Project Listing

Sponsoring Agency:USDA - NIFA

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Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0214893 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Rideout, S. Rideout,Steven VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Alternatives to methyl bromide for the control of bacterial wilt and yellow nutsedge in tomatoes and peppers grown in Virginia
0214889 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Maynard, B. K. Maynard, B. K. UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND RI Nursery Production, RI Federal Administration - Extension
0214877 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Gassmann, W. Gassmann, W. UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Vitis Gene Discovery, MO
0214856 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hattey, J. A. Hattey, J. A. OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY OK Animal Waste in Semiarid Agroecosystems
0214850 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS DAANE, K. M. DAANE, K. M. UNIV OF CALIFORNIA CA Using Intercrops and Alternative Prey to Boost Predatory Flies in Lettuce
0214844 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Goetz, S. J. Unger, R. L. PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Northeast Regional Center for Rural Development Project - 2008
0214843 NEW OTHER GRANTS Weisser, D. L. Weisser, D. L. Sinte Gleska University SD Increasing the capacity of Sinte Gleska University to provide land use management to the Sicangu Lakota Oyate through the establishment of t
0214842 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Bullock, F. D. Bullock, F. D. TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Training in the areas of conservation and environmental stewardship, farm safety, bio-security issues, and financial and risk management
0214839 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Stevenson, K. L. STEVENSON,KATHERINE L UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Relationship between sources of inoculum and fungicide resistance: The key to better management of gummy stem blight in watermelon
0214835 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zabawa, R. Zabawa,Robert TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY AL Small Farm Training and Technical Assistance Project
0214833 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Flora, C. Good, C. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA North Central Regional Center for Rural Development
0214814 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Turner, C. W. Turner, C NEW MEXICO STATE UNIV NM Diabetes Detection, Prevention, WA: Project at New Mexico State University
0214809 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Flinn, B. Flinn, B. Institute for Advanced Learning and Research VA High Value Horticulture and Forestry for Virginia - The Institute for Sustainable and Renewable Resources
0214803 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Daugherty, M. Daugherty, M. UNIV OF CALIFORNIA CA Cascading effects of climate change on an invasive insect vector and disease spread in Vineyards
0214802 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Baumgartner, K. Baumgartner,Kendra UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Preventative pruning and resistant varieties for long-term control of grapevine trunk diseases.
0214797 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Babcock, B. A. Good, C. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA International Competitiveness and Marketability of Midwest Agribusiness Products
0214789 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Adamu, U. Adamu, U. UNIV OF ARKANSAS AR Identification, Assessment, and Delivery of Food Safety Education and Training for Food Service Institutions in the Mississippi Delta
0214762 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS howard, A. Howard, A. NAVAJO TECHNICAL COLLEGE NM Navajo Extension Workforce Project (NEW)
0214728 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Garner, J. O. BUCKNER,EDMUND UNIV OF ARKANSAS AR Enhancing Research, Extension and Academic Facilities at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
0214727 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Foster, D. T. Foster,Delbert Thomas SOUTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY SC Improvement of Research, Extension and Teaching Facilities
0214724 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Harrell,R Wheaton,Fred UNIV OF MARYLAND MD NRAC 2008 Prime Grant
0214714 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Giesemann, J. Brook, R. D. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Pilot Technology Transfer, OK and MS
0214703 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Matthews, Y. Essel,Albert LINCOLN UNIVERSITY MO Integrated Farming Systems Project/Various Capital Improvements
0214700 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Dwyer, D. F. Dwyer,Daryl F. UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO, THE OH Phytoremediation and Plant Research, Wetlands
0214687 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bequette, B. Wakefield,Dexter ALCORN STATE UNIVERSITY MS 1890 Facilities Grant Program: Alcorn State University
0214686 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Reddy, C. Reddy,Chandra TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Integrated Space for Reunification of School of Agriculture and Consumer Sciences
0214678 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Reagan, T. Reagan, T. LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Building an Area-wide IPM Perspective for Stalk Borers Threatening Sugarcane and Rice
0214674 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Douce,G,K Douce,G Keith UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Expanding IPM Images to Meet the Needs of Southern IPM Extension Education and Plant Diagnostic Communities
0214672 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Bezerra, J. A. Bezerra, J. A. CALIFORNIA STATE UNIV. FRESNO FOUNDATION CA California State University Agricultural Research Initiative (ARI) Program