Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1024358 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kuo, T. Kuo,Tony COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES CA Increasing Fruit and Vegetable Intake among Prediabetic and Diabetic Medicaid Recipients in Los Angeles County, California
1024363 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Dutta, A. Dutta,Aditya UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE DE Acquisition of a Seahorse XFe96 Analyzer to Catalyze Research and Education
1024364 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Klingeman, W. E. Klingeman,William E. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Sustainable Agricultural Products from Healthy Oaks: Protecting the economy of American oak resources
1024367 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Lashley, M. A. Lashley,Marcus Alan UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Equipping Cooperative Extension Professionals to Better Meet CommunityWildland Fire Needs
1024373 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hockett, K. L. Hockett,Kevin Loren PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Prospecting Microbial Diversity and Functions Associated with Agricultural, Environmental, and Food Systems via the Prospector Instrument
1024374 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Notarianni, M. Ward,Rachael FARMERS MARKET FUND OR Double Up Food Bucks Oregon Expansion: Innovating to Reach More Farmers Markets, Groceries, and CSAs
1024379 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Young-Robertson, J. Young-Robertson,Jessica UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA AK Equipment to enhance capability of low cost stable isotope measurements for boreal forest research in Interior Alaska
1024384 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Narayanan, S. Narayanan,Sruthi CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Purchase of a Shared-Use Conviron BDW160 Plant Growth Chamber for Plant Science Research across Multiple Disciplines and Institutions
1024385 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Titgemeyer, E. C. Titgemeyer,Evan C KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Acquisition of UPLC equipment for amino acid analysis to strengthen agricultural research
1024388 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Spreen, C. Spreen,Constance EXPERIMENTAL STATION: 6100 BLACKSTONE, THE IL Link Up Illinois Statewide Nutrition Incentive Program
1024390 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Scott, S. Scott,Samuel NORTH-SOUTH INSTITUTE FL Expansion of the Veterans Small Farm, Allied Industry, and Auxiliary Enterprise Incubator Program in Selected Florida Counties
1024392 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Summers, K. Chunga-Celis,Andrea ADELANTE MUJERES OR Nourish the Community: Connecting Communities of Color to Healthy Eating
1024402 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kozich, A. T. Kozich,Andrew T. KEWEENAW BAY OJIBWA COMMUNITY COLLEGE MI Assessing temperature trends and critical habitat for sacred species in the L’Anse Indian Reservation and ceded territory
1024404 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Koprak, J. Koprak,Julia THE FOOD TRUST PA Strengthening The Food Trust`s Food Bucks Network: Scaling Up Proven Incentive Models in Pennsylvania and New Jersey
1024408 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Marlow, A. Thimm,Tamara LAC COURTE OREILLES OJIBWA COMMUNITY COLLEGE WI Evaluating the Economic Feasibility of Companion Cropping in Industrial Hemp
1024409 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kowalczak, C. Kowalczak,Courtney FOND DU LAC TRIBAL AND COMMUNITY COLLEGE MN Landscape Impact on Mercury Bioaccumulation In The St. Louis River Watershed
1024419 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Amiri, A. Amiri,Achour WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Epidemiology-Based Tactics To Abate Gray Mold Of Apple And Pear In The Pacific Northwest
1024426 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Morgan Bernal, L. Foronda,Roella HAWAII PUBLIC HEALTH INSTITUTE HI Growing a Sustainable Farm to School System in Hawai‘i
1024429 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Belazis, L. Powell,Tiffani D.C. CENTRAL KITCHEN, INC. (THE) DC Using Innovative Technology and Community Connections to Increase Fruit and Vegetable Purchases at Urban Corner Stores
1024434 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Elliott, M. Elliott,Max AUSTIN YOUTH AND COMMUNITY FARM INC TX Austin Youth and Community Farm (dba Urban Roots) Farm 2 Family/Family 2 Farm (Urban Roots Youth F2F)
1024440 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS McKim, A. McKim,Aaron MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Locally-Integrated Food Teams in the Upper Peninsula (LIFT-UP): Using Land-Based Learning to Establish Farm-to-School Markets in Rural Michigan
1024444 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Jennings, S. D. Potter,Rebecca ARTHUR MORGAN INSTITUTE FOR COMMUNITY SOLUTIONS, THE OH McCain Acres: Increasing access to local foods and growing community self-reliance and resilience through urban agriculture and education
1024453 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Dombalis, H. Delgado,Tomas TIDES CENTER, THE CA Seed Change in Native Communities
1024456 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Magney, T. Magney,Troy UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA The Phenotyping Mobile Optical Platform (PhenoMOP)
1024459 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Clevenger, C. Ramsey,Lisa TRUMBULL NEIGHBORHOOD PARTNERSHIP OH Trumbull County Grower Training and Development Program
1024482 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hamilton, D. Hardy,Koy FRESH APPROACH CA VeggieRx Program: Prescribing Produce to Improve Community Health through a Trauma-Informed Nutrition Education Approach
1024512 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Delp, J. Delp,Jeff FCS URBAN MINISTRIES INC GA Carver Market expansion to better meet the food needs of low-income residents of Historic South Atlanta
1024526 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Nagy, P. D. Nagy,Peter D UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY Establishing the Center for Agricultural Fluorescence-microscopy Experiments and Biological Imaging (CAFE-BI)
1024535 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Irish, V. Irish,Vivian YALE UNIVERSITY CT SP: Identification of HLB Susceptibility Genes in a Citrus Population Generated using Multiplexed CRISPR/Cas9 Gene Editing