Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0215194 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Mask, P. L. Mask, P. L. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Precision Agriculture Technologies to Increase Production Efficiency in Alabama
0214835 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zabawa, R. Zabawa,Robert TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY AL Small Farm Training and Technical Assistance Project
0214191 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kpomblekou-A,K Kpomblekou-A,Kokoasse TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY AL A Scientific Partnership in Research and Education to Enhance Student Learning and Promote Development of Low-cost Renewable Energy
0211595 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Habtemariam, T. Habtemariam, T. TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY AL Dynamic Epidemiologic Modelling to Assess the Risk of Introduction of AI into the USA and Its Use in Training Graduates for the 21st Century
0211500 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Bonsi, C. K. Bonsi, C. K. TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY AL Integrated Pest Management and Food Safety in the Small Farm Environment
0211251 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS FADL, A. A. Reddy,Pochana Gopal TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY AL Development and characterization of salmonella mutants for use as live vaccine
0210701 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Mankolo, R. N. Mankolo,Regine ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Integrated Organic Production of Summer Vegetable Crops under Small Farm Environment in Southeastern U.S.
0208227 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kriese-Anderson, L. A. Kriese-Anderson, L. A. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Alabama Beef Connection
0207955 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Konan, K. N. Konan,Koffi N. ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Determination of Inheritance Patterns of the Allergen Silenced Phenotype in Transgenic Peanut Progenies
0207895 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Fulton, J. Fulton, J. P. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Use of Precision Agriculture Technologies for Natural Resources Management in Alabama
0207872 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS He, G. H. He, G. H. TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY AL Comparative Genetic Mapping of Peanut and Soybean
0207856 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Pace, R. Pace,Ralphenia D. TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY AL Effect of Trans Fatty Acids on the Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptors and Adipokines
0205114 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Yang, W. Yang, W. ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Ultrasound Enhanced Separation and Extraction of Corn Fiber for Colon Carcinogenisis
0204954 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kloepper, J. W. Kloepper, J. W. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Integration of Organic Production Systems for Summer Production of Tomato and Pepper in Alabama
0204898 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kpomblekou-A,K Kpomblekou-A,Kokoasse TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY AL Providing Research Support to Small-Scale Farmers in the Production of Nutritious Organic Vegetables in the Alabama Black Belt
0204793 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Vaughan, B. T. VAUGHAN,BARRETT TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY AL Multi-Institutional Laboratory Partnership for Food Engineering Technology Teaching, Training, Outreach and Transfer
0204293 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Fulton, J. fulton, J. P. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Precision Agriculture and Precision Forestry - Alabama
0204101 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Walker, R. H. Robert Walker AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Integrated Pest Management as Replacement for Methyl Bromide in a Centipedegrass-Based Sod Rotation System
0201412 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Sharma, G. C. Sharma, G. C. ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Population Diversity of an Emerging Cotton Pest, Reniform Nematode, Combining Molecular Markers and Bioinformatics
0199951 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS McDonald, T. P. McDonald, T. P. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Precision Agriculture and Precision Forestry - Alabama
0198303 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Mask, P. L. Mask, P. L. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Precision Agriculture and Precision Forestry - Alabama
0197353 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Deutsch, W. G. Deutsch, W. G. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL A Transferable Model of Stakeholder Partnerships for Addressing Nutrient Dynamics in Southeastern Watersheds
0197306 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hairston, J. E. Brantley, E. F. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Developing Community-Based Restoration Initiatives
0196767 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Dodo, H. W. Dodo, H. W. ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Novel Protocols to Optimize Fertility Rate and Mass Propagation of Transgenic Hypoallergenic Peanuts
0196698 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Lin, H. L. Lin, Huey-Ling ALABAMA STATE UNIVERSITY AL Food Safety Professional Development for Early Childhood Educators
0196693 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Warfield, C. L. Warfield, C. L. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Quality of Life Sustainability Initiative for the U. S. Food and Fiber System
0196661 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Bukenya, J. O. Bukenya, J. O. ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Spatial and Economic Analysis of Urbanization of Agricultural Land in North Alabama
0196553 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kriese-Anderson, L. A. Kriese-Anderson, L. A. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Alabama Beef Connection
0193345 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Jackai, L. E. Jackai, L. E. TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY AL Studies on the Spread and Possible Existence of Intra-Specific Variation of the Sweet Potato Weevil in Southern United States