Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0224186 REVISED HATCH Klingeman, WI. Klingeman, WI. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Alternative Management Strategies for Urban Landscapes and Ornamental Plant Production
1009769 REVISED HATCH Smith, MI. Smith, MI. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Enhancing Poultry Production in Elevated Temperature Environments
1012359 REVISED HATCH Chmely, ST, C. Rials, TI, G.. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Adding value to lignocellulosic biomass through integrated biorefining
1012932 REVISED HATCH Hickling, GR, . Miller, DE. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Investigations in One Health: Surveillance, Risk and Management of Pathogen Transmission Among Free-ranging Wildlife, Domestic Species and Humans
1013923 REVISED HATCH Sorochan, JO, . Sorochan, JO. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Sustainable Turfgrass Management Practices for the 21st Century
1014161 REVISED HATCH Butler, DA, M.. Butler, DA. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Increasing sustainability of Tennessee fruit and vegetable production systems
1014800 REVISED HATCH Thompson, JA, . Thompson, JA. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Enhancing the Competitiveness and Value of U.S. Beef
1016740 REVISED HATCH Stewart, CH, NE. Stewart, CH, NE. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Agricultural Synthetic Biology
1017494 REVISED HATCH Womac, AL. Womac, AL. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN The Science and Engineering for a Biobased Industry and Economy
1017615 REVISED HATCH Trout-Fryxell, RE. Trout Fryxell, RE. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Fly Management in Animal Agriculture Systems and Impacts on Animal Health and Food Safety
1017855 REVISED HATCH Grant, JE, . Grant, JE. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Biological Control of Arthropod Pests and Weeds
1017856 REVISED HATCH Walker, ER, . Grant, JE. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Industrial Hemp Production, Processing, and Marketing in the U.S.
1019648 REVISED HATCH Pantalone, V. Pantalone, V. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Genetic Improvements in soybean Yield, Protein, Oil, and SCN Resistance for Tennessee and the Mid-South Region
1020535 REVISED HATCH Hawkins, SH, . Hawkins, SH. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Enhancing Poultry Production Systems through Emerging Technologies and Husbandry Practices
1020538 REVISED HATCH Logan, JO. Stephens, CA. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Cognitive Influence on Teaching, Learning, and Decision Making Around Critical Agricultural and Natural Resource Issues
1022068 REVISED HATCH Moorey, SA, . Moorey, SA. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Influence of ovary, uterus, and embryo on pregnancy success in ruminants
1010496 REVISED HATCH Berlin, L. Berlin, L. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Influences on food security in resettled refugee households
1014283 REVISED HATCH Parsons, RO, . Wang, QI. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Examining the Economic Sustainability of Organic Dairy in Vermont
1014669 REVISED HATCH Wang, QI, . Wang, QI. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Expanding the markets for renewable energy products from cow manure and other waste through integrated research and extension
1016999 REVISED HATCH Kraft, JA, . Kraft, JA. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Enriching branched-chain fatty acids in cellular lipids of rumen bacteria
1017732 REVISED HATCH Molofsky, J. Molofsky, J. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Centaurea moncktonii Is an Invasion on the Vermont horizon?
1017876 REVISED HATCH Barrington, DA, . Barrington, DA. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT New molecular markers to discover geographic centers of genetic diversity in the fiddlehead fern (Matteuccia struthiopteris, Onocleaceae)
1018241 REVISED HATCH Pope, EL, F. Pope, EL, F. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Examining Cooking as a Health Behavior
1012615 REVISED HATCH Tekiela, DA, R.. Tekiela, DA, R.. UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Detection, management, and prioritization of invasive plant species in rangeland systems
1013150 REVISED HATCH Harmon, JE, L.. Harmon, JE, L.. UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Growing Yarns: An Innovative Approach to Bacterial Cellulose Production
1013280 REVISED HATCH Mealor, B. Mealor, B. UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Integrating locally-relevant plant sciences research with an experiential learning framework
1015480 REVISED HATCH McLeod, DO, . McLeod, DO. UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Costs and Benefits of Natural Resources on Public and Private Lands: Management, Economic Valuation, and Integrated Decision-Making
1015966 REVISED HATCH Ehmke, CO, . Ehmke, CO. UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Elder Financial Exploitation: Family Risk and Protective Factors
1024635 REVISED HATCH Malmberg, JE, . Malmberg, JE, . UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY North American interdisciplinary chronic wasting disease research consortium
0028441 REVISED HATCH Cockett, N. E. Cockett, NO, EL. UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Multistate Research Coordination, Western Region