Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0225967 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Vineyard, C. Vineyard,Christy UNIVERSITY OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VI Phase II - CariPac Consortium Distance Education Grant for Institutions of Higher Education in Insular Areas
0229797 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Vineyard, C. Vineyard,Christy UNIVERSITY OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VI Phase III - CariPac Consortium Distance Education Grant for Institutions of Higher Education in Insular Areas
0193258 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS SAYRE, B. L. VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY VA Regulation of Embryonic Blastocoele Formation and Development in Small Ruminants
1026764 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS VITERI, D. VITERI,DIEGO UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO AT MAYAGUEZ PR Establishment of pollen/seed preservation facilities for important crops in Puerto Rico
0230720 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Vittum, P. Vittum,Patricia UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS MA USDA-NIFA-SLBCD-003768 Massachusetts Pesticide Safety Education Program
0214188 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Fellner, V. Vivek Fellner NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Sustainable livestock production practices through stakeholder partnerships: lessons with India
1012162 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Vizcarra, J. Vizcarra,Jorge ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Building Capacity in Poultry Research
0230671 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Vogel, M. P. Vogel,Michael P. MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION SERVICE MT Master Family & Consumer Sciences Volunteer Program
0203153 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ferenz, G. Voiland, M. P. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Garden Mosaics and Urban Agriculture
0203201 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Nettleton, J. S. Voiland, M. P. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Resilient Communities - New York City
0222807 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Volk, T. A. Volk,Timothy STATE UNIV OF NEW YORK NY Farm and Forest to Fuel: An Integrative and Experiential Approach to Bioenergy, Biofuels, and Bioproducts Education
1024318 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Vollmer, K. Vollmer,Kurt UNIV OF MARYLAND MD Using Spring-Seeded Grass Cover Crops to Reduce Herbicide Inputs in Plasticulture Production
0205551 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Voss, S. K. Voss, S. K. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE University of Nebraska-Lincoln Multicultural Scholars Program
0222644 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Vourlitis, G. Vourlitis,George California State University - San Marcos CA Development of a new generation of environmental scientists through an undergraduate program of inquiry-based instruction, independent ...
0198992 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Downer, P. S. VT Agricultural Experiment Sta UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Improve the Effectiveness of CRIS to CSREES Institutions
0225609 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wade, R. Wade,Ronald Flathead Valley Community College MT Promoting Education of Agricultural Sustainability in Northwest Montana (PEAS)
1004041 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wadsworth, G. Wadsworth,Gail CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE FOR RURAL STUDIES, INC. CA Assessing and Addressing Food Security for Yolo County Farmworkers
0215247 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wagester, T. J. Wagester,Tamara J. COUNCIL ON FOOD, AGRICULTURAL & RESOURCE ECONOMICS DC Examining a More Comprehensive Understanding of Current and Emerging Family Farms
0226691 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wagester-Subrick, T. J. Wagester-Subrick,Tamara Jennie COUNCIL ON FOOD, AGRICULTURAL & RESOURCE ECONOMICS DC Agricultural Cooperatives in a New Era of Food, Fiber and Fuel Program
1011014 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wagner, J. J. Wagner,John COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Dev. of Integrated Pest Mgmt. Strategies for Commercial Dairies: Formulating Dairy Total mixed Rations that are Resistant to Bird Depredation
0229528 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Waite, J. Waite,John Franklin County Community Development Corporation MA Growing Together: a comprehensive Community Food Project in Franklin County, MA.
1027454 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Buckner, E. R. Wakefield,Dexter ALCORN STATE UNIVERSITY MS Scholarships for Students at 1890 Institutions, Alcorn State University School of Agriculture and Applied Sciences
1030980 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wakefield, D. Wakefield,Dexter ALCORN STATE UNIVERSITY MS Scholarships for Students at 1890 Institutions, Alcorn State University School of Agriculture and Applied Sciences
0214163 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS WALCOTT,R,R WALCOTT,RONALD R UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Enhancing participation and qualtiy of the undergraduate experience for minorities in food and agricultural sciences
0207424 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Walgenbach, J. F. Walgenbach, J. F. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Development of Cost-Competitive Programs Using Reduced-Risk Tactics to Manage Arthropod Pests in Eastern Apple and Peach Production Regions
1010011 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Walgenbach, J. F. Walgenbach,James NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Management of Brown Marmorated Stink Bug in US Specialty Crops
0214185 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Walker, F. R. Walker, F. R. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE EXTENSION TN Collaborative research with the National University of Lesotho and experiential learning for Tennessee faculty and students in the developme
0196948 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Walker, L. R. Walker, L. R. COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Coordinating Agricultural Water Quality Programming for EPA Region VIII