Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1021520 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Caldwell, C. Edler,Rebecca COLLEGE OF MENOMINEE NATION WI Indicators of Menominee forest responses to climate change
1021585 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Montgomery, M. Montgomery,Marcy Heritage Ranch, Inc. HI One Island, San Juan
1021597 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Chen, S. Chen,Steven ALAMEDA, COUNTY OF CA ALL IN Alameda County Food as Rx/Incentive Program
1021740 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Sheikh, M. B. Sheikh,Mehboob Basha FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL Bio-prospecting Muscadine Grape Phytochemicals for Regulating Adiposity to Control Obesity
1021741 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS El-Sharkawy, I. El-Sharkawy,Islam FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL Bioactivity-Guided Discovery of Effective Anticancer and Antioxidant Compounds in Muscadine Grapes (Muscadinia rotundifolia).
1021743 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Natarajan, P. Natarajan,Purushothaman WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Integrating Data Science with Speed Breeding for Gummy Stem Blight Resistance in Watermelon and Nurturing Next Generation Minority Scientists
1021745 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Elavarthi, S. Elavarthi,Sathya DELAWARE STATE UNIVERSITY DE Student Experiential Learning and Faculty Preparation Opportunities in Tropical Agriculture
1021746 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Robinson, J. N. Robinson,Jenelle Nicole FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL Enhancing Student Success through Performance-Based Nutrition Leadership and Performing Arts-Based Nutrition Education Curriculum Development
1021760 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Chukwuma, F. O. Chukwuma,Franklin ALCORN STATE UNIVERSITY MS Enhancing Food Security in Rural Mississippi through Family farming Initiatives
1021764 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Waterman, J. Waterman,Jenora NORTH CAROLINA A&T STATE UNIV NC Building Immunoproteomics Research Capacity for Biomarker Discovery: Detection of Pathogenic Antigens in Swine Lung and Environmental Samples
1021765 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ibrahim, S. A. Ibrahim,Salam A NORTH CAROLINA A&T STATE UNIV NC A Biochemistry Teaching Laboratory to Improve Students’ Food Science Education
1021780 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ringer, J. Ringer,Joshua LANGSTON UNIVERSITY OK Rural to Urban Small Farms Agripreneurship Program
1021781 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hodges, N. J. Hodges,Nancy J. The University of North Carolina at Greensboro NC Cultivating Applied Technology Competencies among Diverse Undergraduate Populations: Development and Assessment of Course Materials and Teaching Strategies
1021782 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Dhir, S. K. Dhir,Sarwan K FORT VALLEY STATE UNIVERSITY GA Enhancement of Recruitment, Retention and Career Awareness Opportunities in Agricultural Biotechnology at FVSU
1021785 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Sutton, W. B. Sutton,William B TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Professional Development in Molecular Approaches for Tick-Borne Pathogen Research in Terrestrial Ecosystems
1021804 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Bebe, F. N. Bebe,Frederick KENTUCKY STATE UNIVERSITY KY Training in Proteomics, Metagenomics and Metabolomics to Develop and Enhance Research and Teaching Capacities in Animal and Poultry Sciences at Kentucky State University
1021809 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Lubbers, B. Lubbers,Brian KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Telemedicine Vignettes as a Platform to Enhance the Quantity and Diversity of Clinical Case Exposure for Veterinary Students
1021810 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zebelo, S. Zebelo,Simon University of Maryland Eastern Shore MD Using Rhizobacteria and Cover Crops to Develop and Implement Insect and Weed Management Programs in Sweet Corn Fields
1021849 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Byrne, P. Byrne,Patrick COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Enhancing Educational Outcomes For Plant Genetic Resources Conservation And Use
1021853 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Forthun, L. F. Forthun,Larry F UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Building Steps to Success for Youth Professionals in Rural Communities
1021858 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Nagle, M. Nagle,Marcus Central State University OH Sweet potato production in northern climates: germplasm testing, phenotyping and management techniques
1021864 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Pathan, S. Pathan,Safiullah LINCOLN UNIVERSITY MO Evaluation of promising quinoa lines in the Midwest for enhanced food security and sustainability
1021878 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Diddi, S. Diddi,Sonali COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Initiating a Fiber, Textiles and Clothing Curriculum Enhancement Program to Advance Circular Economy Competencies in Baccalaureate Education
1021890 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Willis, S. R. Kaur,Rajwinder ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL 1890-land grant institutions are centered on a tri-fold mission of teaching, research and outreach; as each fold is of equal importance. To fulfill the mission, the effectiveness of scientific inform
1021895 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS FAKAS, S. FAKAS,STYLIANOS ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Building capacity in sustainable bioenergy research by integrating molecular lipid biotechnology with multi-omics
1021920 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS SRIPATHI, V. SRIPATHI,VENKATESWARA ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Strengthening the Capacity of Microbiome and Metagenome Research and Hands-on Student Training at Alabama A&M University
1021934 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Levesque, C. Levesque,Crystal SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Strengthening the nation’s scientific and professional workforce in food and animal agriculture
1021940 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Sexsmith, K. J. Sexsmith,Kathleen J PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Graduate student workshop and summer internship program with Oxfam on the gender dynamics of the agri-food system
1021946 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Sparks, C. K. Sparks,Cathryn K KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Planning Activity for the Development of All-Inclusive Systems-Based Review Modules in Preparation for Veterinary Student Clinical Rotations
1021975 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hodges, E. Hodges,Elizabeth UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA - ANCHORAGE AK Cross-Pollinating Circumpolar Curricula: Workshopping a New Variety of Food Systems Education