Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1030130 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Brady, K. Brady,Kristen Agricultural Research Service PA Regulation of reproduction in turkey hens by thyroid hormones
1030152 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Kick, D. R. Kick,Daniel Robert AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE IL Environmentally Aware Deep Learning Based Genomic Selection And Management Optimization For Maize Yield
1030181 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Zilnik, G. L. Zilnik,Gabriel Leon AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE CA Factors mediating long term success in a biological control introduction
1030222 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Waite, J. M. Waite,Jessica Marie AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE CA Improving Pyrus Rooting Efficiency
1030448 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Li, W. LI,Wenli AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE IL Using Metatranscriptomics to Investigate the Liver and Blood Microbiome in Dairy Cattle with Feed-induced Acidosis
1030508 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Herreid, J. Herreid,Judith AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE SD Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Impacts on Biocontrol and Parasitoid Diversity in Wheat and Alfalfa
1030682 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Flint-Garcia, S. Flint-Garcia,Sherry AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE IL Maize Heirloom Varieties of the United States
1030853 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Cichy, K. A. Cichy,Karen Ann AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE IL Cultivar Development: Accelerating the commercialization of locally adapted dry bean cultivars using multi-trait multi-environment genomic selection indices
1030860 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Lamas, Z. S. Lamas,Zachary Siqueira Agricultural Research Service PA From genes to infection: Multidisciplinary approach to understanding attraction and vectoring by a key parasite of honey bees
1030875 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Pekarcik, A. J. Pekarcik,Adrian Joseph AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE SD Population genetics of Asiatic garden beetle: are Great Lakes populations infesting agronomic crops unique?
1031670 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Christman, M. E. Christman,Morgan Elizabeth AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE CA Investigating imperiled bumble bee species distributions and habitat associations
1031885 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Heck, M. L. Heck,Michelle Lynn Agricultural Research Service PA Proteomic, genomic, and biological characterization of emerging viruses in upland cotton
1031962 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Breza, L. C. Breza,Lauren Christie AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE CA Impact of Meadowfoam on Nitrogen Cycling in Grass Seed Cropping Systems
1031991 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Mirsky, S. Mirsky,Steven Agricultural Research Service PA The Missing Link - Mapping Cover Crops for Weed Suppression and Soil Health
1032058 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wheeler, T. L. Wheeler,Tommy Lee AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE SD Integrated Research Solutions to Reduce Foodborne Salmonellosis Workshop
1032112 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Brooks, M. D. Brooks,Matthew D AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE IL Optimizing nitrogen-photosynthesis relationships for future climates: improving predictive accuracy of gene networks with epigenetic states
1032197 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Schomberg, H. H. Schomberg,Harry Howard AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE MD Crop Rotation Diversity DRIVES Resilience to Environmental and Economic Variability, and Improves Nutrition Outcomes
1032215 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Li, L. Li,Li Agricultural Research Service PA A novel genetic strategy and mechanism to improve tomato fruit yield
1032010 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Plakias, Z. Plakias,Zoe AGRICULTURAL & APPLIED ECONOMICS ASSOCIATION WI Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Early Career Professionals Workshop: Supporting Scholars to Thrive in Applied Economics
1029625 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Roscioli, J. R. Roscioli,Joseph R. Aerodyne Research, Inc. MA Spatial and temporal mapping of dissolved organic matter transformations in the rhizosphere using subsurface gas and aqueous phase probe networks
1030566 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Compel, W. Compel,William AEMS CORP. CA Reformatting GRAS Ingredients as Antimicrobial Materials
1022468 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Farrer, E. C. Farrer,Emily C ADMINISTRATORS OF THE TULANE EDUCATIONAL FUND, THE LA Plant-microbe feedbacks and noxious weed invasion: will climate variability enhance spread and dominance?
1030671 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Rose, D. Rose,Diego (Donald) ADMINISTRATORS OF THE TULANE EDUCATIONAL FUND, THE LA PARTNERSHIP: Addressing Food Insecurity and Dietary Behaviors Among College Students at Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) in the United States
1024845 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT De Mars, A. De Mars,AnnMaria 7 GENERATION GAMES INC CA Growing Math: Accessible, Cross-Curricular Education in Food and Agricultural Sciences