dossey, A. T. Dossey,Aaron Todd UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Ready to Use Therapeutic Food Product to Alleviate Malnutrition in Children Using Insects
0233435 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Sivathanu, Y. Sivathanu,Yudaya EN'URGA INC. IN A Particulate Mass Flux Sensor for the Food Process Industry
0233417 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Rubio, F. M. Rubio,Fernando M. ABRAXIS LLC PA Development of Immunoreagents and Test Kits for the Detection of E. coli non-O157 STEC
0233398 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Bruno, J. G. Bruno,John Gordon OPERATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION TX Fluorescent DNA Aptamer Test Strips for more sensitive and rapid assessment of food safety.
0231090 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Shukla, R. Shukla,Rohit Larta Institute CA Commercialization Assistance Program for USDA Phase I SBIR Awardees
0230663 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Japel, M. Japel,Margaret Babble Tree, LLC WY English Language Learning Toolkit: Early Vocabulary Intervention Study for Latino Non-English Speaking Students
0230650 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Miller, R. W. Miller,Robert Walter Robert Miller Consulting, LLC NJ Enriching Rural American Farmers and Their Communities By Enabling Broadcasters To Power Transmitters With Wind Energy
0230649 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Vis, G. Vis,Greg Hudson Simulation Services NY Research and Development to improve Recruitment and Retention in Rural Emergency Medicine Using Mobile Simulation
0230628 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Glass, B. W. Glass,Benjamin W Altaeros Energies, Inc. MA Robust Airborne Wind Turbine
0230237 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Cheng, D. Cheng,Diana NUTRASORB LLC NJ Targeting childhood obesity: Natural, low sugar snacks with concentrated fruit polyphenols
0230233 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Luke, K. Luke,Kevin Z4 ENERGY SYSTEMS, LLC WY Solar Heater to Prevent Stock Tank Freezing
0230175 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Sulakvelidze, A. Sulakvelidze,Alexander Intralytix, Inc. MD Phage preparation for managing Salmonella in foods
0230174 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Applewhite, L. Applewhite,LeeAnn Applied Food Technologies, Inc FL Definitive Molecular Markers for Speciation of Fresh and Canned Tuna: Genus Thunnus