Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1020978 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Dabrowski, K. Dabrowski,Konrad OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Induction of Tetraploidy and Gynogenesis to Produce Sterile All-Female Largemouth Bass
1020984 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Tarpy, D. R. Tarpy,David R. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Reducing Honey Bee Pathogens And Improving Colony Health By Mitigating Vertical And Horizontal Transmission Using Ipm Approaches
1020988 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Morrell, P. Morrell,Peter UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Characterizing off-target CRISPR/Cas9 changes in soybean
1020990 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Tyler-Mackey, C. M. Tyler-Mackey,Crystal M VIRGINIA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION, VA POLYTECH INST. VA Preventing and Reducing Opioid Misuse and Abuse In Rural Virginia
1020993 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Chopra, S. Chopra,Surinder PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Flavonoids for Resistance Against Plant Pests
1020997 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Mueller, D. S. Mueller,Daren Shane IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Identifying Soybean Fields at High Risk for Sudden Death Syndrome through Aerial Photography and DNA-based Tools
1021000 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Tucker, J. J. Tucker,Jennifer UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Alfalfa Forage System Management Strategies Social Concepts for Expanding the Integation of Alfalfa into Southern Forage Livestock Operations
1021009 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Brown, A. Chanin,Robin Beth GLOBAL GROWERS NETWORK INC GA Market Ready Farms Collaboration
1021023 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Marutani, M. Marutani,Mari UNIVERSITY OF GUAM UOG STATION GU Enhancement of Research and Internship Experience in Sustainable Agriculture and Food Science at University of Guam
1021025 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Gilliam, J. Biggs,Rosslyn OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY OK Integrated Beef Cattle Program for Veterinarians to Enhance Practice Management and Services
1021027 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Tilmon, K. Tilmon,Kelley OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Prediction and management of Asiatic garden beetle, a pest of corn and other field crops in the Great Lakes region
1021031 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Gleason, M. L. Gleason,Mark L IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Combining advanced spray technology with IPM tactics to sustain apple production
1021046 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Strickland, B. K. Strickland,Bronson K. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Podcasting to Expand Engagement to Private Landowners and Natural Resource Professionals with Natural Resources University
1021056 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Brown, D. N. Brown,David N IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Farm and Ranch Wellness: The Next Steps
1021060 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Loeb, G. M. Loeb,Gregory M. N Y AGRICULTURAL EXPT STATION NY Discovery and Deployment of Repellents for Managing Spotted Wing Drosophila
1021064 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zhang, S. Zhang,Shuping UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Maintaining and Further Improving NAHLN Level 1 Member Lab Capacity and Capabilities
1021066 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Lemos, M. Lemos,Martin NATIONAL YOUNG FARMERS COALITION, INC NY Building an Inclusive and Comprehensive Network for Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance in the Northeast 
1021068 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hay, F. S. Hay,Frank S. N Y AGRICULTURAL EXPT STATION NY Underpinning the Development of an Integrated Disease Management Strategy for Stemphylium Leaf Blight of Onion in New York
1021070 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Roy, N. Roy,Natalie AGRISAFE NETWORK, INC. IA Southern Region Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network
1021075 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Barnes, M. A. Barnes,Matthew A TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY TX Program in Inquiry and Investigation (Pi^2): Food, Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Human Sciences
1021083 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Yoder, N. Yoder,Natalie COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO BOA: Taking High Plains Organic Farming to the Next Level
1021088 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Nottingham, L. B. Nottingham,Louis Bove WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Expanding the IPM Toolbox for Sustainable Pear Production
1021125 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Areta, A. Areta,Aufai AMERICAN SAMOA COMM COLLEGE AS Developing Distance Education at the American Samoa Community College - 2019
1021140 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Chilcote, A. G. Guin,Autumn H. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Powerful Families Powerful Communities (PFPC): Partnering to Prevent Opioid Misuse
1021156 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Casillas, R. Casillas,Rocky MAIN STREET PROJECT, THE MN Success for Farmers of Color Through Urban and Rural Partnerships
1021169 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Fankhauser, T. Karney,Erin Colorado Cattlemen's Association CO Ranching Legacy Program: Providing expanded education and opportunities for Colorado`s young and beginning ranchers
1021176 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Gaines, T. Gaines,Todd COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Developing Non-Chemical Harvest Weed Seed Control Strategies In Dryland Crops
1021180 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Jacobson, A. Jacobson,Alana AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Epidemiology And Management Of Cotton Leafroll Dwarf Virus, An Emerging Insect-Transmitted Virus In The Southern U.S
1021218 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Cranshaw, W. Nachappa,Punya COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Developing Innovative IPM strategies for Hemp Russet Mite Control in Industrial Hemp
1021221 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS McMoran, D. McMoran,Don WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Western Regional Agricultural Stress Assistance Program (WRASAP)