Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1024671 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Zare, A. Zare,Alina UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL SitS: Hyperspectral Signals in the Soil
1024901 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Bickhart, D. M. Zanton,Geoffrey AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE IL Expanding metagenomic analysis of rumen microbiota to include protists and their impacts on methanogenesis
1027316 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Toledo, J. U. Zaman,Naveed WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV 1890 Scholarships Program at West Virginia State University
1030942 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Zak, C. Zak,Claire LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Louisiana State University Sustainable Community Project
1026171 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Zabawa, R. Zabawa,Robert TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY AL The Economic Impact of Race and Region on Heir Property in the Rural South
1026175 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Yuan, Q. Yuan,Qunying ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Investigating the Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Activities of Selenium Nanoparticles and Their Potential Application to Increase Food Safety and Protect Food Quality
1022191 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT RONEN, A. Yuan,Heyang TEMPLE UNIVERSITY PA Reclaiming Water, Energy and Nutrients from Livestock Wastewater
1024600 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Yu, Z. Yu,Zhongtang OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH An innovative approach to improve nitrogen utilization in ruminants
1032143 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Yu, X. Yu,Xuejun WATER ILLUMINATION INC CA A chemical-free UV light-driven PFAS destruction technology to treat nontraditional water resources for agricultural irrigation
1028419 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Xiong, X. Yu,Liang INTEGRATED LIPID BIOFUELS LLC WA SBIR Phase I: Sequential Hydrothermal Extraction (SeqHTE) for Recovering Bioactive Compounds from Potato Peels and Agricultural By-products
1028844 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Xiong, X. Yu,Liang INTEGRATED LIPID BIOFUELS LLC WA SBIR Phase II: Converting Organic Waste to Biopolymer by Synergizing Anaerobic Digestion and Synthetic Biology
1022634 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Yu, J. Yu,Jisang KANSAS STATE UNIV KS The Impact Of Better Access To Foreign Markets On The Returns To U.S. Agriculture
1025337 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Yu, J. Yu,Jianming IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Understanding Genomic and Environmental Factors Underlying Phenotypic Plasticity for Crop Improvement
1025150 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Jensen, K. L. Yu,Edward UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Food Loss and Waste (FL&W) Reduction at the Consumer-Grocery Retailer Interface
1027753 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Young, J. R. Young,Joseph Ronald TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY TX Professional Development for Agricultural and STEM Educators Centered Around Turfgrass Science
1017297 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Young, G. Young,Graham UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON WA Western Regional Aquaculture Center - 31st Annual Work Plan (FY18) RENEWAL
1023852 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Young, G. Young,Graham UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON WA Western Regional Aquaculture Center - 32nd Annual Work Plan (FY20) RENEWAL
0225292 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT You, K. You,Kyu Suk Geo-Spider, Inc FL Over the Top Citrus Harvesting Equipment for Process Market Fruit in High Density Citrus Groves
0196373 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT York, W. S. York, W. S. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Structure and Distribution of the Sidechains of the Highly Branched Pectic Polysaccharide Rhamnogalacturonan I
0203682 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Yokoyama, M. T. Yokoyama, M. E. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Globalization of Agriculture: Training The Next Generations of U.S. International Scholars
1026799 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Yoder, A. Yoder,Aaron University of Nebraska Medical Center NE Safety in Agriculture for Youth (SAY)
1029134 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Yoder, A. Yoder,Aaron UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Nebraska AgrAbility 2022-2026
1025558 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Yin, H. Yin,Huiming LAMONT DOHERTY EARTH OBSERVATORY OF COLUMBIA UNIV NY An Integrated Approach to a Zero-Energy Greenhouse Using Solar and Geothermal Energy
1029860 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Yenerall, J. N. Yenerall,Jacqueline Nicole UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Consumer Preferences For Online Grocery Shopping Attributes, Their Influence On Food Choice, And Nutrition Security Implications
1027129 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Yemmireddy, V. K. Yemmireddy,Veerachandra UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS-PAN AMERICAN TX Closing the GAPs: Food Safety Education and Outreach to Underserved Communities in the Lower Rio Grande Valley
1025668 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Yellavajjala, R. K. Yellavajjala,Ravi Kiran NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND Low-cost and Sustainable Corrosion Mitigation Products Derived from Agricultural Feedstocks
1031551 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Yellavajjala, R. Yellavajjala,Ravi ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY AZ Low-Cost And Sustainable Corrosion Mitigation Products Derived From Agricultural Feedstocks
1021204 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Yarrow, L. Yarrow,Linda KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Development Of Multicultural Scholar Graduates And Leaders With Global Competency
1031111 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Yaroch, A. Yaroch,Amy CHN NEBRASKA NE NTAE 2.0: Building on Success from NTAE 1.0 to Strengthen GusNIP for All Audiences
1022733 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Yanni, S. Yanni,Steve BAY MILLS COMMUNITY COLLEGE MI HEMP Tribal Research Initiative for Michigan