Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1010780 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Royster, E. Royster,Erin UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Support for further development and implementation of web-based educational materials in dairy production medicine and food safety
0208489 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Batterson, T. Batterson, T. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Support for National NADA Coordinator
1007479 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Edwards, L. M. Edwards,Laura May SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Support for the 2015 National Association of County Agricultural Agents (NACAA) Professional Improvement Conference, Sioux Falls, SD
0220043 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Arnold, C. L. Arnold,Chester UNIV OF CONNECTICUT CT Support of NIWQP Research, Education and Extension Outreach through Geospatial Technology Training
1023458 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Dimitri, C. Dimitri,Carolyn New York University NY Supporting a Vibrant Organic Sector through Economic Analysis: A Research and Extension Needs
0226054 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Riley, J. M. Riley,John M MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Supporting Agricultural Education Students as Beginning Farmers and Ranchers
0222580 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Martinez, E. Martinez,Edward Albert NEW MEXICO HIGHLANDS UNIVERSITY NM Supporting Agriculture in Science and Education
1016805 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Nixon, K. Nixon,Katie WEST CENTRAL MISSOURI COMMUNITY ACTION AGENCY MO Supporting Beginning Farmers in Scaling-up into Wholesale Production
1013984 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Caldwell, J. M. Caldwell,James Marcus UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Supporting Early Career Veterinarians in Rural Practice in Tennessee
0213822 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Allen, E. E. Allen, E. GLOUCESTER COUNTY COLLEGE NJ Supporting Equine Education Development (SEED)
1017498 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Solenberger, D. Itta,Natasha Eqagin ILISAGVIK COLLEG AK Supporting Extension and Outreach Capacity on the North Slope of Alaska
1017208 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Feenstra, G. DiCaprio,Erin UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Supporting FSMA compliance for Californias regional food hubs through training and technical assistance
1017418 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Oi, F. M. Oi,Faith M UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Supporting Homeowner IPM Programs
0222523 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Chamberlin, B. Chamberlin,Barbara NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY NM Supporting Instruction in Soil and Plant Sciences: Filling the Gaps in Key STEM Understanding for Undergraduate Students
1013932 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Sandler, H. A. Sandler,Hilary A UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Supporting IPM on Diverse Massachusetts Farms through the Integration of Applied Res & Ext Outreach
0225722 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Dwyer, A. Dwyer,Andrea Seattle Tilth Association WA Supporting Refugees and Immigrants to Farm Successfully in the Puget Sound
1026814 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Silveri, J. M. Silveri,Jennifer Marie MICHIGAN FOOD AND FARMING SYSTEMS MI Supporting the Next Mission: Training Veterans to be the Next Generation of American Beekeeper
0223553 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Opheim, T. Opheim, T. PRACTICAL FARMERS OF IOWA IA Supporting the Surge of Beginning Iowa Farmers
1016914 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Giraldo, M. C. Giraldo,Martha C. UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO AT MAYAGUEZ PR Supporting Tropical Agriculture Research by the Acquisition of Cutting-Edge Technology for Phytopathology Laboratories in Puerto Rico
1023412 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS ZIMMERMAN, T. W. Zimmerman,Thomas W UNIV OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VI Supporting Undergraduate Research Opportunities in Agriculture
1027670 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Forbes, C. Forbes,Cory UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT ARLINGTON TX Supporting Undergraduate Teaching and Learning about Socio-Hydrological Challenges through Data-Driven Modeling in the FANH Sciences
1020606 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Rudi Polloshka, J. Lathrop,Amanda CAL POLY CORPORATION CA Supporting underserved California leafy-green producers` FSMA compliance, through interdisciplinary food safety, communication and marketing training
0199889 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Rayas-Duarte, P. Rayas-Duarte, P. OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY OK Surveying and Evaluating Biosecurity of U.S. Grain Storage, Processing and Transportation Facilitates. Phase II
0223029 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS thomas, M. T. Thomas,Michael H FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL Surveying Human Subjects: A Teaching Application Using Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
0207594 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Sofos, J. N. Sofos, J. N. COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Survival and Cooking Inactivation of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Nonintact Beef Products
0211621 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Tegegne, F. Tegegne,Fisseha TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Survival Strategies for Small and Minority Farms through Educational and Outreach
0230746 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Jackson, B. D. Jackson,Ben D UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Sustain the Strength, Innovation and Continuity of the eXtension Wood Energy Community of Practice
0187491 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Dennehy, T. J. Dennehy, T. J. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Sustainability of Bt Cotton in the Southwest
1011906 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ervin, E. H. Scherer,Hannah H VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Sustainability Scholars Program: Increasing underrepresented student success through experiential learning
0223300 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Welton, W. M. Welton,William HASKELL INDIAN NATIONS UNIVERSITY KS Sustainability through Recruitment, Retention and Research