Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0201269 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Fischer, A. J. Fischer, A. J. UNIV OF CALIFORNIA CA Diversifying Weed Management Options by Using Alternative Rice Establishment Methods
0201268 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Epstein, L. Epstein, L. UNIV OF CALIFORNIA CA The Activity and Suppression of Soil-Borne Pathogens and Pests in Organic vs. Conventional Plots with Conversation vs. Conventional Tillage
0201265 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Parsons, R. L. Parsons, R. L. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Profitability and Transitional Analysis of Northeast Organic Dairy Farms
0201262 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Mohler, C. L. Decker, D. J. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Building on the Best: A Systems Research and Education Partnership for Increased Competitiveness of Organic Grain and Vegetable Farms
0201260 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wang, Z. Rhines, S. P. SAMUEL ROBERTS NOBLE FOUNDATION, INC. OK Gene Flow in Transgenic Tall Fescue and Ryegrasses: Pollen Dispersal and Hybridization Potential with Related Grass Species
0201258 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Heimpel, G. E. Heimpel, G. E. UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Soybean Aphid Suppression Using a Fall-Seeded Rye Cover Crop
0201243 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Rosa, G. J. Rosa, G. J. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Extending the Models for Prediction of Transgene Fate to Incorporate Uncertainty and Validation of the Model
0201234 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Mahler, R. L. Mahler, R. L. UNIV OF IDAHO ID Coordination of Water Quality Programs in the Pacific Northwest
0201220 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Bergfeld, E. Ellen Bergfeld Soil Science Society of America WI USDA-CSREES Soil Science Programs: Stakeholder Listening Session for the National Agenda on Research, Education, and Extension Priorities
0201206 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Altpeter, F. Altpeter, F. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Development and Comparison of Alternative Strategies to Control Dispersal of Transgenic Bahiagrass (Paspalum Notatum) Into Natural Areas
0201204 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Strauss, S. H. Strauss, S. H. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Field Evaluation of Semi-Dwarfism Transgenes for Biosafety of Transgenic Woody Plants
0201196 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Frankenberger, J. R. PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Drainage Water Management Impacts on Nitrate Load, Soil Quality, and Farm Profitability in a Midwestern Watershed
0201193 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Aylor, D. E. Magnarelli, L. A. CONNECTICUT AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION CT Quantifying Aerial Dispersal of Corn (Zea Mays) Pollen
0201186 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Stewart, C. N. Stewart, C. N. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Genetic Load, Fitness, and Competition of Insect Resistant and Tandem Construct Crop x Weed Hybrids
0201163 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Vellidis, G. Vellidis, G. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Understanding & Explaining the Relationships Between Dissolved Oxygen, Water Quality & Stream Ecosystems in the Coastal Plain of Georgia
0201161 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Huber, D. H. Huber, D. H. WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Developing DNA Microarrays for the Microbial Analysis of Anaerobic Digesters
0201160 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Gipson, T. Sahlu, T. LANGSTON UNIVERSITY OK Evaluating and Modeling Extended Lactations in Dairy Goats
0201140 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kleinholz, C. W. Sahlu, T. LANGSTON UNIVERSITY OK Producing a Consumer Acceptable Product from Off-Flavor Catfish (Ictalurus punctatus)
0201139 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ferenz, G. Decker, D. J. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Urban Silviculture
0201138 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wise, J. C. Wise, J. C. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Development and Optimization of Pre- and Post-Harvest Pest Management Strategies in Cherries: A Multi-Tactic Approach
0201128 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wilkerson, G. WILCUT, J. W. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Site-Specific Weed Management to Reduce Herbicide Usage and Enhance Understanding of Weed Ecology in a Corn/Cotton/Peanut System
0201118 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hafer, J. Hafer, J. CHIEF DULL KNIFE COLLEGE MT Ongoing Higher Education Programming/Efforts, as Related to Tribal College/1994 Land Grant Institutions
0201102 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Mitra, M. Mitra, M. UNIV OF MARYLAND EASTERN SHORE MD Nutritional Surveys of Uncultivated Sea Vegetables from the Chincoteague Bay
0201101 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Mmbaga, M. T. Mmbaga, M. T. TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Evaluation of Phytophthora Disease and Sudden Oak Death Syndrome in Tennessee Nurseries
0201099 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Agnew, W. Agnew, W. UNITED TRIBES TECHNICAL COLLEGE ND United Tribes Technical College's Nutrition On-Line Course and Degree Development
0201096 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Johnson, A. B. Johnson, A. B. ALCORN STATE UNIVERSITY MS Building Human Capacity and Enhancing Watershed Research at Alcorn State University
0201072 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Landis, D. A. DiFonzo, C. D. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Soybean Aphid in the North Central US: Implementing IPM at the Landscape Scale
0201063 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Scherm, H. Scherm,Harald W UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Advancing IPM and Reducing Pesticide Risks in Eastern Peaches
0201062 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Mullens, B. A. Mullens, B. A. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA CA House Fly Behavior and Improving IPM in Confined Animal Systems