Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1014881 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT White, R. White,Robin VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Linking the microbial transcriptome, substrate supply, and epithelial function to ruminal fermentation efficiency
1017782 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT White, R. White,Robin VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA CPS: Medium: Collaborative Research: Closed Loop Sustainable Precision Animal Agriculture
1018101 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT White, R. White,Robin VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA NRI: INT: COLLAB: Rumen Understanding through Millipede-Engineered Navigation and Sensing (RUMENS)
1026249 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT White, R. White,Robin VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Collaborative Research: CPS: Medium: Greener Pastures: A pasture sanitation cyber physical system for environmental enhancement and animal monitoring
1024523 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT White, S. White,Sarah TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Enhancing sustainability and profitability of tropically adapted beef cattle utilizing a novel skeletal muscle energetics approach
1008425 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Whitehead, S. Whitehead,Susan CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Chemical Mechanisms of Insect Resistance in Apple Fruits
1013336 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Whitehead, S. Whitehead,Susan VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Chemical Mechanisms of Insect Resistance in Apples
1018474 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Whitehead, S. Whitehead,Susan VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Pest management practices can impact the apple microbiome with downstream consequences for insect resistance, fruit quality,and human health
0224196 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Whitesides, R. Whitesides,Ralph UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION UT Sustainable Approach to Renewable Energy Feedstock Production on Non-Traditional Agronomic Land in the North West
1008788 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Whitfield, A. E. Whitfield,Anna E KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Molecular mechanisms of transmission inhibition by a viral glycoprotein
1014899 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Whitfield, A. E. Whitfield,Anna NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Molecular Mechanisms of Transmission Inhibition by a Viral Glycoprotein
1022256 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Whitham, S. A. Whitham,Steven Alan IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Virus-mediated gene editing in switchgrass and sorghum
1028163 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Whitley, H. T. Whitley,Hannah Terese PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Examining Stakeholder Engagement for Inclusive Transboundary Water Management & Agricultural Sustainability in the Klamath River Basin
1032235 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Whitman, L. K. Whitman,Lydia Karine NATIONAL BISON ASSOCIATION CO 2024 International Bison Health Symposium
1026519 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Whitmore, M. Whitmore,Melanie OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY OK Synergisitic Induction of Host Defense Peptide Synthesis by Epigenetic Compounds
1000455 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Whyte, J. Whyte,Jeffrey UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO ZFN-Mediated Inactivation of Porcine Interleukin 1-beta as a Model to Study Endometrial Receptivity and Conceptus Attachment
1026900 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wiarda, J. Wiarda,Jayne IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IA Delayed weaning in pigs to reduce intestinal inflammation associated with intraepithelial T cells
1026083 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wibbenmeyer, M. Wibbenmeyer,Matthew RESOURCES FOR THE FUTURE, INC. DC Wildfire Risks In Rural Communities: Measuring Impacts, Modeling Choices, Evaluating Policies
1021869 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wickersham, T. Wickersham,Tryon TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Enhancing Sustainability Of Beef Production By Elucidating Subspecies? Differences In Urea Recycling In Response To Supplementation
1005851 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wickings, K. G. Wickings,Kyle G. N Y AGRICULTURAL EXPT STATION NY Plants, Microbes and Chemical Signals Involved in Belowground Insect Herbivory: Who`s Sending the Message?
1025959 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wickings, K. G. Wickings,Kyle G. N Y AGRICULTURAL EXPT STATION NY Cornell AgriTech FACT REEU: Enhancing the Digital Agriculture Workforce Pipeline
1025275 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Widhalm, J. R. Widhalm,Joshua R PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Investigating Phylloquinone Pathway Regulation For Production Of High-Value 1,4-Naphthoquinones In Cover Crops
1021243 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wieder, W. Wieder,William University Corporation for Atmospheric Research CO Conference Grant Application: Soil organic matter synthesis- Improving models with data from cross-site observations & manipulations
0224137 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wiedmann, M. Wiedmann,Martin CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY A National Food Safety Education Program: building a multidisciplinary food safety training pipeline from K-12 to graduate schoo
1024163 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wiedmann, M. Wiedmann,Martin CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Development of data analytics platform to allow for public health classification of Salmonella serovars and clades and improved focus of control strategies to achieve beneficial public health outcomes
1011018 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wieme, R. Wieme,Rachel WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Developing organic quinoa and grains cropping systems in the Pacific Northwest
0227857 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wiens, G. D. Wiens,Gregory David AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE WV Characterization of Disease Resistance and Immune Function in Rainbow Trout Selectively Bred for Resistance to Bacterial Cold Water Disease.
1019246 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wiersma, A. Wiersma,Andrew MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Accelerated Resistance Gene Discovery in Common Bean
1027989 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wijeratne, A. Wijeratne,Asela ARKANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY AR Investigating functional changes in soybean root microbiome during Phytophthora sojae colonization
1032216 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wijewardane, N. K. Wijewardane,Nuwan Kumara MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS POTENTIALS (advancing sPectroscOpic TechniquEs for iN siTu soIl heALth assessmentS)