Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0227115 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Bovell-Benjamin, A. Bovell-Benjamin,Adelia TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY AL Third International Food and Nutrition Conference (IFNC 2011)
1007342 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kilonzo-Nthenge, A. Kilonzo-Nthenge,Agnes TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Third Party Audits and Certification to Empower Small and Medium-sized Produce Growers in Tennessee and Maryland
1003378 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kowalczak, C. Kowalczak,Courtney FOND DU LAC TRIBAL AND COMMUNITY COLLEGE MN Thirteen Moons Extension Program
0222865 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kowalczak, C. Kowalczak,Courtney FOND DU LAC TRIBAL AND COMMUNITY COLLEGE MN Thirteen Moons: The Fond du Lac Tribal College Extension Program
1020828 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Fitzmorris, K. Fitzmorris,Kailey FLYIN' 3 VETERINARY SERVICE, INC. KS This grant is to purchase veterinary equipment tot allow for new and more complete services to be added to our under served community.
1014063 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Gaskalla, L. Gaskalla,Lisa NATIONAL AGRICULTURE IN THE CLASSROOM ORGANIZATION (NAITC) INC. FL This grant provides support to strengthen state Agriculture in the Classroom programs nationwide to increase agricultural literacy among K-12 students.
1006202 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Cornia, G. L. Cornia,Gina Louise UTAHNS AGAINST HUNGER UT This is an incentive program to increase fruit & vegetable consumption among SNAP recipients by matching benefits spent at farmers markets.
0227782 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Coupland, J. N. Coupland,John Neil PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Thought for Food: Training scientists who can translate basic research into healthy foods
1027545 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS BYRD, T. BYRD,TATJANA EARTH CHARTER INDIANA, INC. IN Thriving Schools Challenge: School Gardens for Youth Leadership & Food Equity
1006970 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Tilsen, N. Means,Tatewin THUNDER VALLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION SD Thunder Valley Sustainable Agriculture Demonstration Project
0218008 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Vermillion, S. E. Farrenkopf,Tina M. FIRST NATIONS DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE CO Time For The Harvest: Renewing Native American Food Systems
1023990 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Sneed, C. T. Sneed,Christopher T. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE EXTENSION TN Time to Talk: Facilitating Cost of Care Conversations
0227053 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Papes, M. Papes,Monica OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY OK Time-critical assessment of potential distribution of the Bagrada bug (Bagrada hilaris), a new and emergent crop plant pest in the U.S.
0210590 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Short-Azure, M. M. Short-Azure, M. M. TURTLE MOUNTAIN COMMUNITY COLLEGE ND TMCC Improving Family Health through Gardening
0222908 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hamley, M. R. Hamley,Mark TURTLE MOUNTAIN COMMUNITY COLLEGE ND TMCC Special Emphasis:Small Acreage Development Project
1017707 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Nienhueser, V. Nienhueser,Vanissa MOUNTAIN LEGACY VETERINARY SERVICES, LLC CO To demonstrate our commitment to the ranching community while providing excellent veterinary care and customer service with the common goal of ranch sustainability in a rural mountain town.
1018156 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Mehlhorn, J. Mehlhorn,Joey UNIV OF TENNESSEE TN To develop a seamless transition from an associate degree to a university will help increase the quality of the states’ workforce and improve economic development especially in rural areas.
0207771 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Thomas, V. D. Thomas,Verian D. FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL To Establish a Model Capstone Internship in Food Science
0229467 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Martin, J. Martin,Jennifer UNIV OF CONNECTICUT CT To help beginner farmers in CT scale up their farm enterprises through new farm management training and access to technical expertise
1016662 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Rodriguez, A. RODRIGUEZ,ANA G CORPORACIN JUVENIL PARA EL DESARROLLO DE COMUNIDADES SOSTENIBLES PR To recruit and aid beginning farmers in Puerto Rico so that through technical assistance they can improve their success in farming
0219631 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Mullens, B. A. Mullens,Bradley Alan UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE CA To Repel or Kill: A Population Ecology Approach to Developing a New Model for Horn Fly Management in Beef and Dairy Cattle Systems
0226677 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hubbard, M. Hubbard,Martha Tompkins Cortland Community College NY Tompkins Cortland Comm. College Bioenergy Program Planning Conf. for creation of ACRES- Ag. Consortia on Renewable Energy & Sustainability
0222571 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS King, R. P. King,Robert UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Tools for Organic Transition: Financial Data and Educational Resources for Farmers and Agricultural Professionals
1020221 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Bonogofsky, A. Bonogofsky,Alexis QUIVIRA COALITION NM Tools for successful agricultural apprenticeships on large-landscapes.
0222446 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Nowak, P. NOWAK,PETER UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Tools Integrating Landuser Management Decisions with Watershed Processes to Achieve Water Quality Goals
0225738 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Went, R. T. Went,Richard T The Rhode Island Association of Conservation Districts RI Tools of the Trade:Meeting the Needs of Today`s New Peri-urban Farmers in Rhode Island and Southern New England
1012069 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Millman, S. T. Millman,Suzanne T IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Tools to develop animal welfare knowledge and skills for the next generation of food animal veterinarians.
0230536 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS McKay, M. McKay,Mike BLACKFEET COMMUNITY COLLEGE MT Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH) Fingerprint of the Blackfeet Reservation