Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1004756 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Fadamiro, H. Y. Fadamiro,Henry Y. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Statewide Extension IPM Coordination Program for Auburn University and Alabama Cooperative Extension System for 2014-2017
1007434 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Morgan-White, V. Morgan-White,Virginia AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Preparing the Rural Poor for Disaster
1007549 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Peatman, E. J. Peatman,Eric J. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Effect of dietary phytic acid reduction on catfish susceptibility to virulent Aeromonas hydrophila
1007640 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Majumdar, A. Majumdar,Ayanava AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL A Collective Approach to Providing Resources, Technology and Assistance to Beginning Farmers
1008015 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kostelecky, K. Kostelecky,Kyle L. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Military Families Learning Network Initiative
1010480 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hanson, T. Hanson,Terry AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Improving Aquaculture`s Value through Enhanced Nutrient Management
1012168 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Fadamiro, H. Fadamiro,Henry AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL S.A.F.E. TRIP, Science in Agriculture, Food, and the Environment
1012750 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hanson, T. Hanson,Terry AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Aquaponics - A Sustainable Way Forward
1012751 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Dunham, R. Dunham,Rex AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Integrated Graduate Program in Aquatic Quantitative and Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology
1013884 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wilson, A. E. Wilson,Alan E. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Biomanipulation as a tool to enhance aquaculture through the management of toxic cyanobacteria
1013909 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Edmondson, M. A. Chamorro,Manuel AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Recruitment and Support of Veterinarians in Underserved Rural Areas of Kentucky
1013915 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wang, L. Huang,Tung-Shi AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Preventive Controls Training for Small Alabama Fruit and Vegetable Processors Subject to FSMA
1013916 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Arias, C. Hanson,Terry AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Bioeconomics of columnaris vaccines in channel catfish aquaculture
1013990 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Fadamiro, H. Y. Held,David AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Statewide Extension IPM Coordination Program for Auburn University and Alabama Cooperative Extension System 2017-2020
1014305 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Fadamiro, H. Y. Fadamiro,Henry Y. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Development and Implementation of Ecologically-Based Tactics for Managing Key Insect Pests in Cucurbit Production in the Southeast
1014465 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Lucier-Greer, M. J. Lucier-Greer,Mallory Joy AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Military REACH: Applied Research and Intentional Outreach to Support Military Family Readiness
1016939 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Dunham, R. Dunham,Rex AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Effect of Gene Editing of Reproductive Genes on Fertility, Growth, Disease Resistance and Body Composition of Transgenic Catfish
1017252 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Dunham, R. Dunham,Rex AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Genetic Enhancement of Texture and Carcass Traits of Catfish
1017832 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Majumdar, A. Majumdar,Ayanava AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Expansion of the Alabama Beginning Farmer Program Using a Farm Community Cluster Model Integrated with New Educational Tools and Partnerships
1021180 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Jacobson, A. Jacobson,Alana AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Epidemiology And Management Of Cotton Leafroll Dwarf Virus, An Emerging Insect-Transmitted Virus In The Southern U.S
0218002 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Cline, D. J. Cline,David AUBURN UNIV., ALABAMA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SYSTEM AL Developing Online Aquaculture Curricula
0220181 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Crayton, E. F. Laura B Booth AUBURN UNIV., ALABAMA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SYSTEM AL Healthy Homes Initiative Interagency Agreement
0226744 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Morgan, M. V. Morgan,M. Virginia AUBURN UNIV., ALABAMA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SYSTEM AL Restoring Quality of Life - Canopy By Design
0226782 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Graham, L. C. Graham,Lawrence C. AUBURN UNIV., ALABAMA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SYSTEM AL Alabama Pesticide Safety Education Program - 2011
0230629 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Thomas, S. B. Thomas,Sonja Brannon AUBURN UNIV., ALABAMA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SYSTEM AL Auburn University Pesticide Safety Education Program
0231430 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Brown, P. W. Brown,Paul W. AUBURN UNIV., ALABAMA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SYSTEM AL Healthy Homes Initiative Interagency Agreement
1012573 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Garrett, C. Boyd,Tami ATLANTA COMMUNITY FOOD BANK, INC. GA Georgia Food Oasis Atlanta-Fresh Pass Program provides SNAP incentives on fresh fruits and vegetables at markets and retail locations.
0222783 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Stangle, N. W. Stangle, N. W. Athens Land Trust GA Athens, GA Community Garden Network
1004171 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hylton, C. Simmons,Stephanie Athens Land Trust GA West Broad Community Food Project, Athens, GA