Project Listing

Sponsoring Agency:USDA - NIFA

As NIFA transitions to a new reporting system, the NIFA Reporting System, the AREERA Plans of Work and Annual Reports of Accomplishments, and their data, may not be immediately available in NIFA's standard reports.

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Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1031862 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Jones, C. Jones,Christopher UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Southwest Agroforestry Action Network Fifth Annual Conference
1031861 NEW OTHER GRANTS Winter, S. Winter,Steven CITY OF NEW HAVEN CT Elevating Solutions to Food Recovery and Composting in New Haven
1031860 NEW SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Sakai, H. Sakai,Hajime NAPIGEN, INC. DE Development of a herbicide resistance trait incapable of pollen transmission to weed plants
1031859 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Gibbs, R. Gibbs,Rachel UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Evaluating allostatic load indexes for feedlot sheep and cattle to better understand heat stress susceptibility
1031858 NEW OTHER GRANTS Pollard, E. Astrin,Sharon ASSOCIATION OF CENTRAL OK GOV OK Central Oklahoma Community Composting Pilot Project
1031857 NEW SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Nelson, S. Nelson,Sven HELIPONIX LLC IN Rotary Aeroponic shipping containers for localized, energy-efficient production of fresh produce.
1031856 NEW SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Molano, G. Molano,Gary MACROBREED LLC CA Integrating automation and advanced breeding; bridging the gap between modern kelp aquaculture and agriculture
1031855 NEW SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Maxwell, B. Maxwell,Bridey GREENLIGHT BIOSCIENCES INC. MA Developing an RNAi-based biological seed treatment to protect soybeans from the causal agent of Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) Fusarium virguliforme
1031854 NEW OTHER GRANTS Stockton, D. Stockton,Deanna PRINCETON NJ Municipality of Princeton Food Waste Drop Off Program
1031853 NEW OTHER GRANTS Wang, Y. Wang,Yi UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Light/Dark-Inducible Suicide Bio-circuits for the Containment of Recombinant Microorganisms
1031852 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Blubaugh, C. Blubaugh,Carmen UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL Bug to school: Inspiring new generations of farmers and local food consumers through service learning and collaborative research in school gardens
1031851 NEW OTHER GRANTS Medeiros, B. Medeiros,Brandi CITY OF SUTHERLIN OR City of Sutherlin Composting and Food Waste Reduction (CFWR) Pilot Program
1031850 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Persico, M. Persico,Meredith PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Grapevine Dormancy Dynamics Under Global Warming: Exploring Climate Resilience Across Genotypes
1031849 NEW OTHER GRANTS Roska, J. Roska,James CITY OF LOS ANGELES CA Growing Community through Compost in the City of Los Angeles
1031848 NEW OTHER GRANTS Swanson, J. Swanson,Justine COUNTY OF GALLATIN MT Food Rescue and Food Waste Composting
1031847 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Aldridge, D. Aldridge,David SOUTHEASTERN CONNECTICUT REGIONAL RESOURCES RECOVERY AUTHORITY CT Building a Regional Composting Facility for Southeastern Connecticut
1031846 NEW OTHER GRANTS Sims, M. Sims,Madeleine BOARD OF EDUCATION OF CITY OF CH IL CPS District-Wide Composting Project
1031841 NEW SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Hebert, D. Hebert,Damon UBIQD INC NM Luminescent Quantum Dot Greenhouse Glass for Improved Crop Yields
1031840 NEW SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Hohmann, A. Hohmann,Austin SOYLEI INNOVATIONS LLC IA ReINVEST: Revitalizing Infrastructure with eco-friendly soybean-elastomer technology - Green and heat free crack seals, cold patches, and coatings
1031839 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Singh-Knights, D. Singh-Knights,Doolarie WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Growing Equity, Inclusion and Sustainability
1031838 NEW OTHER GRANTS Taillon, L. Taillon,Lane TANGIPAHOA PARISH COUNCIL LA Florida Parishes Arena Composting Facility
1031837 NEW OTHER GRANTS Toth, K. Toth,Kelli ANCHORAGE, MUNICIPALITY OF (INC) AK Municipality of Anchorage, Solid Waste Services (SWS) Food Waste Reduction, Dehydration, and Composting pilot project.
1031836 NEW SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Rocheford, E. Rocheford,Evan NUTRAMAIZE LLC IN Carotenoid Biosynthetic Pathway Guided Development of Nutritionally Enhanced Orange Sweet Corn
1031835 NEW SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Covington, J. D. Covington,Joshua David GRADED GAMING, LLC KY AI-Led Instruction in a Virtual Reality Platform for Secondary Nutrition-Science Courses
1031834 NEW OTHER GRANTS Quinlan, D. Quinlan,Debra SOUHEGAN REGIONAL LANDFILL DISTRICT NH SRLD Food Waste Diversion Project
1031833 NEW OTHER GRANTS McCarthy, K. McCarthy,Kat TOMPKINS, COUNTY OF NY Feeding People and Feeding Soils in Tompkins County
1031832 NEW SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Johnson, J. Johnson,Jason INTERDISCIPLINARY CONSULTING CORP FL Wireless Acoustic and Ultrasonic Sensing of Invertebrates (wAUSI)
1031831 NEW OTHER GRANTS Wienkes, R. Wienkes,Roxanne COUNTY OF DANE WI Moving Dane County Towards Circularity: Establishing Community Food Scraps Collection Kiosks & Full-time Organics Business Development & Outreach (OBDO) Role
1031830 NEW OTHER GRANTS Balz, M. Balz,Michelle COUNTY OF HAMILTON, OHIO OH The Southwest Ohio Community Composting Project
1031829 NEW OTHER GRANTS Corwin, J. Corwin,James NORTH PROVIDENCE SCHOOL DEPARTMENT RI Get Food Smart, Rhode Island