Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0210051 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Reep, J. Reep, J. ADVANCED PRAIRIE, INC. IL In-Soil Hatching and Propagation of Commercially Marketable Earthworm Cocoons
1019470 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Groeneveld, D. P. Groeneveld,David P ADVANCED REMOTE SENSING, INC. SD A Spatial Technology Makeover for the Crop Insurance Industry
1012715 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Logan, K. Logan,Kerry ADVANCED VASCULAR THERAPIES, INC. IN Novel pneumatic compression device for CLI
1020213 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Logan, K. Logan,Kerry ADVANCED VASCULAR THERAPIES, INC. IN Smart Pneumatic Compression Device for Critical Limb Ischemia
1030488 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Beard, S. Beard,Shawn ADVENT INNOVATIONS LTD CO SC Development Of A Smart Vision And AI-Driven Peach Thinning Software (A-EYE)
0205433 NEW SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Shorter, J. H. Shorter, J. H. Aerodyne Research, Inc. MA Development of a Sensitive, Autonomous Quantum Cascade Laser-Based Detector for Ammonia
0207472 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Shorter, J. H. Shorter, J. H. Aerodyne Research, Inc. MA Development of a Sensitive, Autonomous Quantum Cascade Laser-Based Monitor for Amonia
1012703 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Roscioli, J. R. Roscioli,Joseph Aerodyne Research, Inc. MA An eddy covariance system for simultaneous flux measurements of total reactive nitrogen, ammonia, and nitrogen oxides (NOx)
1016565 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Roscioli, J. Roscioli,Joseph Robert Aerodyne Research, Inc. MA An eddy covariance system for simultaneous flux measurements of total reactive nitrogen, ammonia, and nitrogen oxides (NOx).
1026125 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Roscioli, J. R. Roscioli,Joseph Aerodyne Research, Inc. MA Real-Time Mapping of Hydroxylamine and Other Trace Gases in Soil
1031176 NEW SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Roscioli, J. R. Roscioli,Joseph R. Aerodyne Research, Inc. MA Real-Time Mapping of Hydroxylamine and Other Trace Gases in Soil
1031740 NEW SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Shorter, J. Shorter,Joanne Aerodyne Research, Inc. MA Sampling and Analysis System to Track Nitrogen Transport and Transformations in Plants
1024307 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Hansen, B. Hansen,Brian AEROPHASE INC CO COVID-19 Rapid Response: Bio-Aerosols in Agriculture and Food Processing
0210156 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Dunlap, S. C. Dunlap,Susan C. AERULEAN PLANT IDENTIFICATION SYSTEMS, INC. CA Breaking the Information Bottlenecks in Retail Plant Sales
1030430 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Ewing, K. J. Ewing,Kenneth AETHER LLC VA A Novel Device and Methodology for Detection and Quantitative Measurement of Fugitive Methane Releases
1033122 NEW SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Ewing, K. Ewing,Kenneth AETHER LLC VA A Novel Device and Methodology for Detection and Quantitative Measurement of Fugitive Methane Releases
1009803 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Oikawa, A. Oikawa,Ai AFINGEN, INC. CA Fast-growing high-yield forage crops via a novel biotechnology platform
1023700 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Probst Miller, S. F. Probst Miller,Sarah F AGCREATE SOLUTIONS, INC. IL COVID-19 Rapid Response: Proving Competency-Based Learning Educational Strategies To Create Measurable Carcass Management Competencies In Farm Labor
1022686 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Rischling, E. Morris,Spencer AGCREDIT CONSULTING, LLC NE Testing the feasibility of an agricultural digital lending platform in frontier and remote areas.
1027177 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Morris, S. Morris,Spencer AGCREDIT CONSULTING, LLC NE Development of an agricultural digital lending platform for frontier and remote areas.
0225291 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Sutula, C. L. Sutula,Chester L. AGDIA, INC. IN Sequence Specific, Nucleic Acid Separation Media for Plant Pathogen Diagnostics
1016778 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Groth-Helms, D. Groth-Helms,Deborah AGDIA, INC. IN Rapid identification of Tobacco rattle virus in potato and ornamental hosts using isothermal amplification and a hand-held fluorometric device
0196431 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Mahaffy, K. E. Mahaffy, K. E. agentAI, Inc. CA Distributed Human Augmentation of Artificial Intelligence
0217899 NEW SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Trogolo, J. A. Trogolo,Jeffrey AGION TECHNOLOGIES, INC. MA Synergistic Agents to Reduce Fungicide Resistance and Health Risks
0225237 NEW SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Trogolo, J. Trogolo,Jeff AGION TECHNOLOGIES, INC. MA Silver Ion Formulations for the Control of Bacterial Plant Pathogens and to Reduce Bactericide Resistance and Health Risks
0218000 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT MORELAND, D. B. MORELAND, D. B. AGPOLLEN, L.L.C. CA Development of Nest Attractant for the Blue Orchard Bee
0222890 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Moreland, D. Moreland,David AGPOLLEN, L.L.C. CA Development of a Nest Attractant for the Blue Orchard Bee
0193224 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Marrone, P. G. Marrone, P. G. AGRAQUEST, INC. CA Development of a Novel Microbial Biopesticide for the Control of Insect Pests
0196192 NEW SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Manker, D. C. Manker, D. C. AGRAQUEST, INC. CA A Volatile Antibiotic Producing Fungus for Control of Soil-Borne and Postharvest Diseases
0200777 NEW SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Manker, D. C. Denise C. Manker AGRAQUEST, INC. CA Development of a Volatile Antibiotic Producing Fungus for Control of Soil-borne and Postharvest Diseases