Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1017438 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Parajulee, M. Parajulee,Megha TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Developing Insect-Pest Management Strategies in Water-Deficit Cotton Production Systems: Management Recommendations for Production Sustainability
1017441 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Pinero Ramirez, J. P. Pinero Ramirez,Jaime P. UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Developing a multi life-stage management strategy for apple maggot, a persistent tree fruit pest in the Northeast, through the integration of attract-and-kill and biological control.
1017446 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Peres, N. A. Peres,Natalia A R UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Thermotherapy For Non-Chemical Management Of Cryptic Infections Of Strawberry Transplants And Emerging Fungicide Resistant Populations
1017447 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Crocker, E. V. Crocker,Ellen Veronica UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY HealthyWoods: a new mobile app tool to guide landowners in forest health assessment and invasive species management
1017451 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Frank, S. Frank,Steven D. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Incorporating hardscape and pest resistant genotypes into urban tree IPM
1017464 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Sulzer, S. H. Prevedel,Suzanne UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Opioid Harm Reduction: A Culturally Responsive Curriculum for Rural Utah
1017469 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Jabbour, R. Jabbour,Randa UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Integration of early harvest with biological control for sustainable alfalfa production
1017474 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Martin, K. Martin,Kenneth E. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Preventing Opioid Misuse and Abuse in Rural Ohio through Enhanced Family and Community Education and Training
1017480 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Doughty, S. Doughty,Stella FOODCORPS, INC. OR FoodCorps’ Food and Agriculture Service Implementation Project
1017484 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Perez, A. C. Perez,Angelique FOOD LITERACY PROJECT AT OXMOOR FARM KY Nourishing Food Literacy, Community Health and Sense of Place in Louisville, KY
1017497 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hanson, M. Humphrey,Esther C LEECH LAKE TRIBAL COLLEGE MN Community Health and Vitality: Improved Well-being Through an Indigenous Lens
1017498 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Solenberger, D. Itta,Natasha Eqagin ILISAGVIK COLLEG AK Supporting Extension and Outreach Capacity on the North Slope of Alaska
1017499 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Evans, C. W. Evans,Christopher W. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL Integrating Established and Novel Strategies for Forest Health and Invasive Species Education and Extension Programming in the Eastern U.S.
1017508 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Coatsworth, J. D. Riggs,Nathaniel COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Empowering Youth and Families in Rural Colorado: Implementing SFP 10-14 to Prevent Opioid Misuse
1017512 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wilner, S. Wilner,Seth UNH Cooperative Extension NH Benchmarks for Northeast High-Value Agricultural Sectors
1017513 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kozich, A. T. Kozich,Andrew T. KEWEENAW BAY OJIBWA COMMUNITY COLLEGE MI Assessing the extent, movement, and concentration of groundwater arsenic contamination in the L`Anse Indian Reservation
1017514 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kozich, A. T. Kozich,Andrew T. KEWEENAW BAY OJIBWA COMMUNITY COLLEGE MI Expanding a Surface Water Monitoring Program in the L`Anse Indian Reservation and Ceded Territory
1017526 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Landry, D. Nez,Felix BLACKFEET COMMUNITY COLLEGE MT Blackfeet Community College Extension Outreach
1017528 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Isaacs, R. Isaacs,Rufus MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Development and demonstration of short and long term strategies for management of the resurgent blueberry stem gall wasp
1017532 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Esters, L. Esters,Levon PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Building Empowered Leader- scholars through Intentional mEntoring for InculsiVe Excellence in Food, Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Human Sciences (B.E.L.I.E.V.E)
1017556 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Smith, A. Smith,Amy UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Growing North Minneapolis: Building Community-Based Food Systems Through Experiential Agricultural Education
1017558 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Willis, J. L. Grebner,Donald L. FOREST AND WILDLIFE RES CENTER MS Bringing Small Private Landowners of the Mid-Gulf Region Back into the Mix
1017572 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Yanni, S. Yanni,Steve BAY MILLS COMMUNITY COLLEGE MI Michigan Indian Country Extension Initiative
1017576 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Henderson, J. Mosiman,Amanda PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Advancing Agrosecurity and Community Resilience through Collaboration, Capacity-Building and Extension Program Innovation
1017578 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Yanni, S. Yanni,Steve BAY MILLS COMMUNITY COLLEGE MI Bay Mills Extension Services
1017592 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Mowrer, M. E. Mowrer,Mary E STONEHOUSE VETERINARY SERVICE LLC OH OH182 Enhancing the Level of Veterinary Service in Rural Eastern Ohio
1017593 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Bryant, H. Bryant,Heather UNH Cooperative Extension NH Assisting Maple Syrup Producers to Comply with the Preventive Controls for Human Food Rule of FSMA
1017596 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ward, H. Ward,Heidi ARKANSAS COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE AR UA Cooperative Extension Service Food Animal Medicine Workshop Series: Utilizing Extension to Provide Continuing Education for the Expansion of Veterinary Services in Shortage Situations
1017603 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Nielsen, A. L. Nielsen,Anne RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY NJ Leveraging pest behavior for implementation of biological control for plum curculio