Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1021063 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Buckley, DA. Buckley, DA. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Silvicultural practices for sustaining ecosystem services provided by Tennessee forests
1018333 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Buehler, DA. Buehler, DA. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Hardwood Forest Management Strategies for Sustaining Wildlife Populations
1023340 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Bullock, BR, . Bullock, BR, . UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Enhancing forest productivity and wood quality through optimizing management regimes for genetically improved southern pines
1025552 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Bunds, KY, . Bunds, KY. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Examining how funding and financing options drive implementation, governance, and outcomes of nature-based solutions to urban stormwater management
1017308 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Burney, OW, TH. Burney, OW, TH. NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY NM Evaluating the applications of the Target Plant Concept for forest restoration efforts in degraded environments
1015693 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Burns, RO. Burns, RO. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Understanding the Natural Resources and Geological Interface through the Development of the Appalachian Geopark
1024733 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Burton, A. Burton, A. MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICAL UNIV MI Effects of Global Change Factors on Belowground Processes and Carbon Storage in Northern Hardwood Species
1022005 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Zald, HA, . Byrne, KE. HUMBOLDT STATE UNIV CA Quantification and mitigation of large pine mortality after prescribed burning in a drought altered Sierra Nevada mixed-conifer forest, California USA
1015915 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Byrne, MI, . Byrne, MI. UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Understanding habitat use and spatial ecology of fish and wildlife populations in forested landscapes
1014823 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Cao, Q. Cao, Q. LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Linking Forest Stand Growth and Yield Models Having Different Resolutions
1024741 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Carter, NE, . Carter, NE. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MI Forecasting effects of forestry responses to climate change on landscapescale forest structure and wildlife habitats
1019860 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Casola, CL, . Casola, CL, . TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Identifying the genetic basis of adaptation to environmental stressors in loblolly pine and other conifers to improve forest health and productivity.
1023964 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Catanzaro, PA, F. Catanzaro, PA, F. UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Increasing Forest Resiliency
1021476 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Cavaleri, M. Cavaleri, M. MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICAL UNIV MI Investigating within-canopy phenotypic plasticity to assess the acclimation potential of temperate and tropical tree species to climatic change
1022105 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Chaffin, BR, . Chaffin, BR. UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA MT Native American water rights settlements as pathways for watershed protection and forest restoration
1027266 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Chan, C. Chan, C. UNIV OF HAWAII HI Integrated Agricultural and Environmental Policy for Building a Sustainable Water Economy in Hawai'i
1024678 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Chang, SU. Chang, SU. LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Real options, timber insurance and the generalized Faustmann formula for timber management under stumpage price uncertainty and stand volume risk.
1026423 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Charney, NO. Charney, NO. UNIVERSITY OF MAINE ME Landscape patterns and wildlife dynamics in human-altered forested systems
1024391 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Cheah, CA, A.. Cheah, CA, A.. CONNECTICUT AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION CT Development and evaluation of strategies for protecting and sustaining the essential eastern hemlock resource in Connecticut
1027576 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Chen, MI, . Chen, MI, . UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Synergistic integration of multi-source remote sensing observations to advance understanding carbon dynamics in forest ecosystems
1017946 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Chhin, SO, . Chhin, SO. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Quantitative Forest Management to Build Adaptive Capacity
1019401 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Chi, YE, . Chi, YE. University of Maryland Eastern Shore MD Development of an integrated model to understand forest resilience, carbon sequestration, and climate change on Delmarva’s upland forests
1026149 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Chitwood, CO, . Chitwood, CO, . OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY OK Using camera traps to improve our ability to estimate wildlife demographic parameters in forested systems
1025146 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Clarke, MY, . Clarke, MY, . UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL (MC) Perceptions, attitudes, behaviors and community engagement with urban forests: Implications for social resilience in Southeastern cities
1021271 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Akumu, CL, . Clement Elumpe, AK. TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Using SPOT 7 and Landsat 8 Satellite Data in Mapping and Monitoring Softwood Forest Vegetation and Canopy Water Content in Tennessee
1021573 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Cleveland, CO, . Cleveland, CO. UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA MT The Effects of Forest Restoration on Tree Regeneration
1027583 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Cobb, RI. Cobb, RI. CAL POLYTECHNIC STATE UNIV CA Identification of effective and scalable forest health treatments for coastal California forests: mitigating wildfire and fire-disease interactions
1019657 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Cohen, M. Cohen, M. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL (MC) Landscape scale forest management for meeting water quantity and quality goals
1020035 NEW MCINTIRE-STENNIS Hillman, BR, I. Cohick, WE, S. RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY NJ NJAES McIntire-Stennis Administration and Coordination