Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1007379 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Brummer, E. Brummer,Edward UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA An experiential learning-based public plant breeding pipeline for organic cultivar development
1013785 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Brummer, E. Brummer,Edward UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Developing regionally-adapted, resilient alfalfa germplasm pools
0186482 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Bruhn, C. M. Bruhn, C. M. UNIV OF CALIFORNIA CA Consumer Food Safety and Food Irradiation Education
0197267 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Bruhn, C. M. Bruhn, C. M. UNIV OF CALIFORNIA CA Multifaceted Food Allergy Education Program
1007343 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hall, J. Broyles,Thomas TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN The Rolling PALACE: Preparing Agriculture Leaders for Action through Capacity-building & Education
0222935 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Broyles, A. E. Broyles,Annette UNITED TRIBES TECHNICAL COLLEGE ND United Tribes Technical College Nutrition and Foodservice Program
0207984 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Broyles, A. E. Broyles, A. E. UNITED TRIBES TECHNICAL COLLEGE ND United Tribes Technical College's Nutrition and Culinary Arts Program
0218977 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Browning, R. Browning,Richard TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Introducing Commercial Meat Goat Production to Minority Farmers in Tennessee and Alabama
1020479 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Brownell, K. Brownell,Kelly DUKE UNIVERSITY NC Project Title: Black North Carolina Youth Pipeline To Food & Agriculture-Driven Health Improvement
0196846 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Brewer, M. Brown-Rytlewski, D. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Research Evaluations of and Outreach for Methyl Bromide Alternatives in Conifer Seedlings and Herbaceous Perennials
0230073 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Brown, W. H. Brown,William Howard CLEMSON UNIVERSITY COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SC Web Based Nutrition Education and Evaluation Reporting System (webNeers)
1009851 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Brown, T. Brown,Tristan R. STATE UNIV OF NEW YORK NY Development of Stochastic Techno-Economic and Life Cycle Models for Quantifying the Economic and Environmental Costs of Cellulosic Bioenergy
1005600 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Brown, S. J. Brown,Susan J KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Developing an Infrastructure and Product Test Pipeline to Deliver Novel Therapies for Citrus Greening Disease
1003718 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Brown, S. R. Brown,Sarah Rose OREGON TILTH INC. OR Growing the Market: Organicology Producer Track
1003528 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Brown, R. Brown,Russell Indian River State College FL Amplifying Awareness of Opportunities for Women and Underrepresented Minorities in STEM
1016836 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Brown, R. C. Brown,Robert C IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Valorization of Biochar: Applications in Anaerobic Digestion, Livestock Odor Control and Plant Growth
1020330 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Brown, R. N. Brown,Rebecca N UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND RI Red Light, Green Light: Assessment of Benefits and Risks from Use of Robotic Laser Scarecrows for Bird Damage Prevention in Specialty Crops
0231430 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Brown, P. W. Brown,Paul W. AUBURN UNIV., ALABAMA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SYSTEM AL Healthy Homes Initiative Interagency Agreement
1006966 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Walker, J. Brown,Kimberly D.C. CENTRAL KITCHEN, INC. (THE) DC Building Collaborative Cross-Sector Infrastructure in the Fight Against Food Deserts
1016674 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Anderson, K. Brown,Kim WHITE EARTH TRIBAL AND COMMUNITY COLLEGE MN Revitalizing Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Geospatial Technology at WETCC
1017101 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Anderson, K. Brown,Kim WHITE EARTH TRIBAL AND COMMUNITY COLLEGE MN Strengthening Anishinaabe Youth and Family Food Literacy by Building Resilience through Culture, Food, and Arts.
1014838 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Brown, J. K. Brown,Judith K. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Biopesticidal dsRNA therapy for psyllid mortality and abatement of vector-mediated CLas transmission
1006115 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Lutzweiler, J. Brown,Jonathan Caprice AARP FOUNDATION DC Large Scale SNAP Incentives at a National Retailer and Farmers` Markets in Mississippi and Tennessee
1000854 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Thill, D. C. Brown,Jack UNIV OF IDAHO ID Canola Research Program Pacific Northwest - FY2013
1009854 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Brown, J. Brown,Jack UNIV OF IDAHO ID Improving canola production and production systems with genetic and agronomic advances to increase canola acreage in the Pacific Northwest.
1021056 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Brown, D. N. Brown,David N IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Farm and Ranch Wellness: The Next Steps
1009913 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Brown, C. D. Brown,Christopher D. AGRICULTURE & LAND-BASED TRAINING ASSOCIATION (ALBA) CA Farmer Education and Enterprise Development (FEED) for beginning, socially-disadvantaged (BSD) farmers in the Salinas Valley
0229394 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Brown, C. Brown,Chris AGRICULTURE & LAND-BASED TRAINING ASSOCIATION (ALBA) CA Creating Beginning Farmer Opportunities in Farm Worker Communities
0226948 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Brown, A. E. Brown,Amy E. UNIV OF MARYLAND MD University of Maryland PSEP activities, FY 11