Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1016366 REVISED HATCH Ganjyal, GI, . Ganjyal, GI. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Developing Food Processing, Safety, Quality, and Supply Solutions for Production of High Quality and Safe Food
1016563 REVISED HATCH Pappu, HA, . Pappu, HA, R. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Reducing the Impact of Pests and Diseases Affecting Washington Agriculture
1018344 REVISED HATCH Jiang, ZH, . Jiang, ZH. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA National Animal Genome Research Program
1012898 REVISED HATCH Dawson, JU, C. Dawson, JU, C. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Improving the Effectiveness of Vegetable Variety Trials to Assist in Breeding Decisions and to Meet Fresh-Market Grower Needs
1012915 REVISED HATCH Zhong, XU, . Zhong, XU. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Histone lysine-to-methionine Mutations: A Novel Paradigm for Reprogramming the Epigenetic Landscape in Plants
1013066 REVISED HATCH Schoville, SE, DE. Schoville, SE, DE. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Ecological and Genetic Mechanisms of Drosophila suzukii Cold Tolerance and Implications for Over-Wintering in Wisconsin
1017523 REVISED HATCH Raman, SR, . Raman, SR. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Engineered Bacteriophages as Biocontrol Agents Against Foodborne Pathogens
1018355 REVISED HATCH Huynh, TU, . HUYNH, TU. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Molecular Mechanisms of Bacterial Cell Wall Stability under c-di-AMP Regulation
1019649 REVISED HATCH Bolling, BR, . BOLLING, BR. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Yogurt Exopolysaccharides for Improving Intestinal Barrier Function
1020048 REVISED HATCH Van Pijkeren, JA, . Van Pijkeren, JA. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Development of Lactobacil lus reuteri as an Antimicrobial Delivery Vehicle
1020764 REVISED HATCH Gevens, A. Gevens, A. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Advancing Precision Integrated Disease and Insect Pest Management in Potato with Agricultural Informatics
1022666 REVISED HATCH BARAK, JE, D. BARAK, JE, D. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Phytophagous insects transform leaves into a conducive environment for Salmonella enterica
1022795 REVISED HATCH Arriola Apelo, SE, . Arriola Apelo, SE. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Milk Fat Depression Understanding its Causes and Mechanisms
0031066 REVISED HATCH Robison, D. Donahue, DA. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Multistate Research Coordination Northeastern Region
1011670 REVISED HATCH Freedman, ZA, . Morrissey, EM. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Elucidating the Link Between the Soil Microbiome and the Fate of Soil Organic Matter
1015374 REVISED HATCH Butler, P. Butler, P. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Trans-disciplinary Approach to Community Planning and Development for Heritage and Recreation Tourism
1018951 REVISED HATCH McKibben, JA, DA. Perdue, EM. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Building Scientific Inquiry Through the Use of Cross Curricular Project Based Learning in Agriculture to Developing Students in the Mountains of Appalachia
1012615 REVISED HATCH Tekiela, DA, R.. Tekiela, DA, R.. UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Detection, management, and prioritization of invasive plant species in rangeland systems
1013150 REVISED HATCH Harmon, JE, L.. Harmon, JE, L.. UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Growing Yarns: An Innovative Approach to Bacterial Cellulose Production
1013280 REVISED HATCH Mealor, B. Mealor, B. UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Integrating locally-relevant plant sciences research with an experiential learning framework
1015480 REVISED HATCH McLeod, DO, . McLeod, DO. UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Costs and Benefits of Natural Resources on Public and Private Lands: Management, Economic Valuation, and Integrated Decision-Making
1015966 REVISED HATCH Ehmke, CO, . Ehmke, CO. UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Elder Financial Exploitation: Family Risk and Protective Factors
1024635 REVISED HATCH Malmberg, JE, . Malmberg, JE, . UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY North American interdisciplinary chronic wasting disease research consortium