Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1026492 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Barnes, H. Barnes, H. FOREST AND WILDLIFE RES CENTER MS Moisture Sorption in Wood Treated with Waterborne Preservatives
1016699 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Ogden, CE, . Ogden, CE. FORT VALLEY STATE UNIVERSITY GA Feasibility Study on Processing Wood Pellets from Beetle-Infested Loblolly Pine trees in Georgia
0205176 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Han, H. S. Han, H. S. HUMBOLDT STATE UNIV CA Research Planning and Administration
1021885 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Kerhoulas , LU, . Kerhoulas, LU. HUMBOLDT STATE UNIV CA Tree mortality and regeneration across competitive and geographic gradients in Northern California
1021886 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Greene, DA, . Greene, DA. HUMBOLDT STATE UNIV CA Predicting post-fire conifer regeneration density
1021887 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Kelly, ER, . Kelly, ER. HUMBOLDT STATE UNIV CA Assessing the efficacy and intent of state-level forestry policies on private lands in the United States, and their fit with landowner needs and objectives
1022005 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Zald, HA, . Byrne, KE. HUMBOLDT STATE UNIV CA Quantification and mitigation of large pine mortality after prescribed burning in a drought altered Sierra Nevada mixed-conifer forest, California USA
1025088 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Harrill, HU, . Harrill, HU. HUMBOLDT STATE UNIV CA Evaluating Soil Disturbance Associated with Tethered Machine Felling Operations on Steep Slopes in Northern California Forests
1015797 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Wolter, PE, T. Wolter, PE, T. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Satellite-based forest structure modeling in the Superior National Forest for ecosystems management and decision support
1018352 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Thompson, JA, R.. Thompson, JA, R.. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Ecological and Social Dynamics Related to Urban Ecosystem Resiliency
1018513 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Curzon, MI, . Curzon, MI. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Silvicultural approaches for maintaining and enhancing forest ecosystem health and habitat in the upper Midwest region
1020588 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Moore, PE, L. Moore, PE, L. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Reference conditions for restoration of Midwestern streams and riparian corridors
1021392 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Dinsmore, ST. Dinsmore, ST. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA McIntire-Stennis Administrative Project
1013407 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Ahlers, AD, . Ahlers, AD. KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Assessing how land-use change impacts the spatial distribution of a prairie-obligate carnivore
1025330 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Neville, ME, . Neville, ME. LEECH LAKE TRIBAL COLLEGE MN Creating Forestry Career Pathways at Leech Lake Tribal College
1019537 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Henareh Khalyani, AZ, . Henareh Khalyani, AZ. LINCOLN UNIVERSITY MO Mapping the Effects of Silvicultural Management and Climate Change on Habitat Connectivity and Composition in Missouri Ozark Forest landscapes
1027625 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Bardhan, SO, . Bardhan, SO, . LINCOLN UNIVERSITY MO Impact of Timber Stand Improvement and Prescribed Burn on Forest Farming of Non-Timber Forest Products and Soil Ecological Properties
1012064 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Kaller, M. Kaller, M. LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Aquatic resources of forested bottomland hardwood and cypress-tupelo coastal and inland floodplain systems
1014480 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Wu, QI. Wu, QI. LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Cellulosic Nanomaterials from Wood as Multifunctional Additives in Water-Based Fluids and Composites
1014823 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Cao, Q. Cao, Q. LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Linking Forest Stand Growth and Yield Models Having Different Resolutions
1014895 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Keim, R. Keim, R. LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Hydrological Balances of Floodplain Forests
1018899 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Taylor, S. Taylor, S. LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Genetic variation in longleaf pine associated species
1020169 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Dehoop, C. Dehoop, C. LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Analysis of Logging Accidents in Louisiana Using Master Logger Data
1022208 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Ringelman, KE, M. Ringelman, KE, M. LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Evaluating nesting ecology and recruitment of cavity-nesting waterfowl in bottomland hardwood forests
1022370 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Long, AS, MA. Long, AS, MA. LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA The influence of commercial forestry practices on seasonal bat species occurrence and foraging activity in the southeastern United States
1023680 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Nyman, J. Nyman, J. LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA : Understanding how coastal change, restoration and management affect fish and wildlife habitat.
1024136 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Wolfe, BR, T. Wolfe, BR, T. LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Drought tolerance among bottomland hardwood forest trees
1024678 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Chang, SU. Chang, SU. LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Real options, timber insurance and the generalized Faustmann formula for timber management under stumpage price uncertainty and stand volume risk.
1025412 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Dean, T. Dean, T. LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA The relationship between crown structure and stand growth in crowded stands
1025538 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Vlosky, RI, . Vlosky, RI, . LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Sustainable Forest Products Business Development to Support Industry Competitiveness