Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1024054 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS McKinley, S. Mull,Casey PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Teen Adventure Camp
1024055 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hallman, W. Hallman,William RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY NJ Increasing The Capacity And Profitability Of Us Aquaculture By Matching Practical Seafood Product Attributes With Post-Pandemic Consumer Demand
1024061 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Schnable, P. S. Schnable,Patrick S IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA NIFA AG2PI Collaborative: Creating a Shared Vision across Crop and Livestock Communities
1024062 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Grabau, B. Grabau,Beth IOWA FOUNDATION FOR MICROENTERPRISE AND COMMUNITY VITALITY IA Connecting Veterans to Agri-Food System Opportunities
1024063 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS BAUER-ARMSTRONG, C. L. BAUER-ARMSTRONG,CHERYL L UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Wisconsin Land-Grant System Partnership for Advancing Native Education Pathways
1024069 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Mulder, M. Mulder,Matthew ARCADIA FOOD VA Veteran Farmer Training and Incubation
1024071 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Singer, A. Gordon,Matt ROGUE FARM CORPS. OR Beginning Farmer Veteran Training through Hands-on Collaborative Education
1024077 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Sinnemaki, J. Entress,Amy FLORIDA IS FOR VETERANS, INC. FL Veterans Florida Agriculture Program
1024079 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Martin, K. E. Martin,Kenneth E. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Family and Community Education to Prevent Opioid Misuse and Abuse
1024081 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Chandler, S. Haynes,Hal ILISAGVIK COLLEG AK Facilitating Tribal Students' Retention and Persistence in College with Behavioral Health and Academic Support
1024086 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Buys, D. R. Buys,David Russell MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Preventing Opioid Misuse In The Southeast Through Resiliency-Embedded Farm Management: Promise RFM Initiative
1024088 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Weybright, E. Weybright,Elizabeth WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Universal Prevention Approaches To Addressing Opioid Use: Building Capacity Within Rural Families And Extension Personnel
1024089 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Jackson-Davis, A. Jackson-Davis,Armitra ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Enhancing food safety outreach to underrepresented communities through food microbiology and soil amendments related hands-on workshops
1024100 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hlubik, W. Hlubik,William RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY NJ RU Ready to Farm:Getting Rooted in the Garden State
1024105 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Dermid, G. Dermid,Gerold UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA NV Western Collaborative Rural Health Promotion Project
1024124 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Perkins, D. F. Perkins,Daniel Francis PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Clearinghouse for Military Family Readiness at Penn State
1024137 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Turner, S. C. Green,John J. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS FY 20 Integrated Activities
1024139 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Berntsen, M. Powell,Christiana PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Land Access & Saving for Long-Term Assets:Combining Two Approaches to Addressing a Common Barrier for New and Beginning Farmers and Ranchers
1024152 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Rivera, N. White,Kenneth SEGAR ADVOCACY INSTITUTE INCORPORATED PR Reviving Food Production in Puerto Rico through the Beginning Farmer and Rancher Program- COVID19 Pandemic Relief Supplement Project
1024158 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Dandurand, L. Dandurand,Louise-Marie UNIV OF IDAHO ID Development of Resistance and Trap Cropping for Control of Globodera pallida
1024162 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Lewis, K. Lewis,Kendra UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE NH Rural New Hampshire Building Community Resilience Project
1024169 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Martin, J. L. Martin,Jennifer Lee UNIV OF CONNECTICUT CT Supplement - Solid Ground 2: Weaving Together Expert Trainings and Peer Networks for Sustained Beginner and Advanced-Beginner Farmer Success in Connecticut
1024170 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Groskopf, J. Groskopf,Jessica UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program
1024179 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Huttenga, B. Huttenga,Becky OTTAWA, COUNTY OF MI Transferring Land and Downloading Knowledge: Catalyzing New Farmer Development in West Michigan.
1024183 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Letcher, A. Letcher,Amber SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Strengthening the Heartland: Empowering Rural Communities to Prevent Opioid Misuse
1024190 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Boome, L. Boome,Lora NORTHWEST INDIAN COLLEGE WA Traditional Plant & Foods Project
1024195 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Olson, K. Olson,Kenneth C SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Ranchers, Diversification, and Rural Communities: Helping Beginning Producers Weather Impacts of a Global Pandemic
1024198 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Botts, A. Lackey,Brent KENTUCKY CENTER FOR AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT, THE KY Connecting Kentucky Veterans to Agriculture Opportunities
1024203 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Marshall, M. Marshall,Maria PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Purdue University's Proposal To Host NCRCRD
1024207 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Sherman, J. R. Sherman,Jeff Ryan OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION SERVICE OR New Beginnings for Tribal Students in Oregon