Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0204517 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Rouse, R. E. Rouse, R. E. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Adaptation of Low-Chill Peaches to Tropical and Subtropical Regions
0197908 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Vincent, D. L. Vincent, D. L. UNIV OF HAWAII HI Hawaii Agricultural Diversification 2003 - New Crop/Product Development and Marketing
0188061 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT MacRae, I. V. MacRae, I. V. UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Site Specific Management of Potato Virus Vectors
0193330 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Cavalieri, R. P. Cavalieri, R. P. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Grass Seed Cropping Systems for a Sustainable Agriculture
0222989 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Pascual, D. W. Pascual, D. W. MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Brucellosis Vaccine, MT
0214804 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Brown, J. K. Brown,Judith K UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Integrated management and regional GIS mapping of the Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus-vector complex in the Desert Southwest
0219824 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Staudhammer, C. L. Staudhammer,Christina Lynn UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Spatial Distribution of Invasive horticultural Woody Plants in Urban Landscaptes
0207968 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Teel, P. Teel, P. D. TEXAS A&M UNIV TX Validation of Fecal NIRS Technology for Tick Management on Range Cattle
0201089 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Neilson, J. T. Neilson, J. T. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Tropical Subtropical Agricultural Research (TSTAR) - Caribbean Management Grant
0204430 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Kim, Y. Yong Soo Kim UNIV OF HAWAII HI Investigation of Molecular Mechanisms Regulation Skeletal Muscle Growth Using Microarray Analysis
0197464 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Phillips, T. Phillips, T. OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY OK Improvement and Field Validation of an Attract-and-Kill Bait Station for the Indianmeal Moth
0187929 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Sundin, G. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Controlling Fire Blight Disease of Apple Trees
0193049 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Ullman, D. E. Ullman, D. E. UNIV OF CALIFORNIA CA Molecular Characterization of Citrus Tristeza Virus Isolates After Transmission by Aphis gossypii, A. spiraecola and Toxoptera citricida
0222930 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Walsh, D. B. Walsh, D. B. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA IPM Adoption: Motivations, Barriers, and Subjective Risk Assessments in Contract Agriculture
0214776 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT NeSmith, D. S. NeSmith, D. S. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Initiative To Improve Blueberry Production Efficiency And Fruit Quality
0219434 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Toews, M. D. Toews, M. D. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Cotton Insect Management and Fiber Quality
0214499 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Zink-Sharp, A. Zink-Sharp, A. VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Sustainable Engineered Materials from Renewable Resources:Advanced Forest Management Linked with Innovative Bio-Based Materials
0207461 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Mullens, B. A. Reyes, C. J. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA CA Economic Analysis of Host-Based Poultry Ectoparasite Control
0200787 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Burridge, M. J. Burridge, M. J. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Development of a Pheromone Based Decoy Technology for Control of Cayenne Ticks (Amblyomma Cajennense) in Trinidad
0204426 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Xiong, Z. Xiong, Z. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Genome Typing of Citrus Tristeza Virus Using Resequencing Microarrays
0197407 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Hinkle, N. C. Hinkle, N. C. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Impacts on Pest Arthropods of In-House Manure Composting in Commercial High-Rise Layer Houses
0187910 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Sargeant, J. M. Sargeant, J. M. KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Ecology of E-coli 0157:H7 in Beef Cow-Calf Operations from Ranch through Feedlot
0192253 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Johnson, L. A. Good, C. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Use of Enzymes to Enhance Soybean Ingredients in Food and Industrial Products
0222399 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Nkedi-Kizza, P. Nkedi-Kizza,Peter UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Characterization of Imidacloprid Fate and Transport During Management of Citrus Greening
0219406 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Andersen, P. C. Andersen,Peter C. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Potential Effects of Xylella Fastidiosa on shade coffee establishment in Puerto Rico
0214268 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT O'Connell, M. A. O'Connell, M. A. NEW MEXICO STATE UNIV NM Cataloging Genes Associated with Drought and Disease Resistance, NM
0207455 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT McCown, B. H. McCown, B. H. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Strengthening Wisconsin's Pasture-based Farming Industry Through Directed Research
0200773 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Walgenbach, J. F. Walgenbach, J. F. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Management of Twospotted Spider Mite on Vegetables in a Multicrop Agroecosystem
0204056 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Stiegert, K. W. Stiegert, K. W. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI The Organization, Regulation and Performance of the U. S. Food System
0196476 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Pillai, S. D. Pillai, S. D. TEXAS A&M UNIV TX National Center for Electron Beam Food Research