Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0214830 NEW HATCH Williams, B. Williams, B. UNIV OF IDAHO ID Microbe Transport in Porous Media for Soil Improvement and Human Health Protection
0215103 NEW HATCH Wohlgenant, M. Wohlgenant, M. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Economic Analysis of the North Carolina Wine Market
0215114 NEW HATCH Franks, RO. Franks, RO, G. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Transcriptional Regulators Link Patterning and Proliferation during Carpel Margin and Ovule Development
0215731 NEW HATCH Kiker, G. Kiker, G. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Modeling for TMDL Development, and Watershed Based Planning, Management and Assessment
0215736 NEW HATCH Fackler, P. Fackler, P. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Real Options Models in Environmental Economics
0215747 NEW HATCH Raid, R. Raid, R. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Vegetable Variety Evaluation in Florida
0215755 NEW HATCH Zering, K. Zering, K. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Economics of Integrating Sustainable Production of Pigs, Other Biomass, and Energy
0215827 NEW HATCH Loo, G. Loo, G. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Novel mechanism of iron in cellular stress defense
0216009 NEW HATCH Mcintosh, M. Mcintosh, M. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Polyphenol-Rich Extract from Grapes Inhibits Inflammation and Insulin Resistance in Human Adipocytes
0216016 NEW HATCH Cooper, R. Cooper, R. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Enhancing Creeping Bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.) Growth and Stress Tolerance Using Biostimulants and Humic Substances.
0216018 NEW HATCH Brown, A. Brown, A. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Value Added Agriculture
0216044 NEW HATCH Whitaker, T. Whitaker, T. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Improve the detection of mycotoxins and other quality attributed in food
0216048 NEW HATCH Goodwin, B. Goodwin, BA, KE. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC U.S. Agricultural Policy and Market Risk Under a New Farm Bill
0216068 NEW HATCH Weiss, S. Weiss, S. UNIV OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VI Cover crop and green manure evaluation for integrated cover-crop/livestock systems in the Tropics
0216241 NEW HATCH Amrhein, CH. Amrhein, CH. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE CA Biogeochemistry of trace elements in soils, sediments, and drainage waters.
0216519 NEW HATCH Pierce, M. Pierce, M. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Improving Plant Growth by Regulating Endomembrane Trafficking to the Vacuole.
0216527 NEW HATCH Borum, P. Borum, P. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Piglet Model for Metabolomic Translational Research
0216656 NEW HATCH Seavert, C. Seavert, CL. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Integrated Systems Research and Development in Automation and Sensors for Sustainability of Specialty Crops
0216670 NEW HATCH Schlarbaum, SC. Schlarbaum, SC. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Biological Improvement of Chestnut through Technologies that Address Management of the Species, its Pathogens and Pests
0216743 NEW HATCH Clark, BR. Clark, BR. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC The Social, Ecological, and Health Dimensions of Industrialized Swine Production
0216787 NEW HATCH Bowen, S. Bowen, SA. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Place-Based Agricultural Products: Linking Farmers, Communities, and Consumers in North Carolina
0216857 NEW HATCH Irani, T. Irani, T. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Examining the Influence of Knowledge Management on Problem Solving and Decision Making in Agricultural Land Grant Systems
0216985 NEW HATCH Hang, YO. Hang, YO. N Y AGRICULTURAL EXPT STATION NY Development and Evaluation of Bunch and Muscadine Grapes for Fresh Market, Juice, Wine and Other Products (IEG-52)
0217032 NEW HATCH Jayaratne, K. Jayaratne, KO, SU. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Evaluation of Project Impacts and Appropriate Methods for Delivering New Technologies Developed Under the NP-216 Project
0217125 NEW HATCH Vanbuskirk, P. Vanbuskirk, PH. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Developing Sustainable and Organic Pest Management Programs for Western Orchard Systems.
0217187 NEW HATCH Agnello, AR. Agnello, AR, M.. N Y AGRICULTURAL EXPT STATION NY Developing Sustainable and Organic Pest Management Programs for Western Orchard Systems
0217259 NEW HATCH Roberts, M. Roberts, M. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC An Econometric Model of the Agricultural Commodity Supply and Demand Identified Using Weather-Based Instruments
0217306 NEW HATCH Frank, S. Frank, ST, D.. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Ecology and management of arthropod pests affecting ornamental plants in nurseries, greenhouses, and landscapes
0217308 NEW HATCH Van Heugten, E. Van Heugten, E. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Nutritional Systems for Swine to Increase Reproductive Efficiency
0217319 NEW HATCH Chappell, J. Chappell, JO. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY Unraveling the Catalytic Specificity of Terpene Hydroxylases and Engineering Sesquiterpene Hydroxylation in Plants