Project Listing

Sponsoring Agency:USDA - NIFA

As NIFA transitions to a new reporting system, the NIFA Reporting System, the AREERA Plans of Work and Annual Reports of Accomplishments, and their data, may not be immediately available in NIFA's standard reports.

For updates, please refer to the NIFA Reporting System or email

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1024611 NEW HATCH Zhu-Salzman, KE, . Zhu-Salzman, KE, . TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Harnessing Chemical Ecology to Address Agricultural Pest and Pollinator Priorities
1024607 NEW HATCH Andrade, JE, . Andrade, JE, . UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Chef Gator: Peer-led Plant-based Culinary Workshops Impact on College Students' Culinary Abilities and Diet
1024606 NEW HATCH Piggott, N. Piggott, N. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Analyzing and Forecasting Grain Basis in North Carolina
1024601 NEW HATCH Steenhuis, TA, . Steenhuis, TA. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Soil, Water, and Environmental Physics to Sustain Agriculture and Natural Resources
1024599 NEW HATCH Pinero Ramirez, JA, . Pinero Ramirez, JA. UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Harnessing Chemical Ecology to Address Agricultural Pest and Pollinator Priorities
1024598 TERMINATED HATCH Keller, N. Keller, N. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Mycotoxins in a Changing World
1024597 NEW HATCH Keinath, AN, P.. Keinath, AN, P.. CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Economic Impact and Management of Important Foliar Pathogens of Vegetable Crops in South Carolina
1024591 NEW HATCH Nadakuduti, SA, SW. Nadakuduti, SA, SW. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Understanding the molecular mechanisms of plant metabolic pathways to advance agriculture and human health
1024587 NEW HATCH Miller, WI. Miller, WI. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Improving Spring Landscapes with In-Grass Bulb Planting Technology
1024586 NEW HATCH Hay, AN. Hay, AN. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Tailoring Compost to Meet the Needs of Growers
1024585 NEW HATCH Giordano, JU, . Giordano, JU, . CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Development and Economics of Management Strategies Incorporating Automated Health Monitoring Technologies in Dairy Farms
1024582 NEW HATCH Tregeagle, DA, . Tregeagle, DA, . NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC The Economics of Specialty Crop Production and Distribution
1024579 NEW HATCH Farrell-Poe, KA, L.. Farrell-Poe, KA, L.. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems: Assessing the Impact of Soil Variability and Climate Change
1024574 NEW HATCH Jiang, YU, . Jiang, YU. N Y AGRICULTURAL EXPT STATION NY Evaluation of Imaging and Visualization Techniques for Precision Vineyard Disease Management
1024573 NEW HATCH Ali, JA, GR. Ali, JA, GR. PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Harnessing Chemical Ecology to Address Agricultural Pest and Pollinator Priorities
1024565 NEW HATCH Zhang, HA, . Zhang, HA, . OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY OK Beneficial Use of Residuals to Improve Soil Health and Protect Public, and Ecosystem Health
1024559 NEW HATCH Johnson, TI, JA. Johnson, TI, JA. UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Ecology of avian E. coli in relation to vaccination pressure
1024558 TERMINATED HATCH Cramer, GE, . Cramer, GE. UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Applied Animal Behavior and Welfare
1024557 NEW HATCH Caixeta, LU, . Caixeta, LU. UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Mastitis Resistance to Enhance Dairy Food Safety
1024555 NEW HATCH Noyes, NO, . Noyes, NO. UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Validation of a pan-genomic viral pathogen panel for swine
1024554 NEW HATCH Caixeta, LU, . Caixeta, LU. UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Reducing antibiotic use on commercial dairy farms by optimizing dry cow antibiotic therapy
1024552 NEW HATCH Nault, BR, A.. Nault, BR, A.. N Y AGRICULTURAL EXPT STATION NY Developing an IPM strategy for the new invasive allium leafminer in allium crops
1024550 NEW HATCH Karp, LA, . Karp, LA, . UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY CA Economic analysis of decision-making for dynamic problems related to climate economics
1024546 NEW HATCH McArt, SC, . McArt, SC, . CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Harnessing Chemical Ecology to Address Agricultural Pest and Pollinator Priorities
1024544 NEW HATCH Thomson, JE, MA. Thomson, JE. MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Integrated Approach to Enhance Efficiency of Feed Utilization in Beef Production Systems
1024543 NEW HATCH Torremorell, MO. Torremorell, MO. UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Rapid Response to Mitigate Impacts of SARS-CoV-2 Across Food and Agricultural Systems
1024541 NEW HATCH Hettiarachchi, G. Hettiarachchi, GA. KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Particulate Reactivity and Cycling in a Changing Environment: Implications for Agriculture and Human Health
1024539 NEW HATCH Wolf, CH, AL. Wolf, CH, AL. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Risk Management Decision Support for New York Dairy Farms
1024538 NEW HATCH Govindasamy, RA, . Govindasamy, RA. RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY NJ Specialty Crops and Food Systems: Exploring Markets, Supply Chains and Policy Dimensions