Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1002290 TERMINATED EVANS-ALLEN Nyochembeng, LE, . Nyochembeng, LE, M.. ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Enhancing Biotic and Abiotic Stress Tolerances and Adaptation in Vegetables and Assessing Soil Quality under Long Term Organic and Conventional Management
1002291 REVISED EVANS-ALLEN Moss, EL, MO. Moss, EL, MO. ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Identification and Enumeration of E. coli and the Impact of Climate Change and Variability to determine the Water Quality in the Flint Creek Watershed (FCW)
1002308 REVISED EVANS-ALLEN Anasuri, SA, . Anasuri, SA, . ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Effects of Mass Media on Overweight and Obesity Among Young Adults
1002457 TERMINATED EVANS-ALLEN Soliman, KH, . Soliman, KH. ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Investigating the role of RNA (siRNA) and micro RNA (miRNA) in regulating gene expressions in Soybean under Aluminum and Drought Stress Conditions
1005733 NEW EVANS-ALLEN Sheeler, CA, . Sheeler, CA, . ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Identifying Environmental Estrogen Disruptors and their Effect on Bovine Mammary Gland and Endometrial Stromal Cell Development and Function
1005735 TERMINATED EVANS-ALLEN Fakas, ST, . Fakas, ST. ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Microbial lipid production and biochemical studies on the lipid biosynthetic pathway
1005837 TERMINATED EVANS-ALLEN Lemke, DA, . Lemke, DA. ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Impact of land management and climate on instream health of Limestone Bay watershed, AL
1005838 REVISED EVANS-ALLEN Abdelrahim, GA, . Abdelrahim, GA. ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Evaluating the Potential for Small Ruminant Production in Silvopasture and Open Pasture Grazing Systems in North Alabama
1005842 REVISED EVANS-ALLEN Herring, JO, . Herring, JO, L.. ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Reduction of antimicrobial resistance in poultry product production utilizing probiotics
1005843 TERMINATED EVANS-ALLEN Vizcarra, JO, A. Vizcarra, JO, A. ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL The Endocrine Center for Obesity Research and Education: Animal Model Systems
1006260 REVISED EVANS-ALLEN Overton, AN, . Howell, HE, . ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Food Safety of Aquaponic Products
1006280 REVISED EVANS-ALLEN Cebert, ER, . Cebert, ER. ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Circles of Sustainability: Integration of Food and Renewable Energy
1008993 REVISED EVANS-ALLEN Tadesse, WU, . Tadesse, WU. ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Modeling the Impacts of Climate Change, Population Growth, and Land Use Change on Water Availability in Tennessee River Basin
1008994 TERMINATED EVANS-ALLEN Coggins, PA, C. Coggins, PA, C. ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Sensory Evaluation and Value-Added Applications of edible Daylilies (Hemerocallis, spp)
1008995 TERMINATED EVANS-ALLEN Dixon, LA, . Dixon, LA. ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Preventing Obesity in Low-Income Children: A Community Nutrition-based Approach
1008999 REVISED EVANS-ALLEN Okafor, FL, . Okafor, FL, . ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Bacterial Community Structure and Biochemical Transformation of Phosphorus in poultry litter biochar-amended highly weathered soil
1009002 REVISED EVANS-ALLEN Sistani, N, . Sistani, N, . ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Supermarket Tour-Based Intervention to Increase Fruit and Veg Choices and Intake
1011633 REVISED EVANS-ALLEN Farmer, TY, . Farmer, TY. ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Evaluating TOR signaling in rapamcin sensitive and resistant plants using transgenic models of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
1011634 REVISED EVANS-ALLEN London-Thomas, LA, Y. London-Thomas, LA, Y. ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Identification of Small RNA'S as Novel Regulatory switches in the Envelope Stress Response in Escherichai Coli
1011635 REVISED EVANS-ALLEN Yuan, QU, . Yuan, QU. ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Effects of tillage and residue managements on soil microbial community, carbon dioxide effluxes and soil physical properties in a biofuel sorghum feedstock
1011636 NEW EVANS-ALLEN Oluwoye, J, . Oluwoye, J, . ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Marketing and Socioeconomic factors of organic farms: Age as a Predictor of Acceptance of Organic Food Products Alternatives among Metropolitan Population in Alabama
1011668 TERMINATED EVANS-ALLEN Sripathi, VE, . Sripathi, VE. ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Development of Epigentic Reources for Reniform Nematode Tolerant and Susceptible Genotypes of Cotton
1013057 TERMINATED EVANS-ALLEN Kassama, LA, S. Kassama, LA. ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Modeling in vitro control release and diffusion of Loaded Nanoparticles (LNP) in the GI tract - Impact of processing
1013058 REVISED EVANS-ALLEN Boateng, JU, A. Boateng, JU. ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL An Integrated Study on Solanum Alkaloids in Selected Novelty Potato Cultivars
1017271 REVISED EVANS-ALLEN VERGHESE, MA, . VERGHESE, MA. ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Evaluation of Health Promoting Properties of Selected Spices and Plant Extracts Against Obesity Induced Diabetes
1017313 NEW EVANS-ALLEN Mankola, R, . Mankola, RE. ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Assessments of Long-Term Management Impact of Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics under different production system
1017314 NEW EVANS-ALLEN Hopkinson, SA, . Hopkinson, SA. ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL The Effect of Various Nitrogen Rates on Plant Biomass and Elemental Content of Holy Basil Harvested at Maturity
1017315 REVISED EVANS-ALLEN Erickson, EM, . Erickson, EM. ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Latino Immigrant Travel Behavior and Planning Responses in Alabama & Georgia
1017326 REVISED EVANS-ALLEN Cebert, RH, MI. Miller-Cebert, RH, LE. ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Perception of the Barriers and Benefits of Consuming a Vegetarian Diet in Madison County, Alabama Residents
1017386 NEW EVANS-ALLEN SENWO, ZA, . Senwo, ZA. ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Investigating Organic Nitrogen Hydrolysis, Cycling, and Utilizations in Agricultural Soils