Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1019270 REVISED HATCH Strawn, LA, K.. Strawn, LA, K.. VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Enhancing Microbial Food Safety by Risk Analysis
1014730 REVISED HATCH Stroock, AB, D. Stroock, AB. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY A New Foundation for Digital Irrigation Scheduling in Apple Orchards
1019888 REVISED HATCH Subramanian, SE, . Subramanian, SE. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Imaging and informatics for crop-microbial interactions
0227357 REVISED HATCH Sullivan, C. V. Sullivan, CR, VI. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Selective Breeding of Striped Bass: Molecular Bases of Egg Quality
1018193 REVISED HATCH Sun, XI, SU. Sun, XI, SU. KANSAS STATE UNIV KS The Science and Engineering for a Biobased Industry and Economy
0220453 REVISED HATCH Sung, Z. Sung, Z. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY CA Epigenetic mechanism of EMF-mediated floral and seed repression
1012892 REVISED HATCH Sunkar, RA, . Sunkar, RA. OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY OK The Molecular Basis of Salt Tolerance in Rice
1021584 REVISED HATCH Szalanski, A. Szalanski, A. UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Sustainable Solutions to Problems Affecting Bee Health
1013493 REVISED HATCH Tabashnik, BR, . Tabashnik, BR, E.. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Understanding and Managing Insects to Improve the Quality of Life
1004011 REVISED HATCH Taylor, J. Taylor, JO, W.. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY CA Fungal Evolution: Pathogen, symbiont and saprobe population genetics/genomics and identification
1001909 REVISED HATCH Taylor, L. Taylor, L. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Measuring Land-use Externalities
1012615 REVISED HATCH Tekiela, DA, R.. Tekiela, DA, R.. UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Detection, management, and prioritization of invasive plant species in rangeland systems
1017307 REVISED HATCH Teske, J, . Teske, JE. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Nutrient Bioavailability--Phytonutrients and Beyond
0027219 REVISED HATCH Thill, D. Thill, D. UNIV OF IDAHO ID Multistate Research Coordination, Western Region
1002471 REVISED HATCH Thompson, GA, . Thompson, GA, DA. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Economic Analysis of Agriculture and Natural Resources in Arizona
1014800 REVISED HATCH Thompson, JA, . Thompson, JA. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Enhancing the Competitiveness and Value of U.S. Beef
1020756 REVISED HATCH Threlfall, RE, TE. Threlfall, RE, TE. UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Physicochemical and marketability evaluations of fresh and processed specialty crops
1018515 REVISED HATCH Thune, R. Thune, RO. LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA The Biology and Control of Aquatic Animal Diseases
1012578 REVISED HATCH Tian, DI, . Tian, DI. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Hydro-climate analytics and modeling for sustainable water and agronomic management
1020611 REVISED HATCH Tian, MI, . Tian, MI. UNIV OF HAWAII HI Pathogenicity Mechanisms and Control of Economically Important Plant Pathogenic Oomycetes
1021479 REVISED HATCH Timmons, MI, B. Mattson, NE. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Resource Optimization in Controlled Environment Agriculture
1019869 REVISED HATCH Tisa, LO, S.. Tisa, LO, S.. UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE NH Functional Genomic Approaches toward Understanding the Frankia-Actinorhizal Plant Association and their Responses to Harsh Environments
0224109 REVISED HATCH Toensmeyer, UL. Toensmeyer, UL. UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE DE Assessing the Consumer Behavior, Market Coordination and Performance of the Consumer-Oriented Fruit and Vegetable Sector
1020044 REVISED HATCH Tomich, J. Tomich, JO. KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Biotechnology Core Laboratory
1014346 REVISED HATCH Tonsor, GL. Tonsor, GL. KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Enhancing the Competitiveness and Value of U.S. Beef
1021425 REVISED HATCH Topham, GL, . Topham, GL. KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Parental practices supporting positive eating behaviors during independent eating occasions among early adolescent children
1019202 REVISED HATCH Torrion, JE, . Torrion, JE. MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT The Physiology of Crop Resource-use Efficiency
1015234 REVISED HATCH Tracy, JO, C.. Tracy, JO, C.. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Research, Education and Outreach Programs to Manage and Protect Water Resources Throughout Texas
1014661 REVISED HATCH Trandafir, SI, . Trandafir, SI. UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND RI Costs and Benefits of Natural Resources on Public and Private Lands: Management, Economic Valuation, and Integrated Decision-Making
0195421 REVISED HATCH Tredway, L. Tredway, L. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Etiology, Epidemiology, and Management of Turfgrass Diseases in North Carolina