Project Listing

Sponsoring Agency:USDA - NIFA

As NIFA transitions to a new reporting system, the NIFA Reporting System, the AREERA Plans of Work and Annual Reports of Accomplishments, and their data, may not be immediately available in NIFA's standard reports.

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Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0216475 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Darien, B. Darien, BE. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Noni Porcine Boost(TM) for Gestating & Lactating Sows: Effect of Immunity and Production
0216420 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Jones, C. Jones, CL, J. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Virus host interactions that regulate the latency-reactivation cycle of bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV-1).
0216363 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Flaminio, J. Gilmour, R. F. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY The role of hyperimmune plasma in the neutralization of Rhodococcus equi
0216327 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Lescun, T. B. Lescun, TI, B. PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Use of finite element modeling for orthopedic conditions in the horse.
0216206 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Kegley, E. Kegley, E. UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Effect of Nutrition and Management on Health, Immunity, and Growth Performance of Weaned Beef Cattle
0216084 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH colahan, P. T. Colahan, P. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Exercise Physiology of Thoroughbred Horses Undergoing Athletic Training and the Pharmacology of Medications Administered to Them
0216054 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Grooms, D. Grooms, DA. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI A Programmed Approach to BVD Eradication in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan Beef and Dairy Herds
0216027 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Degraves, F. Morscher, M. L. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY - VET MED OH Molecular epidemiology of campylobacter jejuni in processed cattle
0216026 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Rajala-Schultz, P. Morscher, M. L. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY - VET MED OH Antimicrobial resistance of staphylococci isolated from bovine milk over the dry period
0215877 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Fecteau, M. Salsbury, P. UNIV OF PENNSYLVANIA PA Antimicrobial activity of gallium nitrate against Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) in neonatal calves.
0215876 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Althouse, G. Salsbury, P. UNIV OF PENNSYLVANIA PA Improving Cryopreservation of Boar Sperm Promotes Swine Herd Health
0215874 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Schifferli, D. Salsbury, P. UNIV OF PENNSYLVANIA PA A new probiotic for E. coli infections of nursery pigs
0215851 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Hardy, M. E. Hardy, M. E. MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Understanding mechanisms of rotavirus immune evasion strategies
0215466 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Thain, D. Thain, DA. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA NV Improving Range Cattle Health Through DNA Paternity Identification
0215338 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Freeman, D. E. Freeman, D. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Effects of Acetylcysteine on In Vivo Repair of Ischemic Injured Equine Large Colon
0215225 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Smyth, J. A. Smyth, J. UNIV OF CONNECTICUT CT Investigation of Avian Circovirus Infection and Attempted Development of an Infection Study Model of Circovirus Infection in Ducks or Geese
0214657 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Hall, J. A. Hall, J. A. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Organic & Inorganic Selenium Supplements in Sheep: Bioavailability & Immunity
0214650 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Chebel, R. C. Chebel, R. UNIV OF CALIFORNIA (VET-MED) CA Resynchronization Strategies to Improve Fertility in Lactating Dairy Cows Utilizing a Presynchronization Injection of GnRH or Supplemental Progesterone
0214649 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Cardona, C. Cardona, C. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA The pathogenesis of viral disease of poultry
0214525 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Findly, R. C. Findly, R. C. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Cutaneous antibody secreting cells and b cells in a teleost fish
0214448 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Hase, C. Hase, C. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Role of secreted metalloproteases produced by marine Vibrio species in shellfish disease
0214446 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Langdon, C. Langdon, C. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Elimination of Vibrio Tubiashii toxins from seawater delivered to oyster hatcheries
0214445 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Rockey, D. D. Rockey, D. D. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Global transcriptional analysis of Renibacterium salmoninarum
0214444 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Cannon, M. J. Cannon, M. J. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Evaluation of the effects of PGF2 on the IL-2/IL-2 receptor system in bovine T lymphocytes
0214303 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Coyne, C. Coyne, C. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Justification of Molecular Pathways for Preventing Apoptosis and Lethal Injury Induced by Hypoxia and Ischemia in Diseases States Affecting Li
0214157 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Pinchuk, L. Pinchuk, L. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS The effect of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Viruses on the expression of proteins related to professional antigen presentation and anti-viral defense
0214156 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Johnson, T. Johnson, TI, JA. UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN ColV plasmids in the poultry production environment: prevalence, properties and dissemination
0214141 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Johnson, T. J. Johnson, TI, JA. UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN ColV plasmids in the poultry production environment: prevalence, properties and dissemination
0213989 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Lamberson, W. R. William R. Lamberson UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Preventing Heat-induced Male Infertility with Medicinal Herbs