Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1029396 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Simon, A. E. Simon,Anne E. UNIV OF MARYLAND MD SP: CYVaV VIGS vector for vaccinating seedlings and controlling HLB in infected fruit bearing trees
1023855 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Carpenter-Boggs, L. Carpenter-Boggs,Lynne WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA No-Till Organic Cropping System for the Dryland Pacific Northwest
1029151 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Clark, M. Clark,Matt UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Completing the Grapevine Powdery Mildew Resistance Pipeline: From Genes-on-the-Shelf to Sticks-in-the-Ground
1028845 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Magarey, R. D. Magarey,Roger D. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Southern IPM Center: A Regional Approach to Networking, Collaboration and Services
1027447 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kunjapur, A. Kunjapur,Aditya M. UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE DE Towards design of an engineered plant growth promoting rhizobacterium (PGPR) for controlled release in the rhizosphere
0203950 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Stevens, C. M. Maxx, C. M. INSTITUTE OF AMERICAN INDIAN ARTS NM Planning and Development of Food and Agricultural Science Curriculum at the Institute of American Indian Arts
1031318 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS D`Souza, G. D`Souza,Gerard PRAIRIE VIEW A&M UNIVERSITY TX 1890 Facilities Grant Program (FY23-27)
0196226 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Regenstein, J. Regenstein, J. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Visiting Food Plants via the Internet (Virtual Field Trips)
1017309 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Flores, N. Flores,Nancy NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY NM Online Food Safety Training for New Mexico Food Manufacturers
1011248 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Aronson, K. R. Aronson,Keith Robert PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Army Family Advocacy Program: Prevention and Research
0231025 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Main, D. Main,Doreen S. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Snap Pea: Enhanced production of nutrient-dense vegetable legumes
1026224 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Villafane-Santiago, M. Villafane-Santiago,Marilia UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO IN PONCE PR UPRP Distance Education Service Facilities Improvement Instrumentation Project
0218187 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Carroll, M. K. Carroll,Marnie K NAVAJO NATION TRIBAL GOVERNMENT, THE AZ Joint Project For Economical Removal of Uranium, Biological Contaminants and Nitrate From Rural Water Sources
1024421 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Francis-Begay, K. R. Sierra-Cajas,Kimberly UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Advancing Postsecondary Attainment & Research in STEAM for Tribal Students (APARSTS)
1023567 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Dung, J. K. Dung,Jeremiah KS OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR A Systems Approach for Managing Bacterial Blight of Carrot
1029007 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Fanning, P. Fanning,Philip UNIVERSITY OF MAINE ME On-Farm Integration of Organic Management of Spotted-Wing Drosophila in Fruit Crops
1021842 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Forbes, C. Forbes,Cory UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Supporting Undergraduate Teaching and Learning about Socio-Hydrological Challenges through Data-Driven Modeling in the FANH Sciences
1028562 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Burns, H. J. Norwood,Terence ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Upward Alabama: research and community programs to investigate and support economic mobility in Alabama urban centers
1027323 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Holtzman, B. S. Holtzman,Beth S. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Building Labor Management Know-How Among Beginning Farmers
1027062 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Frost Albrecht, K. Frost Albrecht,Kristin FOOD BASKET INC., THE HI COVID Relief 2019-70030-30403: Building Resilient Food Security for Hawaii`s SNAP Households
1031194 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Tautges, N. Tautges,Nicole FIELDS, MICHAEL AGRICULTURAL INSTITUTE INC WI Planning for an Upper Midwest Organic Gluten-Free Grain Value Chain: Economic, Field, and Stakeholder Data Aggregation
1029367 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Monteau, C. Russette,Ursula STONE CHILD COLLEGE MT SCC NIFA Extension Program
0188183 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Scissum-Gunn, K. Scissum-Gunn, K. ALABAMA STATE UNIVERSITY AL Immunization of Chicken with IBDV Subunit VP2 Expressed in Alfalfa
1006251 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Poland, W. Poland,Woodrow (Chip) DICKINSON STATE UNIVERSITY ND Building The Educational Capacity Necessary To Support Small Scale, Sustainable, Specialty Crop Alternatives In The Northern Great Plains
0222797 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Halbur, P. G. Halbur,Patrick G IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Food Systems Veterinary Medicine for the 21st Century
0214442 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kennelly, E. J. Kennelly, E. J. RESEARCH FOUNDATION OF THE CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK NY Enhancing Plant Science Education in the Bronx: Training the Next Generation of Botanists to Protect US Natural Resources
1024097 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bilen-Green, C. Kallmeyer,Alan NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND Making Good: Delivering Educational Equity For & With Indigenous Tribal Students & Communities
0203311 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Matlack, E. Elizabeth J. Matlack JACKSON STATE UNIVERSITY MS Rural Systems, Mississippi: National Center for Biodefense Communications
1023366 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Trejo, H. Trejo,Helen CALIFORNIA STATE POLYTECHNIC UNIV CA An Experiential Learning Approach: US Wool and Water Re-Use for Sustainable Development
1020594 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Morano, L. Morano,Lisa University of Houston-Downtown TX University of Houston-Downtown’s Program to Support Undergraduate Sustainable Technology and Agricultural Instructional Needs (SUSTAIN)