Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1006367 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Scasta, JO, DE. Scasta, JO, DE. UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Animal-Plant Interaction Ecology on Wyoming Rangelands
1006246 TERMINATED HATCH Heitholt, JA, . Heitholt, JA, J.. UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Screening Grain Crop Genotypes for Drought Tolerance in the High Plains and Intermountain West
1006218 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Cox, L. Henry,Catherine BLUE MEADOWS FARM LABS LLC WY Next-Generation Cost-Effective Small and Mid-size Farm GMP Compliance Process for Dietary Supplements
1006213 TERMINATED HATCH Islam, M., . Islam, M.. UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Evaluation of Birdsfoot Trefoil, a Non-bloating Forage Legume, in Wyoming
1006212 TERMINATED HATCH Islam, M., . Islam, M.. UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Wyoming production of locally-bred winter pea to integrate crop and livestock production in Wyoming
1006068 TERMINATED HATCH Dhekney, SA, . Dhekney, SA, . UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Engineering alfalfa weevil resistance in commercial alfalfa cultivars: a valuable tool for integrated pest management of alfalfa weevil
1005942 TERMINATED HATCH Hild, A, . Hild, A, . UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Priming Science: Writing Emerging Science to Engage Resource Navigators
1005893 TERMINATED HATCH Sbatella, GU, . Kniss, AN. UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Effects of Limited irrigation on herbicide efficacy and herbicide carry over
1005888 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Gigley, JA, . Gigley, JA, . UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY NK cell memory in long-term immunity to Toxoplasma gondii.
1005866 TERMINATED HATCH Sbatella, GU, . Sbatella, GU, . UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Technical and economic evaluation for on-farm drying of confection sunflowers and grain corn in the Big Horn Basin
1005865 TERMINATED HATCH Miller, ST, L.. Miller, ST, L.. UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Using Next-Gen Sequencing to Identify Heirloom, Historic and Novel Apple Cultivars in 100 year-old Orchards in Wyoming and Montana as a Foundation for Marker- Assisted Breeding of Cultivars Specifically Suited to Different Regions of the Rocky Mountains
1005811 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Shaw, SC, . Shaw, SC, . UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Studies of parasitoid wasps associated with mountain pine beetle
1005790 TERMINATED HATCH Kelleners, T, . Kelleners, T, . UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Soil, Water, and Environmental Physics Across Scales
1005764 TERMINATED HATCH Ballenger, NI, SU. Bastian, CH, . UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Genetics and Genomics Research for Beef Cattle: Where’s the Economics (for Wyoming and Beyond)?
1005699 TERMINATED HATCH Norton, JA, B.. Norton, JA. UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Food, Feed, Fuel, and Fiber: Security Under a Changing Climate
1005356 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Jones Ritten, C. A. Jones Ritten,Chian Alicia UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Overcoming Honey Bee Pollination Market Information Deficiencies in the Intermountain West and Pacific Coast
1005214 TERMINATED HATCH Larson-Meyer, E, . Larson-Meyer, EN. UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Diet, exercise and lifestyle on health, disease prevention and physical performance in Wyoming Residents
1005185 TERMINATED HATCH Islam, M., . Islam, M.. UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Enhancing management, production, and sustainability of grazing ruminants in extensive landscapes
1004670 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Schell, S. Schell,Scott UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Crop Protection and Pest Management Extension Implementation Area
1004643 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Tanaka, J. Tanaka,John UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Discovering Our Nation's Rangelands
1004588 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Merkle, J. A. Merkle,Jerod Andrew UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Evaluating the influence of climate change on the commingling of livestock and wild ungulates: quantifying the risks across Wyoming rangelan
1004431 TERMINATED HATCH Kniss, AN, R. Kniss, AN. UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Reducing direct harvest losses in conservation tillage dry bean production
1003752 TERMINATED HATCH Stayton, MA, . Thorsness, PE, . UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Integrated Investigation of Molecular Mechanisms Important for Health and Agriculture in Wyoming
1003751 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Stayton, MA, . Stayton, MA, . UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Genetics of Resistance to High Altitude Disease (Brisket Disease) in Yak /Cow Hybrids
1003593 TERMINATED HATCH Lake, S, L.. Lake, S, L.. UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Integrated Approach to Enhance Efficiency of Feed Utilization in Beef Production Systems
1003482 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH McCormick, RI, J.. Stayton, MA, . UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY High altitude (brisket) disease in beef cattle.
1003414 TERMINATED HATCH Bisha, BL, . Bisha, BL, . UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Enteric Diseases of Food Animals: Enhanced Prevention, Control and Food Safety
1003413 TERMINATED HATCH Bisha, BL, . Bisha, BL. UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Enhancing Microbial Food Safety by Risk Analysis
1003412 TERMINATED HATCH Rule, DA, C.. Rule, DA, C.. UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Omega-3 supplementation for beef cattle and sheep: impacts on tissue composition, reproduction, and development of offspring
1003409 TERMINATED HATCH Murphy, ME, . Murphy, ME. UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Understanding distribution and connectivity of species in changing landscapes