Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1030418 NEW OTHER GRANTS Reddy, U. K. Reddy,Umesh K WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Machine learning approaches for modelling color patterns, fruit shapes with metabolites for breeding Capsicum chinense peppers
1030518 NEW OTHER GRANTS Sanjaya, S. A. Sanjaya,Sanju Adagoor WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Genetic improvement of photosynthesis and biomass yield in switchgrass for bioenergy production
1030519 NEW OTHER GRANTS Muthan, B. Muthan,Bagyalakshmi WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Understanding the effect of solar radiation stress and genetic improvement of soybean yield to advance food security
1030710 NEW OTHER GRANTS Zaman, N. Zaman,Naveed WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV 1890 Scholarships Program at West Virginia State University
1030722 NEW OTHER GRANTS Kessell, J. Kessell,John WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Next Generation of WV Agriculture Professionals
1031927 NEW OTHER GRANTS Herath Bandara, S. J. Herath Bandara,Saman Janaranjana WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Enhance student recruitment and retention at WVSU by reducing the knowledge gap in the agribusiness supply chain among interested and underserved groups in West Virginia
1031928 NEW OTHER GRANTS Jung, Y. Jung,Yangjin WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Developing and promoting scientific-proven practices for safer microgreen production
1031941 NEW OTHER GRANTS Chinnannan, K. Chinnannan,Karthik WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Investigations into selenium transport, accumulation, and mitigation mechanisms in watermelon for food safety using genomic technologies
1031942 NEW OTHER GRANTS Huber, D. H. Huber,David H. WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV When Rivers Collide: Do Microbiomes Reduce Subcatchment Stressors and Improve Ecosystem Resilience in a Model Regulated Appalachian River?
1031943 NEW OTHER GRANTS Ortiz, C. Ortiz,Carlos WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Comparative and translational genomics in tomato and pepper for developing pre-breeding lines and tool kits for anthracnose resistance
1031944 NEW OTHER GRANTS Tomason, Y. Tomason,Yan WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Breeding high value melons for enhanced flavor, nutraceuticals and disease resistance through interspecific hybridization
1031945 NEW OTHER GRANTS Hankins, G. Hankins,Gerald WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Spatial Transcriptomic Sequencing and Trip-CRISPR Knockout Technologies for Teaching and Exploring the Health Effects of Capsaicin, Turmeric, Blueberries, and Bitter melon using Drosophila
1031946 NEW OTHER GRANTS Sanjaya, S. A. Sanjaya,Sanju Adagoor WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Developing Climate-Resilient High Oil-Yielding Oilseed Crops Through Genetic Engineering Strategies
1032314 NEW OTHER GRANTS Zaman, N. Zaman,Naveed WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV 1890 Scholarships Program at West Virginia State University
1032925 NEW OTHER GRANTS Zaman, N. Zaman,Naveed WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV 1890 Scholarships Program at West Virginia State University
1024432 NEW OTHER GRANTS Moss, S. C. Moss,Spencer Courtney WEST VIRGINIA FOOD AND FARM COALITION, INC. WV Turnip the Beet on SNAP Stretch
1026996 NEW OTHER GRANTS Moss, S. C. Moss,Spencer C WEST VIRGINIA FOOD AND FARM COALITION, INC. WV COVID Relief 2020-70030-33118: Lettuce Support SNAP Stretch
1032629 NEW OTHER GRANTS Martin, M. Martin,Melissa WEST VIRGINIA FOOD AND FARM COALITION, INC. WV Mingo County Food Forward Foursome: Sow to Store
1031524 NEW OTHER GRANTS Ozmaeian, M. Ozmaeian,Masoumeh WEST TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Empowering Young Women and Educators: Promoting the Significance of STEM Education in Agricultural Practices through Hydrologic Sciences
1032954 NEW OTHER GRANTS Howell, N. Howell,Nathan WEST TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY TX Enhancing economic, nutritional, and resiliency outcomes for strawberry production in the US South Central region via smart controlled environment agriculture
1029598 NEW OTHER GRANTS Mudge, K. Mudge,Kate WEST CENTRAL INITIATIVE MN Growing Grant County: expanding access to healthful and locally produced foods through education, production and agricultural enterprise.
1031245 NEW OTHER GRANTS Nixon, K. Nixon,Katie WEST CENTRAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORP MO A Collaborative Approach to Ensuring Beginning Farmer Success
1028676 NEW OTHER GRANTS Bullock, J. Bullock,Jeff WENATCHEE VALLEY COLLEGE FOUNDATION WA Experiential Learning and Research to Strengthen Agricultural Education
1032946 NEW OTHER GRANTS Sarmiento, F. Sarmiento,Francisco WENATCHEE VALLEY COLLEGE FOUNDATION WA Sembrando Exito: Cultivating Hispanic Leaders in Agriculture
1029496 NEW OTHER GRANTS Rose, F. Rose,Fred WELLSPRING COOPERATIVE CORPORATION MA Springfield Prescription Produce Collaborative
1031266 NEW OTHER GRANTS Varnell, H. Varnell,Hannah WELLFARM VETERINARY CONSULTANTS PLLC VA VA006_Wellfarm Vets: Herd Health for Rural Resiliency
0208110 NEW OTHER GRANTS Miller, G. W. Miller, G. W. WATEREUSE ASSOCIATION VA Specialty Conference on Agricultural Reuse
0212438 NEW OTHER GRANTS Sischo, W. M. Sischo, W. M. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Reducing the environmental load of food and waterborne pathogens on CAFOS
1026806 NEW OTHER GRANTS Amiri, A. Amiri,Achour WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Systems-Based Approach To Enhance Quality, Safety, And Shelf Life Of Organic Tree Fruit In The Pacific Northwest
1027544 NEW OTHER GRANTS Walsh, D. Walsh,Doug WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Enhancing Supply Chain Sustainability and Global Competitiveness for Pacific Northwest Hops