Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1033204 NEW OTHER GRANTS Baynes, R. Baynes,Ronald NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Food Animal Residue Avoidance Databank 2024-2025
1033203 NEW OTHER GRANTS Albrecht, K. Albrecht,Kristin Frost FOOD BASKET INC., THE HI Leveraging Community-Based Partnerships to Enhance Hawai'i's DA BUX SNAP Nutrition Incentives
1033202 NEW OTHER GRANTS Jaberi-Douraki, M. Jaberi-Douraki,Majid KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Food Animal Residue Avoidance Databank (FARAD)
1033200 NEW OTHER GRANTS Kuo, W. Kuo,Wan-Yuan MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Extrusion facility renovations to advance underutilized crops in Mountain states
1033198 NEW OTHER GRANTS Sohn, J. Sohn,JiAe SMART DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE INC. VA Smart Green Growers: Nurturing Sustainable Agriculture For Beginning Farmers
1033197 NEW OTHER GRANTS Emm, S. Emm,Staci UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA NV Nevada Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Project
1033196 NEW OTHER GRANTS Ward, R. Ward,Rachael FARMERS MARKET FUND OR Deepening Double Up Food Bucks Oregon: Reaching Diverse, Underrepresented Communities at Farmers Markets, Farm Stands, CSAs and Grocery Stores
1033195 NEW OTHER GRANTS Campbell, J. Campbell,Joshua OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY OK Developing New Oklahoma Beginning Farmers and Ranchers Through Innovative Training, Internships, Mentoring, and Resource Sharing
1033194 NEW OTHER GRANTS Bramble, P. B. Bramble,Portia Boni NORTH COAST GROWERS ASSOCIATION CA North Coast Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program and Climate Resilient Farmer Training Program
1033192 NEW OTHER GRANTS Woiwode, R. Woiwode,Ruth UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Updating obsolete animal handling facilities to improve human and animal safety and well-being and improve research outcomes
1033191 NEW OTHER GRANTS Papa, J. Papa,Jennifer CITY GREEN, INC. NJ New Jersey Statewide Good Food Bucks SNAP Nutrition Incentive Program; A GusNIP Large Scale Projects (FLSP)
1033188 NEW OTHER GRANTS Almodovar, W. Almodovar,Wanda UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO AT MAYAGUEZ PR IPM Programs for Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands
1033187 NEW OTHER GRANTS Tell, L. A. Tell,Lisa Ann UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Food Animal Residue Avoidance Depletion Program (FARAD) 2024-2026 - California Component
1033186 NEW OTHER GRANTS Mulder, M. Mulder,Matthew ARCADIA FOOD VA Veteran Farmer Training, Incubation, and Technical Assistance
1033185 NEW OTHER GRANTS Hargrove, T. Hargrove,Tasha TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY AL Tuskegee University’s Entrepreneurship and Agricultural Innovation Training Program for Veterans and Socially Disadvantaged Beginning Farmers and Ranchers
1033184 NEW OTHER GRANTS Thornton, H. Thornton,Hannah SUSTAINABLE FOOD CENTER TX Double Up Texas: Expanding Reach, Deepening Impact
1033183 NEW OTHER GRANTS Chiu, J. C. Chiu,Joanna C UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Modernizing a critical building system at the University of California-Davis Contained Research Facility
1033182 NEW OTHER GRANTS Minter, L. Minter,Logan OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Ohio Extension Implementation Program 2024-27
1033181 NEW OTHER GRANTS Foreman, T. Foreman,Tevis PRODUCE PERKS MIDWEST , INC. OH Closing the Gap: Equitable Approaches to Statewide Nutrition Incentive Program Expansion and Impact in Ohio
1033180 NEW OTHER GRANTS Davis, J. L. Davis,Jennifer Lynn VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Davis FY25 FARAD July 2024
1033179 NEW OTHER GRANTS Clement Elumpe, A. Clement Elumpe,Akumu TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Outreach, Education and Technical Assistance for Beginning Farmers and Ranchers in TN and DE Counties with Critical Service Gaps
1033178 NEW OTHER GRANTS Maharjan, P. Maharjan,Pramir TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Advancing Poultry Science: Establishing a State-of-the-Art Broiler Facility for Research, Education, and Industry Collaboration at Tennessee State University
1033177 NEW OTHER GRANTS Larson, S. Larson,Sarah UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN SYSTEM WI Filing the Equity Capital Gap in Financing Beginning Farmers
1033175 NEW OTHER GRANTS Houck, K. Houck,Katie URBAN HARVEST STL MO Agricultural Professional Preparedness Program
1033174 NEW OTHER GRANTS Jones, C. G. Jones,Carolyn G. MISSISSIPPI MINORITY FARMERS ALLIANCE INC MS Beginning Farmers, Ranchers, and Veterans Program (BFRVP) in the Northeast Region of Mississippi
1033173 NEW OTHER GRANTS Waltzek, T. B. Waltzek,Thomas Barclay WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Development and Validation of Molecular Diagnostic Assays for the Detection of a Lethal Viral Disease of Cultured and Wild White Sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus)
1033170 NEW OTHER GRANTS Baer, B. Baer,Boris UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE CA Heat Resilience in Honey Bee Stocks
1033169 NEW OTHER GRANTS Feldmann, M. J. Feldmann,Mitchell J UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Harnessing Genetic Resources to Develop Strawberry Cultivars with Enhanced Fruit Nutritional Quality and Consumer Preference
1033168 NEW OTHER GRANTS Tomandl, J. Tomandl,Joseph DAIRY GRAZING APPRENTICESHIP, INC. WI Between Legacy and Livelihood: Developing a Comprehensive Farm Transfer Program for a New Generation of Managed Grazing Dairy Farmers
1033167 NEW OTHER GRANTS Dolan, K. Dolan,Kirk MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Planning activity for strengthening and developing multi-disciplinary plant-based food processing curricula and prepare an open-source textbook