Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0225976 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Aly, S. S. Aly, SH. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA The Effectiveness of Zinc Supplemented Oral Rehydration Solution on Fecal Output, Recovery and Mortality Rates in Neonatal Holstein Calves with Diarrhea
0226051 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Hurley, D. Hurley, D. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Prevalence of Bacteremia in Acute Puerperal Metritis
0226078 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Woolums, AM. Woolums, AM. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA A Survey of Risk Factors for Nursing Beef Calf Respiratory Disease
0226157 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Cooke, R. Cooke, RE. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Transport, nutrient restriction, and effects on health and performance of cattle
0226212 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH GEARY, S. J. Geary, ST. UNIV OF CONNECTICUT CT in-vitro vs. in-vivo Transcriptomic Profiling and Characterization of Mycoplasma gallisepticum
0226338 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Causey, R. C. Causey, R. UNIVERSITY OF MAINE ME Commercialization of New Technologies for Animal Disease Surveillance and Diagnosis: Focus on endoscopy.
0226477 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Findly, R. Findly, RO, C. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Pathogen-Induced T and B Cell CDR3 Repertoires in Channel Catfish
0226497 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Talaat, A. Talaat, AD, M.. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Development of a Novel Platform Technology for Johnes Disease Vaccines
0226575 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH MacLachlan, N. J. Maclachlan, N.. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Bluetongue Virus Infection of Ruminants in California: Pathogenesis and Epizootiology
0226609 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH xiao, Z. G. Xiao, ZH. UNIV OF MARYLAND MD Novel vaccine to induce protective memory CTLs against PRRSV in pigs
0226658 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Swecker, W. S. Swecker, W. VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Abundance of Hindgut Cellulolytic Microbes, Production of Volatile Fatty Acids, and Diet Digestibility in Obese and Lean Adult Horses fed a grass hay diet.
0226659 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Atwill, ED. Atwill, E. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Hunter Food Safety in California: Evaluating risk of trichinellosis from consumption of wildlife meat
0226710 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Menino, A. Menino, AL. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Effects of prostaglandin F2a on uterine infections in postpartum dairy cows
0226738 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Keisler, D. Keisler, D. UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Metabolic and endocrine predictors of livestock phenotype
0226773 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Stokes, A. M. Stokes, AS. UNIV OF HAWAII HI Monitoring and diagnosis of livestock diseases in Hawaii
0226816 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Jacob, ME. Jacob, M. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Validation of a multiplex, real-time PCR for the detection of Escherichia coli O157 in naturally infected cattle feces
0226847 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Barletta, R. G. Barletta, R. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Molecular Genetic Analysis of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) and related mycobacterial pathogens
0226939 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Wang, C. Wang, C. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Identification and Characterization of Invasive-Associated Proteins of Listeria monocytogenes on CNS Infection
0226994 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Laegreid, W. W. Laegreid, WI. UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Integrated Diagnostic Laboratory Investigation of Animal Disease
0227031 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Francis, D. H. Francis, DA, HU. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Identification of Common Antigens to Create a Universal Porcine ETEC Vaccine
0227071 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Songer, J. Songer, J. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Comparative Genomics of Nitrate-reductase Positive and Negative Strains of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis
0227118 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Pratt, S. L. Pratt, S. CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Use of microRNA as biomarkers for the presence of PRRS virus and other pathogens in porcine semen
0227205 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Pharr, G. Pharr, G. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Characterization of peripheral B-cells in the chicken embryo
0227215 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Pinchuk, L. Pinchuk, L. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Antigen Presenting Cell-Dependent Mechanisms of Cytopathic and Non-Cytopathic Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus Innate and Adaptive Immune Responses
0227229 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Epperson, W. Epperson, W. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Addressing Critical Needs in Mississippi Food Animal Health
0227274 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Miller, J. E. Miller, J. LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Viability of Duddingtonia flagrans chlamydospores incorporated into feed pellets for controlling gastrointestinal nematode parasite larvae in small ruminant feces
0227644 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Perez, A. Perez, A. UNIV OF CALIFORNIA (VET-MED) CA Epidemiological tools to support foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) control
0227781 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Turner, J. L. Turner, J. NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY NM Impact of Management Practices and Nutrition on Equine Health
0227843 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Chambers, T. M. Chambers, TH. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY Interactions of equine viral pathogens with the equine innate immune system