Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0215532 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Capareda, S. C. Capareda, S. C. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Preparing Underrepresented Scholars for Challenges in Agriculture Bioenergy and Sustainability-A Research and Leadership PhD Program
0227760 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Capalbo, S. Capalbo,Susan OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Graduate Education in the Economics of Mitigating and Adapting to Climate Change: Evaluating Tradeoffs, Resiliency and Uncertainty in Natur
1008820 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Cao, H. Cao,Huantian UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE DE Textile and apparel curriculum development for a sustainable future
1018092 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Cao, D. Cao,Deng Central State University OH All-in-One Organic Weed and Crop Disease Management Using Directed Energy and Convolutional Neural Networks
0226621 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Canales, J. Canales,JoAnn TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY-CORPUS CHRISTI TX Connecting Underrepresented Latinos To Integrate Values and Academic Resources (Cultivar) Project
1007736 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Canales, J. Canales,JoAnn TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY-CORPUS CHRISTI TX CULTIVAR iPlus [Connecting Underrepresented Latinos To Integrate Values and Academic Resources incorporating social media technologies]
0224128 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Campbell, W. W. Campbell,Wayne PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Interdepartmental Nutrition Program at Purdue Fellowship Application in the Discipline of Human Nutrition and the Area of Obesity and Diet
0230496 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Campbell, S. J. Hatch,Marco B. NORTHWEST INDIAN COLLEGE WA Effects Of Nutrient, Sediment And Bacterial Pollution On Salish Sea Waters, And Potential Implications Of Climate Change
0222264 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Cammack, K. M. Cammack,Kristi Marie UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Opportunities for Education and Research Enhancements Through Partnerships with New Zealand
1023142 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Camhi, A. L. Camhi,Ashley L ARIZONA SUSTAINABILITY ALLIANCE AZ K-12 Vertical Farm to Market Program
0193805 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Calvin, D. D. Calvin, D. D. PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA A Site-Specific Field Corn IPM Program that Incorporates Transgenic Technology
0226563 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Calvert, M. C. Calvert,Matthew C UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - EXTENSION WI Wisconsin Bad River Reservation FRTEP Project
0218834 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Calsoyas, K. Calsoyas, K. DEVELOPING INNOVATIONS IN NAVAJO EDUCATION, INC. AZ Western Navajo Nation Agricultural Restoration Project
0219844 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Calsoyas, K. Calsoyas, K. DEVELOPING INNOVATIONS IN NAVAJO EDUCATION, INC. AZ Western Navajo Nation Beginning Farmers & Ranchers Project
0225472 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Calsoyas, K. Calsoyas,Kyril DEVELOPING INNOVATIONS IN NAVAJO EDUCATION, INC. AZ Western Navajo Nation Commercial Farms Project
1027223 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Calixto, A. Calixto,Alejandro CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Integrated Pest Management Program for New York State, 2021-2024
1014013 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Calfo, C. Calfo,Cathy CALIFORNIA CERTIFIED ORGANIC FARMERS INC. CA Fulfilling FSMA Requirements: PSA Training Courses & Technical Assistance for Small and Organic Growers
1027463 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Caley, M. Caley,Megan SPROUT CITY FARMS, INC. CO Agrivoltaic Incubator Project for Specialty Crop Production in Colorado
1013984 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Caldwell, J. M. Caldwell,James Marcus UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Supporting Early Career Veterinarians in Rural Practice in Tennessee
1001226 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Caldwell, J. D. Shanks,Bruce LINCOLN UNIVERSITY MO Students Training Students: Educating Tomorrow's Consumers Today
0219195 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Caldwell, D. J. Caldwell,David J. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Preparing Underrepresented Scholars for Challenges in Poultry Food Safety???A Research, Internship, and Leadership Development M.S. Program
1013968 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Caldwell, C. M. Kutka,Frank COLLEGE OF MENOMINEE NATION WI Menominee Agricultural Practices, Historical Perceptions and Late Prehistoric Reality
1016713 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Caldwell, C. M. Edler,Rebecca COLLEGE OF MENOMINEE NATION WI Advancing and Supporting Indigenous Perspectives of Sustainability at Home and Beyond
0230110 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Caldwell, C. Caldwell,Christopher M. COLLEGE OF MENOMINEE NATION WI Measuring Pulse of the Forest: Assessing Adaptation and Mitigation of Tribal Sustainable Forestry and Communities to Climate Change
1021520 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Caldwell, C. Edler,Rebecca COLLEGE OF MENOMINEE NATION WI Indicators of Menominee forest responses to climate change
0190693 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Calderone, N. Decker, D. J. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY IPM for the Invasive Africanized Honey Bee and the Parasitic Bee Mite, Varroa Destructor
0222546 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Calderon, L. Calderon, Laura California State University, Los Angeles CA Strengthening and Expanding a Public Health/Community Nutrition Focus in the CSULA Nutritional Science Curriculum
0211715 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Cain, S. A. Cain, S. A. PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN National EDEN Homeland Security Initiative V
0219647 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Cain, S. Cain, S. T. PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN EDEN Homeland Security Initiative VI: Strengthening EDEN`s Role in Homeland Security, Food and Ag Defense, and All-Hazard Education
0230885 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Cain, S. Cain,Steve PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN EDEN Homeland Security Initiative IX: EDEN`s Role in Homeland Security, Food and Ag Defense and All Hazard Education