Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1005125 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Whitaker, C. L. Whitaker,Charles L. WHITAKER SMALL FARM GROUP INC NC Specialized Hands-on Training for Beginning, Socially Disadvantaged, Limited Resource, Women and Veteran Farmers in Central and Eastern NC
1026881 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Whitaker, C. L. Whitaker,Charles L. WHITAKER SMALL FARM GROUP INC NC Capacity Building: Experiential On-Farm Training, and Business and Entrepreneurial Academy for Military Veterans
0190167 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS White, G. K. White, G. K. UNIVERSITY OF MAINE ME Strengthening Rural Food Retailers by Enhancing Linkages with Local Producers
0186704 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS White, J. G. White, J. G. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Remote Sensing and Precision Technologies to Optimize Nitrogen Management and Water Quality
0205190 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Migliaccio, K. W. White, K. L. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Improving Water Quality at the Watershed Level by Targeting High-Return Stakeholders
0190418 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS White, N. M. White, N. M. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Monitoring and TMDL modeling techniques to assess bacterial loading in estuarine environments
1011295 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS White, B. J. White,Bradley J KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Enhancing rural practitioner aptitude for endemic, transboundary, and emerging diseases of production animals
1018253 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS White, B. J. White,Bradley J KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Linking Supply Chains Through A Framework Of Sustainability: Initiating A Multidimensional Approach Using The Case Of Beef Cattle
1023640 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS White, C. J. White,Chana Janine NATIVE BRAND HONEY, LLC NC Enhancing Farming Opportunities For Native Americans and Veteran Beginning Farmers in North Carolina
1020554 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS White, G. A. White,Gloria A ST. EDWARDS UNIVERSITY TX A Conference Proposal for "Building STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Agriculture and Mathematics) at Texas Hispanic-Serving Institutions"
1015035 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS White, J. M. White,Jacquelyn M PRAIRIE VIEW A&M UNIVERSITY TX Building capacity within Extension to enhance nutrition and physical activity program delivery among underserved population/community
1006265 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS White, J. M. White,James M. UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - RIVER FALLS WI Capital Investment Decisions and Industry Structure in Wisconsin Dairy Farms
1009526 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Payne, G. White,Jeffrey Greville NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Multidisciplinary Graduate Training in Advanced Technologies for High Yield Sustainable Agriculture
1024152 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Rivera, N. White,Kenneth SEGAR ADVOCACY INSTITUTE INCORPORATED PR Reviving Food Production in Puerto Rico through the Beginning Farmer and Rancher Program- COVID19 Pandemic Relief Supplement Project
0225797 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS White, S. White,Sarah CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Containment, Remediation, and Recyclig of Irrigation Water for Sustainable Ornamental Crop Production
1004559 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS White, S. White,Sarah CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Clean WateR3 - Reduce, Remediate, Recycle: Informed Decision Making to Facilitate Use of Alternative Water Resources and Promote Sustainable Specialty
1004539 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Rehagen, D. Whitehead,Doug NATIONAL BIODIESEL BOARD MO Biodiesel Fuel Education Program
1027354 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Whitehead, N. Whitehead,Noreen GEORGIA WOMEN IN AG. ASSOCIATION, INC. OK Vegetable Production Training and Farm to Market Access Opportunity
1026834 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Whitehill, J. Whitehill,Justin NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Unlimited -omics applications through high-resolution, sub-cellular precision sample isolation and imaging
1022405 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Whitesides, L. D. Whitesides,Louis D SOUTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY SC SC State 1890 Research & Extension Agriculture Innovation Scholars
0227334 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Whitford, F. Whitford,Fred PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Indiana Pesticide Applicator Certification Training
0230542 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Whitford, F. Whitford,Fred PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Indiana Pesticide Applicator Certification Training
0219861 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Whiting, M. D. Whiting,Matthew David WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA A Total Systems Approach to Developing a Sustainable Stem-Free Sweet Cherry Production, Processing, and Marketing System
0190358 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS WHITLEY, N. C. Whitley, N. C. UNIV OF MARYLAND EASTERN SHORE MD Cloning of a Novel Satiety Factor in Swine and its Effects on Pituitary Hormones
0219414 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Whitley, N. C. Whitley, N. C. N.C. A&T STATE UNIV COOPERATIVE EXTENSION NC Responding to the Needs of Socially Disadvantaged Livestock Producers
0223170 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Whitley, N. C. Whitley,Niki NORTH CAROLINA A&T STATE UNIV NC Developing Sustainable Pasture Based Livestock Extension Educational Tools for Integrated Use
0204471 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Watanabe, W. O. Whitlock, P. B. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA - WILMINGTON NC Controlled Breeding, Larviculture and Intensive Growout of High-value Marine Fish Species for U.S. Agriculture
0207972 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Whittaker, W. L. Whittaker, W. L. ALCORN STATE UNIVERSITY MS Economic Development in Rural Mississippi: Changes in Labor Market Opportunities and Capacity Building Through Education and Healthcare
0230452 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Whittaker, W. Whittaker,Wesley ALCORN STATE UNIVERSITY MS Increasing Experiential Learning Opportunities in Rural Development and Food Security Programs and Projects
1022343 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Whittaker, W. Whittaker,Wesley LANGSTON UNIVERSITY OK Langston University 1890 Scholarship Program