Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1022634 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Yu, J. Yu,Jisang KANSAS STATE UNIV KS The Impact Of Better Access To Foreign Markets On The Returns To U.S. Agriculture
1025333 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Yu, J. Yu,Jiujiu UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Dietary exosome-like nanoparticles and their impact on the gut microbiome in obesity
1033305 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Yu, J. Yu,Jiujiu Case Western Reserve University OH Dietary exosome-like nanoparticles and their impact on the gut microbiome in obesity
1028107 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Yu, L. Yu,Liang WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Develop a Self-Sustaining Technology to Recover Clean Water and Value-added Products from Animal Manure Wastewater
1029875 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Yu, M. Yu,Mei UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO PR Strengthening Research Capacities in Geospatial Data Science in Agricultural and Natural Resources
1023149 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Yu, M. Yu,Miao UNIV OF MARYLAND MD Transforming shellfish farming with smart technology and management practices for sustainable production
1018851 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Yu, T. Yu,Tun-Hsiang UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Economic, Risk and Life Cycle Analysis of Biomass Logistics from Logging Residues and Short Rotation Woody Crops
1029899 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Yu, Y. Yu,Yang MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Incorporating Food Waste in Food Policy Research: Methods and Applications
0228208 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Yu, Z. Yu,Zhongtang OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Interactions of Ruminal Protozoa with Cellulolytic Bacteria, Methanogens, and Hyperammonia-producing Bacteria: Impact on Methane Emission
1016732 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Yu, Z. Yu,Zhongtang OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH An innovative approach to develop specific protozoan inhibitors to improve efficiency of nitrogen utilization by cattle
1024600 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Yu, Z. Yu,Zhongtang OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH An innovative approach to improve nitrogen utilization in ruminants
1032498 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Yuan, F. Yuan,Fangfeng Massachusetts Institute of Technology MA Rational Design and Immunogenicity Evaluation of mRNA-based Vaccine against African Swine Fever Virus
1022191 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT RONEN, A. Yuan,Heyang TEMPLE UNIVERSITY PA Reclaiming Water, Energy and Nutrients from Livestock Wastewater
1019946 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Yuan, W. Yuan,Wenqiao NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Biochar-Based Soil Nutrient Carriers: Production, Processing and Performance
0228277 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Yuan, Y. Yuan,Yinan MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICAL UNIV MI Systematic identification and characterization of overlapping sense/antisense gene loci in Populus genome
1019113 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Yun, S. Yun,Seong Do MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Sustainable Bioenergy Production and Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services
1012060 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Yung, L. Yung,Laurie UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA MT Improving the Efficacy of Climate Information for Water Use Decisions: Developing, Testing, and Institutionalizing New Tools for Producers
1005380 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Zabawa, R. Zabawa,Robert TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY AL Securing the Land for Agricultural and Community Development: Addressing Heir Property as an Asset Building Strategy
1011557 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Zahn, L. Zahn,Levi UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE CA Development and Demonstration of Automated Remote Wingbeat Sensors for the Identification of Pestiferous Insects in Animal Agricultural Operations
1026516 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Zait, Y. Zait,Yotam PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Elucidation and optimization of guard cells’ response to VPD to improve water use efficiency in crops
0220312 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Zakharov, F. Zakharov, F. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Investigation of Branched-Chain Amino Acid Metabolism Involved in Aroma Formation in Melon
1026416 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Zalewski, Z. Zalewski,Zachary UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Exploring and Capitalizing on Genotypic Variation in the Oat Microbiome
0231740 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Zalom, F. G. Zalom,Frank G. Entomological Society of America MD Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America
1032435 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Zamora, M. Zamora,Manuela NEW YORK SUN WORKS, INC. NY K-12 Teacher Professional Development in Urban Agriculture and Sustainability
1024901 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Bickhart, D. M. Zanton,Geoffrey AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE IL Expanding metagenomic analysis of rumen microbiota to include protists and their impacts on methanogenesis
1024671 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Zare, A. Zare,Alina UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL SitS: Hyperspectral Signals in the Soil
1010735 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Zavala Tejeda, V. Zavala Tejeda,Victor UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI INFEWS/T3: A Multi-Scale Platform for Technology Evaluation and Decision-Making in the Dairy-Water-Energy Nexus
1026754 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Zavodna, T. Zavodna,Tetiana-Olena CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Establishing the role of CITFL transcription factors in copper homeostasis and reproduction in wheat and its model Brachypodium
0227633 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Zemel, M. B. Zemel,Michael B. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Dietary Calcium and Leucine Modulation of Airway Inflammatory Response and Smooth Muscle Function