Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1025334 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Holding, D. Holding,David UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Advancing CRISPR generated high-digestibility high-lysine sorghum from proof of concept to large-scale production
1029664 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Kalyanaraman, A. Kalyanaraman,Ananth WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA International Collaboration: AgAID AI Institute: Accelerating Research Thrusts and Training through International Partnerships
1028278 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Houghtaling, B. Houghtaling,Bailey LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Implementation Strategies for Extension to Scale Rural Healthy Eating and Active Living Policy, Systems, and Environmental Interventions
1027992 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Nestor, C. Nestor,Casey NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Agouti-related peptide in nutritional-induced suppression of luteinizing hormone secretion
1019184 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Walzem, R. Walzem,Rosemary TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Probiotic modulation of appetite to improve breeder pullet welfare
1018292 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Rowland, R. Clark,Jeffrey Spencer KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Capacity building in animal health through biotechnology training for high school science teachers
1013279 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT SELVARAJ, R. SELVARAJ,RAMESH UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Regulatory T cell suppressive and kinomic properties in persistent salmonella infections of poultry
1023133 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Reif, K. E. Reif,Kathryn Elizabeth KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Partnership: Development Of A Rational Vaccine For Bovine Anaplasmosis
1005115 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Bisaro, D. M. Bisaro,David M OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Inhibiting Translation to Condition Virus Resistance in Tomato
1022688 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Dillman, A. R. Dillman,Adler Ray UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE CA Using insecticidal nematode toxins in biological control
1022176 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Tuller, M. Tuller,Markus UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ A Novel Approach to Remote Sensing of Evapotranspiration to Improve Water Use Efficiency Across Crop Production Systems
1026031 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Lang, C. Lang,Corey UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND RI Leveraging Status Quo Bias To Preserve Farm, Forest And Open Space Lands
1025583 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Johnson, S. Johnson,Stephanie BATTELLEED OH Ohio Rural Educators Program: Cultivating STEM Content and Careers in Agriculture
1025221 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Shepherd, R. Shepherd,Robert CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY NRI: INT: Ubiquitous Soil Sampling Robots for Confluent Soil Monitoring
1028593 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wei, N. Wei,Na UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL Engineering A Highly Specific and Recyclable Phosphate Scavenger for Phosphorus Recovery
1024802 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Blissard, G. W. Blissard,Gary W. BOYCE THOMPSON INSTITUTE NY Understanding and Modifying Insect Midgut Responses to Pathogen Attack
1028132 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Hernandez, D. Hernandez,Damian UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI FL Genetic mechanisms of context dependency in a plant-fungal symbiosis
1027913 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Bowling, L. Bowling,Laura PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Less is more: Eco-intensification using recycled drainage water for fertigation.
1027665 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Hinckley, E. Hinckley,Eve-Lyn UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO CO Toward Sustainable Crop Sulfur Use: Probing the Link between High Sulfur Applications and Methylmercury Production
1025136 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Casadei, E. Casadei,Elisa UNIV OF NEW MEXICO NM Elucidating the role of beta defensins in stress response in Rainbow trout
1028356 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT VanderWaal, K. VanderWaal,Kimberly UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Translating genetic data to antigenic phenotype for improved management of PRRSV in U.S. swine populations
1024584 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Onel, G. Onel,Gulcan UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Changing Labor Markets and Labor Risk Management: Decision-making Tools for Small- and Medium-Sized Farms
1028066 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Martens-Habbena, W. A. Martens-Habbena,Willm Abben UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Improving carbon- and nitrogen cycle linkages in agricultural soil microbiomes for enhanced carbon storage and crop nitrogen use efficiency
1027875 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Dhar, A. K. Dhar,Arun UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ A viral vector for an oral delivery of RNAi-based therapeutics in shrimp
1026941 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Slupsky, C. M. Slupsky,Carolyn Marie UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA UC Davis Dietary Biomarkers Development Center
1030319 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Jenkins, A. Jenkins,Adam OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Developing an Understanding of Nitrogenase by Engineering Metalloprotein Analogues
1015088 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Thorson, J. F. Thorson,Jennifer Frances MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT In utero programming of the blood-brain barrier and nutrient-sensing circuitry that regulate bovine reproductive function
1009068 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Gu, Z. Gu,Zhengrong SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD USDA Undergraduate Fellowship: Impact of Biochar on Lifecycles of Agricultural Chemicals and Interactions between Plants and Soil Microorgan
0219618 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Tate, K. W. Tate,Kenneth W UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Transport and mitigation of beef cattle veterinary pharmaceuticals and hormones in surface and sub-surface runoff from grazed watersheds