Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1024209 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Butts, T. Butts,Thomas ARKANSAS AGRIC EXTENSION SERVICE AR Effect of Cultural Strategies and Application Technologies on Weed Control in Flooded and Furrow-Irrigated Rice
1024221 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Spoth, R. L. Spoth,Richard Lee IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA WeCanPROSPER: A Online Training Approach to Rural Behavioral Health Resilience and Resource Enhancement in a COVID-19 Context
1024227 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Freedgood, J. Freedgood,Julia AMERICAN FARMLAND TRUST, INC DC Transitioning Land To A New Generation
1024228 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hoover, K. Hoover,Kelli PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Innovation in Radio Frequency Technology for Quarantine and Preshipment (QPS) Treatment of Wood Packaging Materials
1024241 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Moretti, M. Moretti,Marcelo OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Developing Non-Chemical Weed Control In Hazelnut - Comparing Saturated Steam And Electric Weed Control
1024244 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Gornish, E. S. Gornish,Elise S UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ An Online Toolkit for Managing Shrub Encroachment
1024255 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Menalled, F. Menalled,Fabian MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Interacting agricultural pests. Joint management of Bromus tectorum and Fusarium crown rot in small grain systems
1024265 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Fennimore, S. A. Fennimore,Steven A. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA High-effciency steam application for soil disinfestation in strawberry nurseries
1024272 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Langworthy, L. Stern,Lori MIDWEST ORGANIC AND SUSTAINABLE EDUCATION SERVICE WI MOSES Farmer Advancement Program - COVID Supplemental Funding
1024275 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Reisig, D. Reisig,Dominic NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Identifying overwintering and landscape features associated with stink bug risk and yield loss in corn
1024281 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Gollnow, M. Kowalkowski,Brian COLLEGE OF MENOMINEE NATION WI College of Menominee Nation Micro-credentialing Extension Program
1024287 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Werk, A. Filesteel,Sandy Aaniiih Nakoda College MT Consolidating and Expanding Nutrition Education Outreach Efforts on the Fort Belknap Indian Reservation
1024291 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Matlock, M. Griffith-Hotvedt,Carly UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Bridging the Gap in Agricultural Food Systems Education for Tribal Students
1024292 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Bisbee, Y. J. Bisbee,Yolanda J. UNIV OF IDAHO ID UI-New Beginning for Tribal Students Program
1024306 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Marlow, A. Worthing,Aundrea LAC COURTE OREILLES OJIBWA COMMUNITY COLLEGE WI “Weshki niigaanizijig: New Leaders into the Future”
1024318 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Vollmer, K. Vollmer,Kurt UNIV OF MARYLAND MD Using Spring-Seeded Grass Cover Crops to Reduce Herbicide Inputs in Plasticulture Production
1024321 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Lazaro, L. Miller,Donnie LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Building Geo-Spatial Databases to Improve the Precision of Cover Crops as an IWM Tool
1024329 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Li, S. Li,Song VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Acquisition of long read, high-throughput sequencing device for food and agriculture research at Virginia Tech
1024330 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Caton, J. S. Caton,Joel S NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND Strengthening research infrastructure in cellular and tissue metabolism through improving analytical capability and capacity in agricultural sciences
1024333 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Witt, K. Witt,Karla OGLALA LAKOTA COLLEGE SD OLC USDA New Beginnings/Woape Teca 2020
1024339 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ludescher, R. D. Ludescher,Richard D RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY NJ A Super-Resolution Fluorescence Microscope for Single Molecule Measurements in Food & Nutrition, Agricultural, and Environmental Research
1024341 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zhu, K. Zhu,Kun Yan KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Maximizing Adoption by Demonstrating the Compatibility of Insecticide Netting with Diverse Pest Management Tactics at Food Facilities
1024342 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Matthews, K. Meier,Hilary DELTA HEALTH ALLIANCE, INC. MS Delta Produce Rx Collaborative - Improving dietary health and wellness of low-income, rural individuals with diabetes, heart disease, obesity and other diet-related health conditions.
1024343 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hoeffler, S. Hoeffler,Sam REINVESTMENT PARTNERS NC Produce Prescription Program to encourage fruit and vegetable consumption by veterans served by the Durham VA Health System.
1024345 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wickings, K. G. Wickings,Kyle N Y AGRICULTURAL EXPT STATION NY Utilizing Acoustics to Enhance the Monitoring and Management of Belowground Pests and Their Aboveground Predators
1024346 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ramer-Tait, A. Ramer-Tait,Amanda UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Techniplast ISOcage P gnotobiotic mouse housing to accelerate microbiome discoveries at the nexus of agricultural and biomedical research
1024347 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS McMechan, A. J. McMechan,Anthony Justin UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Understanding the temporal and spatial dynamics of soybean gall midge
1024352 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Yang, C. Yang,Ching-Hong UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN SYSTEM WI Virulence Inhibitors As Antibiotic Alternatives In Fire Blight Management
1024357 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Malmberg, M. Malmberg,Michael URBAN FOOD INITIATIVE INC, THE MA Double Up Food Bucks: Expanding Scope and Greater Access in the Boston Metro Area
1024358 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kuo, T. Kuo,Tony COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES CA Increasing Fruit and Vegetable Intake among Prediabetic and Diabetic Medicaid Recipients in Los Angeles County, California