Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1016929 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Wobbrock, N. J. Wobbrock,Nicholas James BLUE FOREST CONSERVATION OR Advancing remote sensing approaches to measure water yield, identify ecological forest restoration priorities, and promote watershed investment opportunities in fire prone watersheds in California.
1022554 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Wiltbank, L. B. Wiltbank,Lisa B SCIENSS BIOTECHNOLOGY LLC WI Production of Recombinant Gonadotropins to Increase Fertility in Beef Cattle
0217930 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Wilson, L. B. Wilson,Lynn B. WEBFISH PACIFIC HI Early Childhood Oral Health Initiative for Rural Families
0222819 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Wilson, L. B. Lynn B. Wilson WEBFISH PACIFIC HI Early Childhood Oral Health Initiative for Rural Families
0206513 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Wilson, J. L. Wilson, J. L. WILSON'S CEDAR POINT FARM KY Production and Storability of Capscium Baccatum, A Novel Specialty Pepper
0225326 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Wilson, J. Wilson,Joel Wilson`s Cedar Point Farms, LLC KY Production and Marketing of a Novelty Specialty Pepper, Capsicum baccatum
0211034 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Wilson, D. E. Wilson,Doyle E. BIOTRONICS, INC. IA Enhancing Pork Quality and Value Using Live Animal Ultrasound Technology for Better Breeding and Marketing Decisions
0213561 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Wilson, D. E. Wilson, D. E. BIOTRONICS, INC. IA Hybrid System for Ultrasound Signal, Spectral, and Image Analyses to Enhance Meat Quality Evaluation in Food Animals
1016066 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Wilson, D. Wilson,Donald ENVIRONMENTAL FUEL RESEARCH, LLC PA Desulfurization of Biodiesel Produced from Low-Quality Feedstocks
0225294 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Wills, R. H. Wills,Robert Solar-Stream, LLC NH The Flex Pump - An Innovation in Solar Water Pumping
1024675 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Williams, C. Williams,Christopher INTELLISENSE SYSTEMS, INC. CA Fire Weather Observation Sensor (FWOS) System
0221846 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Willard, D. M. Willard,Dale M. Advanced MicroLabs CO Cost-Effective Biomass Conversion via an Online Carbohydrate Monitoring Device
0226411 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Willard, D. M. Willard,Dale M. Advanced MicroLabs CO Less Expensive Biofuel Production Enables by an Online Carbohydrate Monitor
1022569 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Wilkerson, J. Wilkerson,John EDEN CONCEPTS LLC TN A Portable Precision Fluid Planter For Pre-Germinated Vegetable Seeds
1012679 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Wiles, A. M. Wiles,Annette M MIDWEST HOP PRODUCERS LLC NE Optimizing Best Management Practices and Cultivar Selection for Midwest Hops Production
1025841 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Whitmer, C. E. Whitmer,Christopher Eldon PARAMETRIC STUDIO, INC. IA Project-based STEM Education Tools for Distance Learning and Workforce Development in Rural Communities
0221728 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT White, J. H. James Steven Beck ELTRON RESEARCH, INC. CO Retrofit Emissions Control Technology for Agricultural Diesel Sources
0217931 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT White, J. C. White, J. C. TWILIGHT TRAINING LLC DBA VIASIM TX Research and Development of a Simulation-Based Strategic Planning Tool for Water and Wastewater Resource Management
0221729 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT White, J. C. White, J. C. TWILIGHT TRAINING LLC DBA VIASIM TX Research and Development of a Simulation-Based Integrated Infrastructure Analysis Tool
1029955 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Wheeler, M. A. Wheeler,Michael GRADY'S GARDEN LLC WI Grady`s Garden web App in concert with animation content, healthy branded products to improve the health of kids of color who live in underserved communities and are at risk of childhood obesity.
0228771 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Wheeler, J. V. Wheeler,Jeffrey Vandenberg Exactheat LLC MI Connection of electrodes on polymer based heating elements
0206461 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT whalen, J. John Whalen HARMON BROOK FARM (MAINE SMELT HATCHERY ME Establish Effective Feeding and Harvest Protocol for Rainbow Smelt
0217792 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Wettels, N. Borzage, M. SYNTOUCH LLC CA Robotic Fruit Harvester Sensors
0196185 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT West, G. West, G. Santa Clara Woodworks NM Innovative Wood and Ceramicrete Composite Building Material
0213595 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Wen, B. Wen, B. UNITED ENVIRONMENT & ENERGY, LLC NY One-step Biodiesel Production from Yellow Grease
0221853 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Wen, B. Wen, . United Environment & Energy, LLC NY A Novel Catalytic Reactor for Biodiesel Production
0222849 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Wen, B. Ben Wen United Environment & Energy, LLC NY One-step Biodiesel Production from Yellow Grease
1000142 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Wen, B. Wen,Ben United Environment & Energy, LLC NY One-step Biobased Green Gasoline Production from Biodiesel Plant Waste Glycerol
1012641 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Wen, B. Motayed,Abhishek N5 SENSORS INC MD Low-Cost, Low-Power Sensors For Detection Of Gases For Farming And Agricultural Activities
1028617 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Wells, J. G. Wells,Jennifer Gayle LATERAL.SYSTEMS LLC OR Lateral.Systems Aquaponics Edge Platform